All Files > Page 2667

Shorts Tucano.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.67Mb (2744 downloads)
Shorts Tucano.
Tucano is one of the world's most successful turbo-prop trainers.
Originaly from Brazil (the Embraer EMB-312 Tucano), the two
seater basic jet trainer could carry up to 1000kg of armament,
and could acheive a maximum speed of 278mph at 10,000ft with
it's Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6A-25C turbo prop engine. I
designed this Shorts Tucano T.MK.1 with FSDS 2, it's my first
creation but I have tried to make it good to fly. This plane
has animated landing gear, working lights, animated virtual
cocpit with moving roof and an animated pilot who's arm comes
apart when the joystick is moved! Happy flying! Designed by
Ben Pooley. 1.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300 Hawaiian International Virtual
Airlines livery
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.27Mb (2998 downloads)
Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300 Hawaiian International Virtual
Airlines livery.
New passengers bay interior and new lighting effects. If you
feel to make a nice flight over the Hawaiian islands... here's
the perfect plane! Includes a new Ver 4.2.5 Panel and Sound
Package. Includes all the latest updates with new exit door
sounds,Taxi gauge & more by Premier Aircraft.Design. The Aircraft
included, a DHC6-300 Twin Otter made completely in Gmax with
wing views, Exit doors, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc.
Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell and Samy Fay. 20.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300, Winair
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.09Mb (4214 downloads)
Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300, Winair Reg_ID:
PJ-WIM. Includes a new Ver 4.2 Panel and Sound Package. Includes
all the latest updates with new exit door sounds ,Taxi gauge
& more by Premier Aircraft.Design. The Aircraft included,
a DHC6-300 Twin Otter made completely in Gmax with wing views,
Exit doors, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Project by
Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob May. 20MB
Update: Panel Update for by Barry Blaisdell Premier Aircraft. 712K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
2004 Hummelbird SAA-VA repaint version.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.02Mb (3653 downloads)
2004 Hummelbird SAA-VA repaint version. This
is an all-aluminium homebuilt aircraft powered by a half VW
engine. It is a marvelous aeroplane that flies like magic. It
was designed by Morrey Hummel. I bought one and I have flown
about 80 hours on it. It is stable, fast, inexpensive, easy
to maintain, almost too good to be true. This model was built
by Newton Drumond with a little help from Fern Marques (me),
and I can tell you that it flies just like the real one! It
features all moving parts, and the panel texture is a photo
of my real one. Sound is the Sopwith Camel, very similar to
a VW cut in half, indeed. Just unzip into any temporary folder
and move to your "Aircraft" folder. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Dehavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter. FIRST AIR
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.23Mb (2237 downloads)
Dehavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter. FIRST AIR
Reg_ID: C-FNAN tunda tire ver. Based at Yellow Knife and flies
the Canadian North. The zipfiles, d6skyb41 (FS2002) or the d6skyb42
(FS2004) must be installed before using this aircraft. Made
in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc.
Design by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier
Aircraft Design. 1.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Condor 2.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.51Mb (3597 downloads)
Condor 2.
Improved the Condor II by slimming the body and giving the plane
dynamic Paint,Working suspension and a lot of other goodies.
The cockpit still opens the normal way(shift+E). I made a panel
for this one(my first panel ever.I have recieved a lot of fixes
for this plane and want to thank everyone that contributed to
this project,as there were so many responces for the fixes that
I decided to use the fixes by Sergio Dolcemascolo of Brazil,A
really Big Thanks to him...In this model the glass has been
fixed to not disapear at certain angles,cleaned up the cockpit,tires
and fixed the screen problem.The VC light has also been fixed,if
you liked the original light just take out the VC effect file
and your good to go.Remember to delete the old one,before you
Install this one,Now it will show up as Rilo Aeronautics. Ric
Lopez. 1.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Cessna 182 RG
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.43Mb (11010 downloads)
Cessna 182 RG -
completely overhauled, Painted, New Panel & flight Dynamics
By Robert Hawk: New power plant -300 hp Turbo ChargedTeledyne
Continental IO-520-L , Like its sibling, the 182S, the RG
version of this popular plane is a stable, powerful workhorse.
This model, however, allows you to move up to more complex
flying with retractable landing gear. Cessna no longer manufactures
a retractable gear version of the 182. Flight Simulator's
182RG is based on earlier models last built in the 1980s.
See the Aircraft Information section of Help for tips on flying
this aircraft. File completed & prepared By Robert Hawk. 4.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Jabiru Original Version Update.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.86Mb (2308 downloads)
Jabiru Original Version Update.
This is an updated version of the earlier version Jabiru with
shorter tail and narrower wingspan. Modifications include
detailed Fowler flaps, modifications to fairings, latches,
fuel cap, pilot posture and seats within airplane, refined
air file for smoother more realistic performance of a Jabiru,
and repair of the engine restart anomoly. The panel has been
modified for better visual as well. Aircraft created in Gmax
by William Ortis, data from Shaun Gorham, assistance in flight
tuning and instrumentation by Ricardo Jones. Please read the
ReadMe file before flight. This is NOT the same as the Jabiru2.
- see
panel update here
- Model
Update here
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Jabiru Mark 2.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.81Mb (3025 downloads)
Jabiru Mark 2.
All flight surfaces function, rolling wheels, turning center
wheel. Modifications are: turning pilots head, Fowler flaps
and hinges, new generation Jabiru with longer tail, wider
wingspan, 6 cyl. engine with higher airspeed, refined airfile,
and repair of engine restart anomoly. Model by William Ortis.
- see
panel update here
- Model
Update here
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Diamond DA20-C1 Eclipse Moncton Flight College
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
11.69Mb (2437 downloads)
Diamond DA20-C1 Eclipse Moncton Flight College.
A two seat, 125 Hp, general aviation light plane. Moncton
Flight College REG_ID: C-GMFB & C-FLMC. Based at CYQM - Moncton
Intl Airport, Canada. A full ver 1.6 Plane, Panel, Sound Pkg.
With Panel, VC, Sound, HTML Chk & Ref Lists. An FSDS 2.24
design with full animation including opening canopy with sounds
etc. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May of
Premier Aircraft Design. 12MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive