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JDT MiniMax Package
JDT MiniMax Package
JDT MiniMax Package (Category: FSX > Props)
16.56Mb (7529 downloads)
MiniMax for FSX. JDT MiniMax. This fabulous little Sport Pilot Airplane was designed by Wayne Ison. It is a wood framed Airplane that is covered with cloth and painted.I built this model when I was learning Gmax. I always liked the MiniMax design, and it seemed like a simple enough model on which to try out newly learned Gmax skills. Lots of people patiently answered questions from me as things went along, and giving this model to the community is just a small way to say thanks. By Flight Replicas.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 06:03 by Flight Replicas
Boeing 747-400BCF Atlas Air Cargo
Boeing 747-400BCF Atlas Air Cargo (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.35Mb (2817 downloads)
Boeing 747-400BCF Atlas Air Cargo. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 05:32 by Ryan C
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
14.76Mb (3621 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines (JAL). Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 05:22 by Ryan C
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines ‘Yokoso Japan’
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines ‘Yokoso Japan’ (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
14.75Mb (2287 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Japan Airlines ‘Yokoso Japan’. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 05:20 by Ryan C
FSX Himalaya Package (K2, Nanga Parbat), Version 2.0
FSX Himalaya Package (K2, Nanga Parbat), Version 2.0
4.65Mb (3878 downloads)
(OPSD, OPS2, OPSS, OPRT, OPMF, OPGT, OPCL, OPCH, VI57, VI65, VI66, DBO1, K2B1, K2B2, K2B3, K2B4, NPB1, NPB2, NPB3, NPB4) This package includes 20 airports and camps (scenery & landclass) in the Karakorum area (Himalaya) around Nanga Parbat and K2. Included are short and big runways and helipads on different airports. The altitude of some airports/camps is too high for some helicopters or airplanes. Please choose the right one for your flight. Please read the readme.txt and Himalaya_Package_Readme.pdf in this zip file included before installation. Design by Bernhard W.
Posted Feb 1, 2009 17:55 by Bernhard W.
FSX/FS2004 Lagg-3a WW2 Fighter
FSX/FS2004 Lagg-3a WW2 Fighter
FSX/FS2004 Lagg-3a WW2 Fighter (Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.70Mb (3276 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Lagg-3 WW2 Fighter The Lagg-3 came close to its rival Bf-109F in performance and was superior in manoeuvrability. In combat, LaGG-3's main advantage was its strong airframe. Although the laminated wood did not burn it shattered severely when hit by high explosive rounds. The LaGG-3 was, however, a capable design in its own right and well-liked by its pilots and ground crew alike. Production of the LaGG-3 was completed in the late summer of 1942 with a total of 6,528 built. Two versions included. Original CFS2 model by Thicko, upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F.Scrub
Posted Feb 1, 2009 17:15 by A.F.Scrub
Cessna TL-19 Bird Dog U.S. Army Orange Package
Cessna TL-19 Bird Dog U.S. Army Orange Package
11.90Mb (7429 downloads)
This is Massimo Taccoli FSX Cessna TL-19 Bird Dog Painted in High Visibility Orange. This U.S. Army Cessna TL-19 Bird Dog Instrument Trainer was Based at the U.S. Army Aviation facility at Fort Rucker Al. from the late 50's till 1962 Modifications and textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft
Posted Feb 1, 2009 14:51 by Mark Rooks
Boeing 777-200er GE90 v2 Package in Boeing House Livery
Boeing 777-200er GE90 v2 Package in Boeing House Livery
57.26Mb (17134 downloads)
Hot off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", The Posky Boeing 777-200ER GE90 v2 In Boeing House Livery with dynamic VC. Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All files contained in this aircraft direct from Posky Jan09 with matching Cfg,Air,Model and MDL files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update,autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces POSKY777V2_ANTENNA_CBU_FIX2009 and Engine texture adjustments. The files that make up this package are pure Posky and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Aces Sweeded Sims" for FSX sp2 Vista DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 10:54 by md goins
 Boeing Boeing 777-200 with Rolls Royce Trent 895
 Boeing Boeing 777-200 with Rolls Royce Trent 895
103.70Mb (26213 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing Boeing 777-200 with Rolls Royce-Trent 895's In American Airlines Livery, Fresh off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", With dynamic VC Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All Files on this aircraft direct from Posky Feb09 with matching Cfg,Air and Model files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update, autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces Posky 777V2_Antenna_CBU_Fix 2009. The files that make up this package are OEM and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Ace" for FSX/ SP2/ Vista/ DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 09:24 by mdgoins
 Boeing 777-200-PW4074 In United Airlines Livery
 Boeing 777-200-PW4074 In United Airlines Livery
85.38Mb (21678 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 777-200-PW4074 In United Airlines Livery,Fresh off the assembly line Feb09 and bought to you by "Blaq Ace", With dynamic VC Researched and Flight Tested in Vista FSX Sp2. Everything works. All Files on this aircraft direct from Posky Feb09 with matching Cfg,Air and Model files. Aircraft also contains Low speed aileron update, autobrake update,GSU textures update,Blaq Aces Posky 777V2_Antenna_CBU_Fix 2009. The files that make up this package are OEM and untampered. thanks to the folks at Posky for making a fine mid level Sim. Sim Research, Assembly, Flight Tested by "Blaq Ace" for FSX/ SP2/ Vista/ DX9
Posted Feb 1, 2009 08:31 by mdgoins