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FSX > Scenery > Page 126
North Eleuthera Airport (MYEH) - The Bahamas
1.97Mb (866 downloads)
North Eleuthera Airport (MYEH) - The Bahamas. Northernmost of three airports on Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas just east of Nassau. The scenery includes custom scenery objects; placement of library objects and landclass changes. Scenery is based on Bing Maps, Google Earth and photos taken locally, and it is optimized for use with UTX-TAC. By Art Poole
Posted May 16, 2013 08:48 by uploader
0.47Mb (944 downloads)
San Diego, Coronado Bridge for FSX. This package contains scenery files that replaces the default San Diego Coronado Bridge, and also places freeway traffic on the bridge. Recommended for any scenery containing AI ships in the San Diego Bay area. AJ Weber.
Posted May 16, 2013 05:40 by up
Dublin Airport, Ireland
48.66Mb (10813 downloads)
FSX Scenery--DublinX. This is proably the most realistic freeware for Dublin International airport (EIDW), Ireland, that you will ever download. It features lots of custom buildings made in Google Sketchup and part from the 3D warehouse. The scenery features the new terminal 2, Critchford, plus the old terminal building and very realistic ground textures also modeled in Google Sketchup and converted in Model Convertor X. The scenery also comes with fully functional AI traffic to really bring the airport alive (doesn't interfere with UT2 or Traffic 360 etc.). Plus many 3D cars and buses. The RBS jetways were modeled and are static however the other are default ones which are animated. By Harry Patten.
Posted May 13, 2013 08:51 by uploader
Norfolk NS KNGU, Virginia 1.4
0.03Mb (1802 downloads)
Updated Version to my earlier upload of Norfolk Chambers Field Naval Station, Va, which is an enhancement of the standard scenery, according to Google Map Information. This airfield has been neglected by default FSX and not even one scenery free or commercial I found of it. Tested with UTX USA. Not tested with default scenery, but should work. Version 1.4, complete, no need for the old file.
Posted May 13, 2013 06:56 by Blaunarwal
Helicopter Landing Area  South Lawn White House
Helicopter Landing Area  South Lawn White House
1.15Mb (1993 downloads)
Contains a built-out White House south lawn with trees etc for a realistic helicopter landing experience. Also includes Anacosta Heliport, a staging area for WH missions for the USMC. The readme.txt file contains a link to a relevant You Tobe video that helps.
Posted May 12, 2013 07:00 by BigDawg205
Burlington Airpark Package (Pre-Release)
1.99Mb (410 downloads)
Hey guys! Burlington Airpark is back and this is the pre-release of the more detailed version. So here is a starter to see what has changed!
Posted May 10, 2013 20:31 by Aviationfsx1
Eden Project, Cornwall, UK.
8.29Mb (936 downloads)
Eden Project, Cornwall, UK. Highly accurate scenery for the Eden Project; a famous Cornish landmark. This add-on has been made using FSX KML and Google Sketchup with model convertor X. By Harry Patten.
Posted May 9, 2013 08:15 by uploader
Stella Maris Airport - The Bahamas
Stella Maris Airport - The Bahamas
1.39Mb (1149 downloads)
Stella Maris Airport - The Bahamas (MYLS). Stella Maris is the northernmost of two airports on Long Island served by Bahamas Air, Southern Air, Pineapple Air and others. The scenery includes custom scenery objects; placement of library objects and landclass changes. Scenery is based on Bing Maps and photos taken locally, and it is optimized for use with UTX-TAC. By Art Poole
Posted May 8, 2013 05:28 by art poole
0.45Mb (900 downloads)
This is little bugfix for the recent EDRT scenery. It fixes the misaligned fence between road and hangars.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 6, 2013 11:11 by Patrick Freitag
Olaya Herrera SKMD, Colombia
Olaya Herrera SKMD, Colombia
4.37Mb (2136 downloads)
Enrique Olaya Herrera Airport is an airport located in Medellin, Colombia, which serves regional and domestic flights in the country.
Posted May 5, 2013 21:21 by Gabriel Marin