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FSX US Airways Express Texture for the Bombardier CRJ-700
5.89Mb (6839 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX Default CRJ-700. Registration no. N710PS. This repaint includes the PSA Airlines livery and the only airline to have CRJ-700s. Although this repaint took two, daunting hours to complete, this repaint is sure to be realistic. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 7, 2009 00:30 by Victor Vu
Cessna 172 "Redflame" Textures
Cessna 172 "Redflame" Textures
Cessna 172 "Redflame" Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
3.81Mb (922 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default C172 in a fictional repaint. I'd also like to note that this is te first time I release a repaint with a AC Repaint Logo in the cockpit a preview is with it, the logo is just on the blank side on the C172 cockpit and can be replaced with the normal texure found in the default Texture under C172_C_2.... By Anthony Celentano
Posted Feb 7, 2009 00:10 by Anthony Celentano
RAF B-25J Mitchell MkII Package
RAF B-25J Mitchell MkII Package
RAF B-25J Mitchell MkII Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
35.13Mb (53102 downloads)
The RAF was allocated 316 B-25Js as Mitchell Mk. IIIs. Approximately 240 were delivered from August 1944 and began to replace Mitchell Mk. IIs in No. 2 Group from November 1944. The Mitchell III is known to have served with Nos. 98, 180, 226 and 320 Squadrons. This package is optimised for use with FSX Service Pack 2. Other versions might present texture issues. VC, Custom Sounds, Self Installer. Created by Roy Chaffin and Steve Wayne of R.C.S. Panels
Posted Feb 6, 2009 21:58 by Justin "BigTruck" Jo
Super Frelon photoreal French Marines Textures
Super Frelon photoreal French Marines Textures
Super Frelon photoreal French Marines Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
2.52Mb (2504 downloads)
New photoreal No. 144 of Flottille 32F texture of the French Navy for the original Super Frelon by GMAX ACADEMY for fS9 (not tested on FSX).
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 6, 2009 19:40 by Mathieu Bothorel
FSX United Airlines Old Colors for the Boeing 737-800
7.53Mb (3220 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FSX Default 737. This is a fictional repaint because not only United Airlines doesn't have 737-800s in service, but the 737-800 does not have rainbow colors during that time. A repaint is portrayed if there were 737-800s in service in the 1980s. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 6, 2009 09:45 by Victor Vu
Ockenburg 1939-1940 update 1
Ockenburg 1939-1940 update 1 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
7.68Mb (989 downloads)
Ockenburg, Holland, 1939 Scenery 13.39Mb (450 downloads) World War 2 Ockenburg Holland 1993-1940 Scenery. AFCAD by FSpe (Peter-Evert Jansen) Buildings by spray can (Jaap Baare) Additional help (fstheo)Theo Asselman All members of the DutchFS forum and many thanks to Cees donkrs for the new grass
Posted Feb 6, 2009 09:01 by fspe Evert jansen
Avro Arrow FSX Update
Avro Arrow FSX Update (Category: FSX > Military)
0.56Mb (9165 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the Avro Arrow by Mike Stone. I have updated the flight dynamics and changed the panel. Includes the 3rd prototype textures by Geoff Chambers. No virtual cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Feb 6, 2009 03:10 by Bob Chicilo
Boeing 777-200 Northwest Airlines
Boeing 777-200 Northwest Airlines
Boeing 777-200 Northwest Airlines (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
27.67Mb (7882 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 Northwest Airlines (fictional). Model created by Project Opensky. Textures by Bradley Nibbe. Edited and Tested for FSX by DG.
Posted Feb 5, 2009 12:12 by Danny G
EMB-175 Multi livery
EMB-175 Multi livery
EMB-175 Multi livery (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
30.77Mb (13161 downloads)
EMB-175 package with custom sounds and 2d panel. (No VC). Airlines included: NWA-Northwest Airlink, US Airways Express '400th', Delta Connection, Delta Connection Shuttle America,Trip Linhas Aereas and Air Canada. Paulo Henrique Fagundes/ Hanger FS
Posted Feb 5, 2009 12:06 by Paulo Henrique Fagundes
Boeing 747-400 Air France
Boeing 747-400 Air France (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.27Mb (4953 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Air France. Boeing 747-400 V4 model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 5, 2009 11:38 by Ryan C