All Files > Page 2929
FSX Update for FYGF, Grootfontein, Namibia
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (624 downloads)
FSX Afcad for Grootfontein, Namibia, Africa. For use with FSX default Scenery. By Joao Angerino
Posted Apr 13, 2009 18:36 by Joao Angerino
FSX Update for FNME, Menongue, Angola
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (601 downloads)
FSX Afcad for Menongue, Angola, Africa. For use with FSX Default Scenery.By Joao Angerino
Posted Apr 13, 2009 18:34 by Joao Angerino

Henri Mondor Hospital (APHP), France, with Helipad
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.73Mb (2084 downloads)
Henri Mondor Hospital (APHP) Scenery with Helipad
Creteil, France.
Name : APHP Henri Mondor
ICAO code (fictional) : HHMN
Author : Leonard SAVINA
Posted Apr 13, 2009 16:35 by John Paul

Quebec CYQB Scenery Package
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
12.03Mb (3586 downloads)
Quebec CYQB version 2.0 Introduction text
This is the second edition of CYQB Quebec Jean Lesage Int’l airport for FSX. Countless hours over a two years period have been devoted to develop this very accurate and truly remarkable scenery. It includes more than 50 highly detailed buildings, hangars and special features making this scenery extremely realistic and for the virtual pilot a place to visit. The center piece is the new terminal shaped like an airfoil that has been inaugurated last June. Very diversified operations take place at this airport from flying school, aircraft overhaul and international charter to domestic traffic. You will find also a fleet of 14 CL215 and CL415 water bombers operated by the Service Aerien Gouvernemental. Flying to CYQB at the control of your favorite plane will be a truly enjoyable experience. After a first visit to this airport you will make Quebec one of your favorite destinations.
Posted Apr 13, 2009 13:47 by John Paul

F104 Statics Aircraft for Scenery Objects
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
0.74Mb (1324 downloads)
Ths is a F104 Starfighter static plane to put in your scenery by the object placement tool. There are 4 models of the F104. This plane was modeled by Guy Diotte.
Posted Apr 13, 2009 12:51 by Guy Diotte

FSX A318-100 EasyJet Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.04Mb (10801 downloads)
FSX A318-100 Easyjet textures only. Needs IFDG A318-100 available here:
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 13, 2009 04:58 by Henry Rastouil

FSX A318-100 CCM Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.86Mb (2131 downloads)
FSX A318-100 CCM textures only. Needs IFDG A318-100 JMC available here:
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 13, 2009 04:51 by Henry Rastouil

Boeing 727 Santa Barbara Airlines Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.48Mb (1258 downloads)
Vistaliners Boeing 727 Santa Barbara Airlines YV-1056C (Circa 2003) textures only for the Erick Cantu Vistaliners Boeing 727-200 model. Textures by Gaetano Tortolani and Luis Fernando Quimbayo
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 12, 2009 21:55 by Luis Fernando Quimbayo

FSX Dar es Salaam International Airport, Tanzania , HTDA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.92Mb (1749 downloads)
Dar es Salaam International Airport, a.k.a. Julius Nyerere International Airport - HTDA. An improvement over the default airport of the Largest city of Tanzania
Posted Apr 12, 2009 16:42 by Bashir Ismail

FSX/FS2004 Short 330 Air Puerto Rico Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
0.98Mb (1157 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Short 330 Air Puerto Rico 1985 Textures for the Premier Aircraft Design S330. Suitable for both the FSX and FS2004 versions.
FS2004 Model:
Posted Apr 12, 2009 11:18 by Carlos Marrero