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FSX Acceleration EF-18 ALA 12 Textures
FSX Acceleration EF-18 ALA 12 Textures
FSX Acceleration EF-18 ALA 12 Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
7.82Mb (5087 downloads)
Two Repaints for the default F/A-18 Acceleration in the ALA 12 colors, 12-12 and 12-50 special scheme. By Luis Lopez
Posted Feb 24, 2009 19:40 by Luis Lopez
Boac Boeing 377 with Virtual Cockpit
Boac Boeing 377 with Virtual Cockpit
Boac Boeing 377 with Virtual Cockpit (Category: FS2004 > Props)
21.72Mb (7748 downloads)
Original model by Tom Gibson, Greg Pepper, Dave MqQueen. I added some extra gauges in the virtual cockpit. RADIO, ATC, GPS and MAP icons. Also include Automatic Pilot, Cowl Flaps and Lights Siwchs, even a Clock with Wind Direction Vector (click on the center of the clock, gauge from Tom Gibson's California Classics DC6-B).
Posted Feb 24, 2009 18:20 by Jorge Buiatti
FSX Qantas Airways New Colours A321
FSX Qantas Airways New Colours A321 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.19Mb (4747 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default A321. This is a fictional repaint of the A321 because there are no A321s in service. A repaint is portrayed if there is A321s in service. Splash Screen Included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 24, 2009 17:44 by Victor Vu
Skyways of London L-749 Constellation Textures
Skyways of London L-749 Constellation Textures
3.80Mb (945 downloads)
FS9 Skyways of London Airlines textures for ALPHASIM BOAC L-049 Constellation. G-ALAK was built for TWA but served with B.O.A.C. sold to Skyways of London, ACES, and Trans Bolivian. Later broken up at Miami in 1974. Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 24, 2009 15:57 by Gary Harper
CH-53/Pavelow Package
CH-53/Pavelow Package
CH-53/Pavelow Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
8.26Mb (90501 downloads)
CH-53/Pavelow Package. Built in Gmax The model features specular lighting, Compressing Wheels, opening doors, and DVC (virtual cockpit). 2 textures Marines and Army Grey. Built for FS2004 and adapted for FSX by Danny Garnier. FSX default gauges added into panel to make it compatible. Thank you to Rory kelly for a great model.
Posted Feb 24, 2009 10:57 by Garnier D
Curtiss SOC-3 Seagull
Curtiss SOC-3 Seagull
Curtiss SOC-3 Seagull (Category: FSX > Vintage)
0.85Mb (3697 downloads)
FSX Curtiss SOC-3 Seagull The Seagull served as a catapult launched Scout for Battleships and Cruisers from the late 1930's well into WW2. This is a FSX Acceleration native project. It includes the usual animations, reflective glass, bump maps and .dds textures. It is painted for squadron VO-3 assigned to the USS Idaho. The VC has animated flight controls and working gauges. There is a minimal 2D panel. By Paul Clawson
Posted Feb 24, 2009 03:45 by Paul Clawson
Royal Air Force BAE Hawk T1 XX325 c.2009, No.208(R)Squadron - Textures
1.95Mb (3585 downloads)
Textures only for the Royal Air Force BAE Hawk T1 serial XX325 based at RAF Valley, UK, circa 2009, for the freeware IRIS Simulations BAE Hawk T1/T1A. Repaint textures by Jason Sparkes.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 23, 2009 18:43 by Jason Sparkes
Alphasim F3H Demon Texture Pack 01
Alphasim F3H Demon Texture Pack 01 (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.16Mb (654 downloads)
This is a texture pack for tha Alphasim F3H Demon, FSX Only, The 5 textures include paints for NATF, VF-24, VF-61, VF-64 and VF-193.
Posted Feb 23, 2009 12:37 by Bruce Martin
T-34 Mentor Package
T-34 Mentor Package
T-34 Mentor Package (Category: FSX > Military)
20.61Mb (14840 downloads)
This is Alpha Sim's Free-ware release of their T-34 Mentor Turbo updated for FSX. The T-34 Mentor began as a private venture designed by Walter Beech shortly after WW II. Beech felt that there was a market for a military trainer based on the Model 35 Bonanza which had been flying for about a year. Beech used the Bonanza as a starting point and began work on the design of the Model 45. The first two prototypes were powered by 205 hp Continental engines while the third had a more powerful 225 horsepower engine. The prototype made its first flight Dec. 2, 1948. This aircraft has a updated 2D and 3D Panel, Flight Dynamics and Textures By Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft.
Posted Feb 23, 2009 04:11 by Mark Rooks
Alphasim F3H Demon Texture Pack 01
Alphasim F3H Demon Texture Pack 01 (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
2.17Mb (747 downloads)
This pack is made for the Alphasim F3H Demon, It compremises of textures for VF-24, VF-61, VF-64, VF-193 and NATF, please read the readme file for installation.
Posted Feb 23, 2009 03:12 by Bruce Martin / Alphasim