All Files > Page 2672

Cessna 185 Skywagon VH-DGL
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.06Mb (7402 downloads)
Cessna 185 Skywagon VH-DGL.
The Cessna 180 was first flown in 1952. Utilising the same wing
as the model 170B (including the slotted fowler type flaps originally
designed for the model 305) the model 180 had a new fuselage
with a taller more square tail profile. Model & Textures
by J R Lucariny. 1.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Moller Skycar M 400 Production type.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
31.66Mb (8827 downloads)
Moller Skycar M 400 Production type.
A four seat 8 engine Heli Plane With retracting Gear and folding
Wings Complete Animations, Pilot head, Pasenger Head, Suspention
on wheels Turning wheels, opening of two doors four engine rudders.
a compleet click VR 360 deg. Cockpit I comes in four different
Liveries Includes Aircraft and sound files BY AC Kerkhove. 37MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Beechcraft Twin Bonanza.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
9.02Mb (10921 downloads)
Beechcraft Twin Bonanza.
With VC & more. Created in FSDS2 by Eric Dantès. 9.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Aero Commander 500 Cargo (WITH VC)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
12.56Mb (4637 downloads)
Aero Commander 500 Cargo (WITH VC) by
Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and André Folkers. Pkg incl Gmax
A/C with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics (seat-of-the-pants navigation)
and features a custom era correct panel (with a few broken gauges)
and easy-to-read virtual cockpit (if you wipe the dirt off),
a dirty paint scheme (indicative of bad weather, unimproved
landing strips, pot holes, and no time to wash it) and matching
interiors (treated for infestations), VC gauge backlighting
(when the bulbs work), rain effects (guaranteed not to wash
off the dirt) and specular highlites in the VC and Html checklists
(but who needs them). This cargo model is intended for the hardcore,
backwoods, bush hauling work-a-holics trying to scrape a living
out of remote freight. A "clean" version is also included for
those obsessive-compulsive types. You might also enjoy the included
11 Cargo Flight plans. 12.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Aero Commander 500 Cargo (NO VC)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
11.45Mb (2364 downloads)
Aero Commander 500 Cargo (NO VC).
by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and André Folkers. Pkg incl Gmax
A/C with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics (seat-of-the-pants navigation)
and features a custom era correct well-used panel (with a few
broken gauges) and two dirty and aged paint schemes (indicative
of bad weather, unimproved landing strips, pot holes, and no
time to wash it) and matching interior (treated for infestations),
and Html checklists (but who needs them). This cargo model is
intended for the hardcore, backwoods, bush-hauling work-a-holics
trying to scrape a living out of remote freight. A "clean" version
is also included for those obsessive-compulsive types. You might
also enjoy the included 11 Cargo Flight plans. 11.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Rilo Aeronautics Small Field Transport (Concept)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.73Mb (3139 downloads)
Rilo Aeronautics Small Field Transport (Concept),
for those out of the Way places.All working surfaces,opening
doors and engine bay. Designed by Ric Lopez. 2.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Scottish Twin Pioneer OFT
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.47Mb (1270 downloads)
Scottish Twin Pioneer OFT Real
livery to the Twin of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography
. Aircraft used between October 1959 to June 1976. Registration
HB-HOX. Very good STOL aircraft. Original aircraft by Mike Stone.
Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 482K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Scottish Twin Pioneer Swissair
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.54Mb (1783 downloads)
Scottish Twin Pioneer Swissair Real
livery to the Twin of Swissair in two differents liveries. Aircraft
used by Swissair during 3 month. Very good STOL aircraft. Original
aircraft by Mike Stone. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 555K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Beechcraft King Air F90 F-KA90 version 1.0
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
3.39Mb (2912 downloads)
Beechcraft King Air F90 F-KA90 version 1.0.
This is my version of Beechcraft King Air F90 New textures New
cockpit 2d New cockpit 3d Thanks to Matt LAURITA for some spécial
gauges for Beech and Chuck DOME for 3D Model. French identification
is a fictive one. This aircraft fly in France and europe For
cockpit, i do my best to recreate the real one i use when flying
really Virtual cockpit can be use in copilot seat ( S key to
switch view) I m working on a release of the virtual cockpit
much lighten by night By Roger BONNE. 3.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Cessna 152 Aerobat FLF Textures.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.61Mb (2528 downloads)
Cessna 152 Aerobat FLF Textures. FLF is a very popular C152
Aerobat owned by Auckland Aero Club ( NZ ) based at Ardmore
Airport. Requires J. E. Narcizo excellent C150 Aerobat here.
Ron Watson. 620K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive