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FSX > Scenery > Page 107
Blue Swan (Abandoned) N32 Sayre PA
Blue Swan (Abandoned) N32 Sayre PA
0.00Mb (381 downloads)
Blue Swan N32 (abandoned) Located in Sayre PA, the Blue Swan airport Served northern Bradford County PA and Waverly NY. IT survived until 2004.Now it is impossible to find on google earth even if you know Where it was. Replaced by huge industrial parking lots this once charming small town airport is another gone forever.
Posted Jun 25, 2014 02:29 by Jon Davidson
Jolamtra Landing area Bath NY
Jolamtra Landing area Bath NY
0.00Mb (312 downloads)
23NY Jolamtra This small private field atop a mountain near Bath NY is used often as a landmark and turnpoint for Harris Hill soaring tasks as well as an outlanding site. In years past several model aircraft shows and flyins were held there.
Posted Jun 25, 2014 02:26 by Jon Davidson
Warrington PA (Abandoned) 8N9
Warrington PA (Abandoned) 8N9
0.01Mb (388 downloads)
This airport was run by one man, Alby Cornell for its entire lifespan excepting one year. His brother Ernie started it just after WWII but sold it to Alby shortly after. It operated continuously for nearly 50 years. This incarnation represents the heydays of the early 1960's. Two grass strips with a quarry next door. Over the years the airport was reduced to one runway and that moved as the quarry encroached. Alby Cornell who was my primary instructor retired with over 42,000 hours of flight time in light aircraft.(that is 42 thousand), and the airport was closed.
Posted Jun 25, 2014 02:22 by Jon Davidson
McKinney National Airport, KTKI, Texas, for FSX
18.77Mb (1177 downloads)
As requested by a friend of mine here is KTKI for FSX. McKinney National Airport, formerly known as Collin County Regional Airport at McKinney, is a public use airport located in McKinney, Texas. This scenery completely replaces the Default scenery. Changes include Closing the Default runway and adding the new concrete runway. Deleting all approaches for the old runway and added new Approaches that are Current to the real world as of 6,22 2014. Edited the parking to match the real world (within reason). Added custom Runway and Taxiway edge lighting as well as custom approach lighting. The is also a animated Hanger
Posted Jun 22, 2014 13:34 by Timothy Thomas
Campbell River CYBL, BC, (2011) Version 2 for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D
44.12Mb (1022 downloads)
CYBL (2011) portrays the Campbell River (British Columbia, Canada) Airport and surrounding area, including the BC Forest Service tanker base, as it appeared in late 2011. (Campbell River, a small city mid-way up the eastern shore of Vancouver Island, is the "salmon capital" of North America and the gateway to Desolation Sound - summer cruising grounds for thousands of yachts from across the Pacific Northwest. Hence, CYBL is host to a lot of visiting GA.) This add-on includes a selection of Custom AI and static aircraft painted to represent aircraft based or often seen at CYBL. CYBL has recently completed a major runway extension and terminal upgrade - both of which are reflected in CYBL (2011). CYBL (2011) is compatible with BC Roads (FS9 only), ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both FS9 and FSX versions of Ultimate Terrain. Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2. (v2.03 fixes a vehicle texture issue in 2.02)
Posted Jun 21, 2014 21:35 by Don Grovestine
Nanaimo-Collishaw Airport, CYCD, BC, (2012) Version 3 for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D
64.63Mb (861 downloads)
CYCD (2012) is an update to Ken Peter's CYCD Nanaimo-Collishaw Airport (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada). The airport has recently completed a major runway extension and installed an ILS for Rwy 16. The five flashing-red beacons that guide the way on a night approach to Rwy 34 are included. To the extent possible, this update reuses Ken's custom buildings and objects (but you don't need to have Ken's version installed). As well, a selection of SAMM-generated static aircraft are scattered around the aprons supplemented by a number of AI aircraft that do touch 'n gos from time to time. CYCD (2012) is compatible with ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both versions of Ultimate Terrain. Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2. (v3.03 fixes a vehicle texture issue in 3.02)
Posted Jun 21, 2014 21:24 by Don Grovestine
FSX-Scenery -- LESU - Aeroport Pireneus la Seu d'Urgell  - Catalonia, Spain
FSX-Scenery -- LESU - Aeroport Pireneus la Seu d'Urgell  - Catalonia, Spain
15.88Mb (1221 downloads)
FSX-Scenery -- LESU - Aeroport Pireneus la Seu d'Urgell - Catalonia, Spain La Seu d'Urgell airport, officially Pirineus - la Seu d'Urgel airport and also known as Pirineus-Andorra airport is an airport facility owned by the Government of Catalonia and hosts general aviation and emergency flights. It is located in the comarca of Alt Urgell, south of la Seu d'Urgell (Catalonia) and 12 miles south of Andorra, in the mountain of Ensiula between the towns of Montferrer i Castellbo and Ribera d'Urgellet on an elevation of 2,628 ft.
Posted Jun 19, 2014 16:50 by Klaus-Peter Kniffka
CZBB, Boundary Bay BC (2011) Version 2 for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D
74.49Mb (901 downloads)
CZBB (2011) for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D (Version 2) CZBB (2011) portrays the Boundary Bay (British Columbia, Canada) Airport (CZBB) - Canada's fifth-busiest airport by number of operations - and surrounding area as it appeared in mid-2011. Every significant structure on the airfield (50+) is included - all modeled with GMax and 'painted' with hand-drawn textures. CZBB (2011) is compatible with ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest, Ultimate Terrain and Vancouver+. A selection of SAMM-generated static aircraft are scattered around the aprons supplemented by a number of AI aircraft that do touch 'n gos from time to time. Aside from the new custom approach and airfield lighting, generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2. By Don Grovestine
Posted Jun 18, 2014 20:42 by Don Grovestine
CYXX, Abbotsford, BC (2012) Version 2 for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D
110.86Mb (1214 downloads)
CYXX (2012) portrays the , (British Columbia, Canada) Airport - home of the Abbotsford Air Show - and surrounding area as it appeared in late 2012. Abbotsford lies just east of Vancouver and only a short distance north of the US border. CYXX is home to Conair Aviation (a large operator of forest fire-fighting air-tankers), Cascade Aerospace (a major aircraft maintenance operation) and several helicopter training, service and operations facilities.) The recently completed major runway and taxiway extensions are reflected in CYXX (2012). This add-on includes a large selection of custom AI and static aircraft painted to represent airline and privately-owned aircraft based or often seen at CYXX, including every aircraft type currently operated by Conair. CYXX (2012) is compatible with BC Roads (FS9 only), Vancouver+, ORBX FTX USA Canada Pacific Northwest and both FS9 and FSX versions of Ultimate Terrain. Generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2.
Posted Jun 18, 2014 20:21 by Don Grovestine
CYQQ, Vancouver Island,  (2010) Version 2 for FS9, FSX and Prepar3D
33.43Mb (1987 downloads)
CYQQ (2010) portrays Canadian Forces Base Comox (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada) (CYQQ), the Comox Valley Air Terminal and surrounding area. It is fully compatible with Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska for FS2004, Ultimate Terrain X - Canada for FSX and ORBX's FTX NA Blue. CYQQ (2010) includes over 100 "hand-crafted" buildings and other structures and 10 different vintage aircraft on static display, as well as aircraft and traffic files for a realistic AI scenario that causes a variety of military aircraft that come and go. (Use BC Regional AI - also available from this file library - for scheduled traffic.) Civilian AI is now routed so as not to transit military aprons. Aside from the new approach lighting, generally, this new version is visually identical to its predecessor - even though quite different internally. As well, to the extent possible, it is compatible with Prepar3Dv2.
Posted Jun 18, 2014 19:17 by Don Grovestine