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Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga
Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
40.00Mb (19377 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga for FS2004. This package contains 1 model and 3 Texture Sets. 2d panel included but no VC. Created by Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove and Emil Serafino Jr.
Posted Apr 15, 2009 17:09 by Jon Reeves
Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga
Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.77Mb (35624 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga for FSX. This package contains 1 model and 3 Texture Sets. 2d panel included but no virtual cockpit. Created by Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove and Emil Serafino Jr.
Posted Apr 15, 2009 16:59 by Jon Reeves
Airbus A300B1
Airbus A300B1 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
42.93Mb (20193 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B1 for FSX. This package contains 1 model and 1 Texture Sets. Created by Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove and Emil Serafino Jr.
Posted Apr 15, 2009 16:29 by Jon Reeves
Airbus A300B1
Airbus A300B1 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
21.33Mb (8150 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B1 for FS2004. This package contains 1 model and 1 Texture Sets. 2d panel but no VC. Created by Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove and Emil Serafino Jr.
Posted Apr 15, 2009 16:18 by Jon Reeves
FSX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, Coastal Aviation, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Textures
5.05Mb (1452 downloads)
Textures only for the Default FSX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan in the colours of Coastal Aviation of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Posted Apr 15, 2009 16:10 by Bashir Ismail
Air Jamaica Airbus A321-211 hybrid livery (6Y-JMD)
Air Jamaica Airbus A321-211 hybrid livery (6Y-JMD)
6.01Mb (3557 downloads)
I am proud to present this iFDG A321-211, registration 6Y-JMD, of Air Jamaica. This aircraft is unique because of its "hybrid" Air Jamaica color scheme. To my knowledge, there is none other like it in the Air Jamaica fleet. It's a bit of an anamoly unto itself. It looks well worn and its fueslage paint is not all white. It has blocks of off-white and the nose is also off-white in color. I have tried to represent those details in this repaint. This aircraft flies regular routes to KJFK, KMCO, KFLL and KORD from Jamaica. All windows are hand-painted, 3D with window shades. The night windows textures are custom as well. The repainted textures in this package are 32-bit with no mipmaps for best clarity and quality. I want to thank EJ Davis for his patience on this repaint. He requested it 1 year ago and patiently waited for me to get it done. This is a complete install and is current to iFDG A321 Service Pack 1.4. The panel and sound are from the default 747-400. Check the README file for panel and sounds suggestions.
Posted Apr 14, 2009 22:57 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Air Jamaica Airbus A319-112 hybrid livery (6Y-JAD)
Air Jamaica Airbus A319-112 hybrid livery (6Y-JAD)
8.76Mb (3377 downloads)
I am proud to present this Project Airbus A319-112, registration 6Y-JAD, of Air Jamaica in their hybrid livery. This is the sole A319 in Air Jamaica's fleet and one of two aircraft in the fleet with this livery. Given that effective January 2009 Air Jamaica decided on a fleet reduction program, it stands that this aircraft may not be flying for Air Jamaica much longer. Anyway, this CFM powered A319 shows up regularly at KMIA and KFLL. With this as all of my repaints, I paid attention to detail and realism as much as possible. The textures in this repaint are 32-bit. I hope you enjoy flying this as much as I enjoyed painting it. I would like to dedicate this repaint to Air Jamaica Virtual airline. This is a complete install and includes the Project Airbus A19 CFM model and air files. Uses default 737-400 panel and sounds. Check the README file for Airbus panel and sounds suggestions.
Posted Apr 14, 2009 22:53 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Air Canada Boeing 767-233 early 90
Air Canada Boeing 767-233 early 90
Air Canada Boeing 767-233 early 90 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.48Mb (5664 downloads)
was contacted some time back by some Canadian simmers looking for a rendition of an Air Canada Boeing 767-200 in the "Maple Leaf" 2 red cheat line livery of the early 1990's. I had been wanting a reason to repaint the Project Opensky Boeing 767 V4 model, so this was my chance. Sadly, Air Canada retired the last 767-200 from service in 2008. This particular airframe, the 5th 767 delivered to Air Canada, was retired around 2002. This is a detailed repaint with custom textures. All windows are custom, hand-painted, 3D with window shades. The night textures are custom as well. The stewardess is a former Miss Canada, the interior exit signs are in French (SORTIE) and the pushback tug even bears the old Air Canada logos. The repainted textures in this package are 32-bit with no mipmaps for best clarity and quality. I hope you enjoy flying this wonderful aircraft as much as I did creating it. A special thanks to Lorne Jordan who suggested this repaint and supported me on getting it 'just right.' This is a complete install and contains all Project Opensky provided files current to Version 2004.8.0. The sound is from the default B737.
Posted Apr 14, 2009 22:48 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
On To Tibet---Landing at Paro__Episode I
On To Tibet---Landing at Paro__Episode I
On To Tibet---Landing at Paro__Episode I (Category: FSX > Missions)
7.99Mb (3882 downloads)
" Dog weather!!!!, why did I get into this!!!!! I should have stayed with my dog in Bali!!!!! a Tzunami is better than this!!!!"....words spoken by your pilot as she gets nervous and hands the plane to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....--"What?? you cry you give me the darn plane!!!!! what's the matter with you Sonia?? you said you were going to land, woman!!!!!!!....... Yes...this is how the Mission starts as the Beechcraft begins its approach to Paro,, yup.....lousy as the sky of hell!!! and low down in that gully called Paro is your destination.... If you get through Episode I (not a great chance) you then fly out to the forbidden land of good and Budda's finger will be your guide.... "Hang-shi-lu-mai Tsung Tsung", like the old master used to say ( before they had coke!!). Ching-Chu-Gui ---
Posted Apr 14, 2009 16:33 by Gera Godoy Canova
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo (Category: FSX > Props)
21.10Mb (17160 downloads)
FSX De Havilland CC-115 (DHC-5) Buffalo, Canadian Forces. This model depicts CC-115 s/n 115461 in United Nations peacekeeping livery. On August 9th 1974 this aircraft was shot down by Syrian SAM missiles whilst flying from Beirut to Damascus on U.N. peacekeeping duties. The aircraft was completely destroyed and the crew of 9 were all lost. As a tribute to the crew, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (CWH), Hamilton, Ontario has restored a derelict Buffalo to static display condition and painted it to replicate 115461 in it's U.N. livery. This restored aircraft is now on public display and CWH are also using MSFS, with this PAD model loaded, to give visitors a feel of how 461 looked when operational. Full package for FSX/SP2, panel, VC and custom sounds. Full model animations including animated flight crew. Flying tips and html check/ref lists included. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Apr 14, 2009 15:54 by