All Files > Page 2934
Grumman EA-6B Prowler VAQ-132 Scorpions Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.54Mb (2368 downloads)
Grumman EA-6B Prowler VAQ-132 Scorpions Textures only.
This is a repaint of the EA-6B from Rick Sasala (required here).
The VAQ-132 Scorpions fly Electronic countermeasures against
enemy radar, and SAM locations. By FireWalker. 550K
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive
FS2004 EA-18 VAQ-132 Scorpions Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
2.53Mb (2036 downloads)
EA-18 VAQ-132 Scorpions Textures only. This
is a repaint of the EA-18G Growler from Team KBT (required
- here).
The VAQ-132 Scorpions fly Electronic countermeasures against
enemy radar, and SAM locations. The EA-18G is the current test
bed to replace the aging EA-6B. By FireWalker. 2.6MB
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive
F14D VF-2 "Bounty Hunters" Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
4.93Mb (2512 downloads)
F14D VF-2 "Bounty Hunters" Textures only
file for Dino Cattaneo's F14 Tomcat. Paint scheme represents
the squadrons last tomcat cruise in support of "Operation Iraqi
Freedom" in March 2003. Requires Dino Cattaneo's Tomcat here.
War repaint by AM2 (AW) Steve Hansen. 5.75MB
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive

FS2004 Boeing B-52G and B-52D Stratofortress
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
10.94Mb (24389 downloads)
Boeing B-52G and B-52D Stratofortress.
B52USAF Camo liveries. Comprehansive Gmax B-52 model by Yaetsu
Yoshimitsu / Hiroaki Kubota Team KBT. Includes opening bomb
doors & much more! No VC.. 11.2MB (panel here)
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive

Lockheed C-130H Hercules Fuerza Aerea Venezolana
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.57Mb (5847 downloads)
Lockheed C-130H Hercules Fuerza Aerea Venezolana
Military transport and transport aircraft. Full moving part
(including doors, ramp). Full interior, VC, panel, sound. Gmax
model, panel - Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. Textures by Daniel Borrego.
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive
FS2004/2002 Phantom FGR2 squadron textures.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
5.73Mb (1076 downloads)
Phantom FGR2 squadron textures.
4 squadrons represented in the all over grey camo scheme. Textures
Only!! Requires Kazunori Ito's/AVA`s Phantom (here).
By James Forrester. 5.8MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by uploader
AVRO Vulcan B.Mk2 /B.Mk2A RAF 2 paintschemes.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.20Mb (7810 downloads)
AVRO Vulcan B.Mk2 /B.Mk2A RAF 2 paintschemes.
During the Cold War years, the Vulcan was allocated the role
of a high level, stand-off attack bomber and was painted in
pure white to reflect nuclear 'flash'. From the 1960's onward,
as Soviet air defences improved, the attack profile was changed
to low-level penetration and the more familiar camouflage markings
were adopted. 3 models and 4 paint examples are included in
this file. (B.Mk2 white paint with Blue Steel nuclear missile
/ B.Mk2A overall dark camouflage and sand camoufage paint without
option / B.Mk2A bright camouflage paint with AGM-45 missile)
by Kazunori Ito. 3.3MB
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive

Boeing YC-14 United States Air Force.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.51Mb (7257 downloads)
Boeing YC-14 United States Air Force. STOL
transport (prototype) In the early-1970s, the U.S. Air Force
issued an Advanced Medium STOL Transport requirement for a new
jet-powered tactical airlifter to replace the Lockheed C-130
Hercules. In 1972, two proposals were accepted for construction
as the Boeing YC-14 and McDonnell Douglas YC-15 prototypes.
By J R Lucariny. 1.5MB
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:41 by archive

MD-83 Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
21.43Mb (35612 downloads)
MD-83 Package. This is the default FSX AI MD-83 made flyable and including the Virtual cockpit (VC) and 2d panel from the Boeing 737-800. Now you can fly the MD-83 with VC. Flies well! Includes 3 extra textures by the talented Victor Vu DHL, American and United (Old).. For more textures for this aircraft Search Victor Vu at Simviation. Modifications by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 10, 2009 12:11 by Chris Evans

Tolmachevo-2008 Airport, Russia, v. 1.04
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
15.82Mb (1864 downloads)
The upgrade adds airport vehicles that will service your plane, 3 static Il-86 aircraft without engines, transparent windows of the control tower & the jetway corridors, the markings of reserve grass runway & much-much more. This archive contains all current fixes for the scenery, so you can install it on any version of it. We strongly recommend you to read the "ReadME.pdf" for an additional information & for troubleshooting.
Posted Apr 10, 2009 07:38 by Tolmachevo TEAM (Burakov Fedor