All Files > Page 3028

FSX Enhanced Autogen World Package
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
59.60Mb (41672 downloads)
This package upgrades 522 world wide autogen building textures and changes the entire FSX world. The enhanced autogen has a much more robust and realistic look from the building surface details, the roof details including roof utilities and weather wear, and, it adds an awesome night lighting enhancement to autogen. This package does not require GEX or any other addon to use. This package can be used with FSX default or any addon which calls the default FSX autogen. The night lighting addition will add entire new level of realism to the FSX default night textures or GEX Enhanced USA/Canada and are a great match for our upcoming GEX Europe release. Please note these are only textures for auto-generated houses, buildings, offices, apartments, etc and are not the major city skyscrapers and landmarks.There is absolutely no performance loss -or- performance gain when using these textures which are ONLY for FSX and can not be used in FS9. Happy Holidays from Team GEX to the entire sim community! From Nick Needham and Anthony Vos of Ground Environment X. See update next page!
Posted Dec 17, 2008 02:58 by Nick Needham and Anthony Vos o

Boeing 777-300
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
36.78Mb (15789 downloads)
The default FS2004 Boeing 777-300 updated for FSX. Can use jetways. Cargo vehicles set in the correct Position. Also Added new camera Views to the 777-300
Posted Dec 17, 2008 02:15 by Thomas Mendoza
CL-415 Splash Screen
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.56Mb (813 downloads)
2 Hellenic airplanes will be shown when you start your game. Please read the txts before installing.
Posted Dec 17, 2008 02:08 by George Moustopoulos

MD500E Western Helecopters Textures
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
2.72Mb (913 downloads)
Repainted Exterior by Ken Leamy
in the theme of Western Helecopters 1983
Requires MD500E model by Peter and Tomas Nemeth
FS2004 3DS MAXGMAX MD Helicopters MD500E Package-
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2008 18:33 by Ken Leamy

Learjet 60 Custom Edition Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.54Mb (1757 downloads)
Repainted of PAD Bombardier Learjet 60 with Lighthorse colors
I hope you like them
You need FS2004 Bombardier Learjet 60 Package by Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May & Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2008 18:12 by Ken Leamy

CFS3 Lewis Offspray (Unfinished Gmax project)
(Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
1.67Mb (507 downloads)
This is a fictional aircraft for CFS3. I was in the process of making it but found I didn't have enough experiance with CAD and certainally no programming knowlege! Refer to the File_ID.diz for more imformation. included is part-finished airframe and part-finished rear-gunner.
Posted Dec 16, 2008 13:58 by John Sturt

Learjet 45 'Custom Edition' Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.66Mb (4079 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default Lear45.
My first go around I hope you like it.
Posted Dec 16, 2008 11:24 by Ken Leamy
Military twin-jet sound
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
7.24Mb (4634 downloads)
Realistic sound for any military twin-jet aircraft.
Credit to Kirk Olson and Pierre Marchadier.
Michiel Odendaal
Posted Dec 16, 2008 07:54 by Michiel Odendaal

Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
8.19Mb (10970 downloads)
FS2004 Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise
7-9 seat twin turbo-prop corporate & executive transport.
The Marquise is one of the "stretched" versions of the MU-2 and was
the final production version.
New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with Garmin GPS/Radios and complete passenger cabin.
Full package for FS2004 with two real life liveries.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Joe Zerilli ¦ Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Dec 15, 2008 18:47 by

Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise
(Category: FSX > Props)
8.88Mb (14205 downloads)
FSX Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise
7-9 seat twin turbo-prop corporate & executive transport.
The Marquise is one of the "stretched" versions of the MU-2 and was
the final production version.
New model with full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures.
Includes a 2D Panel and VC with Garmin GPS/Radios and complete passenger cabin.
Full package for FSX/SP2 with two real life liveries.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Joe Zerilli ¦ Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Dec 15, 2008 18:45 by