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FSX/FS2004 Twin Otter Mackey International Textures
2.52Mb (1387 downloads)
Mackey International Textures for the Premier Aircraft Design DHC-6 Twin Otter for FS2004 and FSX. In the 70's Mackey International mainly flew between points in Florida, USA to many places in The Bahamas like Bimini, Freeport, Nassau as well as the Turks & Caicos Islands. Besides the larger DC-6’s and CV-440’s they also operated a fleet of smaller aircraft like the Twin Otter, Shorts Skyvan and Piper PA-31. These were used on routes to the smaller islands with less passenger traffic as well as islands that did not physically accomodate the larger aircraft. This repaint shows DHC-6 Twin Otter N955JM in the Mackey livery of that period.
FS2004 Version:
Posted Dec 15, 2008 17:57 by Jaap de Baare
Percival Hunting Pembroke - Belgian Air Force
2.31Mb (3434 downloads)
Pembroke C/n P66-0032 Line-nr: K66B-4011 Callsign: OT-ZAK of the Belgian Air Force. Repaint of Manfred Jahn's excellent Percival Hunting Pembroke Mk51. OT-ZAK is painted in the external livery as it flew in the 1960's. Slightly different from the other aircraft in it's squadron which were all white with a red cheatline, OT-ZAK was half white and half aluminium with a red cheatline.
Posted Dec 15, 2008 17:07 by Jaap de Baare
Belgian Smoke Effect (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
3.06Mb (1667 downloads)
This is the Belgian Smoke Effect. Black, yellow and red. Suitable for any smoke trailing display aircraft. By Hadrien "Flahaut"
Posted Dec 15, 2008 16:31 by Spitfire_had(bel)
FS2004/FSX Spitfire Mk22
FS2004/FSX Spitfire Mk22
FS2004/FSX Spitfire Mk22 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.85Mb (16300 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Spitfire Mk 22: The Mk22/24 series were the final developments of the Spitfire. They had a rear view fuselage with a redesigned hood. Later models had Spiteful type fins and larger tailplanes and more obvious differences. They were powered by a Rolls-Royce Griffon 61 driving a five-bladed constant-speed Rotol.Although not declared obsolete until May 1955, it was little used after 1952, by which time most surviving examples, some 80, were in storage. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Dec 15, 2008 08:17 by A.F.Scrub
B-24D Pete the Pom Inspector Textures
B-24D Pete the Pom Inspector Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
11.82Mb (853 downloads)
This is a repaint of Alphasims B-24D Liberator Serial 240370 'Pete The Pom Inspector' 467th Bomb Group Assembly Ship, Summer 1944.
Posted Dec 15, 2008 06:36 by Bruce Martin
UKMIL Westland Seaking FSX
UKMIL Westland Seaking FSX (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
34.21Mb (46993 downloads)
UKMIL SEAKING FSX SP2 welcome to the new FSX version of the SEAKING. this is an all new true FSX model of the westland seaking. please read the PDF file for full terms and conditions and copyright usage
Posted Dec 14, 2008 17:34 by UKMIL
Tie Fighter
Tie Fighter (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.72Mb (16622 downloads)
there is 5 models : 2 tie bomber, 1 advanced X-tie, 2 Tie fighter.
Posted Dec 14, 2008 14:28 by Philippe
Re-packaged F-16 Viper/Thunderbird/Falcon
Re-packaged F-16 Viper/Thunderbird/Falcon
Re-packaged F-16 Viper/Thunderbird/Falcon (Category: FSX > Military)
21.72Mb (32066 downloads)
This is a re-packaged version of Kirk Olsson's F-16 Viper/Tunderbird/Falcon which was updated for FSX by Bob Chicilo. This package has 2 separate F-16s. Mr. Chicilo has also fixed the window problem in the F-16. Now you can see out of the VC windows! BY: Kirk Olsson Updated BY: Bob Chicilo Re-packaged BY: Soaring Falcon
Posted Dec 14, 2008 13:44 by Soaring Falcon
FSX/P3D Saab 340 Package
FSX/P3D Saab 340 Package
FSX/P3D Saab 340 Package (Category: FSX > Props)
33.23Mb (55172 downloads)
FSX Saab 340 The FSX SP2 ONLY model of the FSND Saab 340. 100% FSX compliant. Hi-resolution textures, fully functional VC, realistic flight-dynamics and operations. A completely modeled interior allowing for in-flight roaming about the cabin with a 'passneger seat' camera definition. Full animation includes the self-storing stairway, and prop-blade pitch. Model, texturing and flight-dynamics by Brett Henderson . Pilots, sounds and texture detailing by Alejandro Rojas Lucena . And as always.. thanks to the Simv / FFDS crew.
Posted Dec 14, 2008 12:16 by Alejandro Rojas (alrot)
 Flight Deck C-2 VRC-40 Greyhound Textures
 Flight Deck C-2 VRC-40 Greyhound Textures
1.51Mb (1127 downloads)
C-2 Greyhound Textures only for the Flight Deck 5 C-2
Posted Dec 13, 2008 23:13 by mike FSXF"Rhino"