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FSX > Scenery > Page 148
Potomac Airfield (KVKX), Maryland
Potomac Airfield (KVKX), Maryland
30.44Mb (790 downloads)
FSX Potomac Airfield (KVKX), also known as Potomac Airport or Potomac Airpark, is a privately-owned, public-use airport located in the community of Fort Washington, Maryland (MD), just outside of Washington, D.C. Along with College Park Airport and Washington Executive Airport/Hyde Field, it is located in the Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) in the center of the Washington, D.C. Air Defense Identification Zone. Pilots are required to apply for a special security clearance before they are permitted to fly into these airports. Potomac Airfield is also home to Buckley Aviation where you can learn aerobatics. By Christopher G. Clawson.
Posted Jun 1, 2012 06:29 by uploader
English Channel Rescue Scenery
0.00Mb (1432 downloads)
A ship is disabled in the English channel (between France and UK) Two navy ships are there to assist. Fly south from Manston in a chopper and bring survivors home.
Posted May 31, 2012 16:09 by petejg5
0.09Mb (666 downloads)
L.A./Ontario Intl Airport in California. Includes the T1, T2, 3, T4 terminals, plus the Fedex, and UPS aprons, runways, and all taxiways aligned to the MSE photoreal base. Includes a version for use with MegaSceneryX - Southern California.
Posted May 30, 2012 00:01 by Jim Hill
Carrier Group Track off Washington Coast
Carrier Group Track off Washington Coast
0.47Mb (2916 downloads)
A track to practice your landing skills. Not only the carrier, but also some destroyers and a support ship form this group. You can even see some choppers flying next to the ships. Requires FSX with Acceleration, and uss_nimitz_ike_version2.zip by Javier Fernandez
Required files:
required file
Posted May 28, 2012 22:50 by Blaunarwal
Vietnam Military Major Airport
Vietnam Military Major Airport
1.57Mb (600 downloads)
Vietnam Military Major Airport. Fictional. Does not exist in real life. Created as a fun fictional place to fly.
Posted May 28, 2012 11:25 by Martin
FSX Jetways New Textures
FSX Jetways New Textures
21.01Mb (10874 downloads)
These Jetways replace the old boring jetways in FSX. This file contains two jetway textures. Real life jetway textures and a creative jetway texture. (Be sure to back up your original files in case you decide to go back)
Posted May 25, 2012 12:06 by Jack Doss
FSX Northern Cook Islands Photo Real Scenery
FSX Northern Cook Islands Photo Real Scenery
161.12Mb (4088 downloads)
The Northern Cook Islands are a group of 6 islands and atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, north east of New Zealand. The Northern Cookies in this package are: Manihiki, Nassau, Penrhyn, Pukapuka, Rakahanga and Suwarrow. Texture resolution 1m/pixel. By Tiberius Kowalski
Posted May 25, 2012 08:08 by Tiberius Kowalski
FSX Southern Cook Islands Photo Real Scenery
FSX Southern Cook Islands Photo Real Scenery
98.35Mb (2791 downloads)
The Southern Cook Islands are a group of 9 islands and atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, north east of New Zealand. The Southern Cookies in this package are: Aitutaki, Atiu, Mangaia, Manuae, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston, Rarotonga and Takutea. Texture resolution 1m/pixel. By Tiberius Kowalski
Posted May 25, 2012 07:17 by Tiberius Kowalski
Vietnam Army Camp Headquaters
Vietnam Army Camp Headquaters
0.36Mb (1254 downloads)
Fictional Vietnam Camp headquarters.
Posted May 23, 2012 17:04 by Martin
Fictional  Chandalar Lake, Alaska
Fictional  Chandalar Lake, Alaska
0.00Mb (264 downloads)
PALR Chandalar Lake fictional airport. PALR is a medium airport near to the Chandalar Lake in Alaska.
Posted May 23, 2012 05:57 by uploader