Mar 04, 2025 |
All Files > Page 2669
                  Dehavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter. FIRST AIR
1.23Mb (1542 downloads)
FS2004/2 Dehavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter. FIRST AIR Reg_ID: C-FNAN tunda tire ver. Based at Yellow Knife and flies the Canadian North. The zipfiles, d6skyb41 (FS2002) or the d6skyb42 (FS2004) must be installed before using this aircraft. Made in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Design by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300. Mustique Airways
1.76Mb (1203 downloads)
FS2004/2 Project Globe Twotter DHC6-300. Mustique Airways Reg_ID: J8-VAL The zipfiles, d6skyb41 (FS2002) or the d6skyb42 (FS2004) by Premier Aircraft Design must be installed before using this aircraft. Made completely in Gmax with wing views, Exit doors, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob May. Mustique livery by Henk Arents. 1.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Mooney Bravo 'Flame' Textures.
FS2004 Mooney Bravo 'Flame' Textures. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.34Mb (2034 downloads)
FS2004 Mooney Bravo 'Flame' Textures. Standard default Mooney Bravo -Repaint using jasc psp6.2 and and dtxBMP Repaint by John Blankenship. 1.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Twin Leaf Bush Flights DHC-3TTC Super Otter.
2.71Mb (2173 downloads)
FS2004 Twin Leaf Bush Flights DHC-3TTC Super Otter. This is a repaint of Eugene Heyart's DHC-3 Super Otter for Twin Leaf Bush Flights. Includes all aircraft files. By Dillon Maier. 2.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Project GlobeTwotter DHC6-300. Aeropelican Air Services
5.95Mb (1529 downloads)
FS2004 Project GlobeTwotter DHC6-300. Aeropelican Air Services Reg_ID VH-KZO This aircraft flys daily flights between Belmont, and Sydney, Australia. The (here) file must be installed before using this aircraft. FSUIPC3.X Required for the TCAS to operate. Exit Door open/close sounds added. Designed in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob May. 6.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
FS2004                  Jabiru-B and Jabiru 2 Update
FS2004 Jabiru-B and Jabiru 2 Update (Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.53Mb (2231 downloads)
FS2004 Jabiru-B and Jabiru 2 Update that enables the doors to open, repairs some mesh anamolies, gives the aircraft some dynamic shine and some touch-ups here and there. Original Jabiru's here. This really adds a bit of realism. If you have the Jabi B series or the Jabi 2, I highly suggest downloading these. I have included 'both' files in this download. Simply drag and drop the proper one into the Model folder of your Jabiru. By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 547K
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  deHavilland CC-138 Twin Sea Otter Canadian Forces 440 Transport
8.73Mb (2568 downloads)
FS2004 deHavilland CC-138 Twin Sea Otter Canadian Forces 440 Transport Squadron. based at Yellowknife, NW Territories. The file (FS2004) must be installed in FS2004 before using this aircraft. Model made in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, opening doors with sounds etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. 8.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  KINGAIR B200 FOR AI USE
FS2004/2002 KINGAIR B200 FOR AI USE (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.18Mb (1374 downloads)
FS2004/2002 KINGAIR B200 FOR AI USE All new GMAX model for ai use for FS2002 or FS2004. Can also be used as flyable model, however I would suggest that if you want to fly a B200 that you download one of my other files such as '' (here) or ''(here). This package includes 3 textures; The Royal Flying Doctor Service, NSW Air Ambulance Sydney, and Victorian Air Ambulance. I recommend Traffic tools by Lee Swordy to assemble ai plans (here). By Mike Hill. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  NSW Air Ambulance repaint for B200 Kingair
0.35Mb (1025 downloads)
FS2004 NSW Air Ambulance repaint for B200 Kingair This is a repaint for my Kingair B200 file (required - here) in NSW Air Ambulance colours. This aircraft is based in Sydney flying out of Kingsford Smith airport. You will need to have one of my B200 files for this to work, either '' or ''. This repaint will work with either file. By Mike Hill. 355K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  Victorian Air Ambulance repaint for B200 Kingair.
0.30Mb (1497 downloads)
FS2004 Victorian Air Ambulance repaint for B200 Kingair. This is a repaint for my Kingair B200 file (required - here) in Victorian Air Ambulance colours. This aircraft is based in Melbourne flying out of Essendon airport. You will need to have one of my B200 files for this to work, either '' or ''. This repaint will work with either file. By Mike Hill. 305K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive