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                  P-51 Voodoo and DagoRed Racer
FS2004/FSX P-51 Voodoo and DagoRed Racer (Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.89Mb (3068 downloads)
FS2004/FSX P-51 Voodoo and DagoRed Racer. Voodoo and DagoRed are the fastest unlimiteds ever at Reno National Air races. They have cutdown canopy, clipped wings and an engine tuned up to 3600 Hp. Unlimited engine power and manifold pressure of 120 gives a top speed of 500+ mph around the pylons. Complete aircraft and effects by A.F.Scrub. 6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
FSX                   Canada 19MTerrain Mesh Area -Vancouver & surrounding area.
71.97Mb (3067 downloads)
FSX Canada 19MTerrain Mesh Area -Vancouver & surrounding area. CDED 20 m elevation models. By Raimondo Taburet. 73.6MB
Posted Jun 26, 2009 07:08 by archive
                  CH-46 Update
FS2004 CH-46 Update (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
0.29Mb (3067 downloads)
FS2004 CH-46 Update. This is an update for FS2004, of the CH-46 Sea Knight by Rory Kelly (required here). I have added float points and scrape points to the contact points, as well as the other 3 wheels. I have added a 2D panel with toggles for GPS, radios,etc. I have changed the touchdown and spray effects. I have not tried to update the flight dynamics. Bob Chicilo. 296K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Emirates Airbus A350-1000 XWB
FSX Emirates Airbus A350-1000 XWB (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.43Mb (3067 downloads)
FSX Emirates Airbus A350-1000 XWB, including a new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Interior Model Revised
4.53Mb (3066 downloads)
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Interior Model Revised This is a revision correcting a parts overlap error in the original version. This interior model complements the C-47 Skytrain Exterior Pack, adding wing and engine views and Marvin Carter's "green" cockpit texture repaint. By Manfred Jahn and Marvin Carter. Prior installation of Manfred Jahn's Douglas C-47 Skytrain Exterior Base Pack 1.0 required.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 16, 2011 08:46 by uploader
ACTIVE CAMERA FOR FS 2002 v1.1 (Category: FS2002 > Utilities)
0.05Mb (3066 downloads)
ACTIVE CAMERA FOR FS 2002 v1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULE. With this module you can enable a "fly by" view in Microsoft FS 2002. (c) 2002, Andy Newman and Serge Baye. 48K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Mil Mi-28 Havoc
FS2000/FS2002 Mil Mi-28 Havoc (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
6.62Mb (3066 downloads)
FS2000/FS2002 Mil Mi-28 Havoc The Mi-28 Havoc helicopter has a full panel in 24 bit color, DVC, visor hud, sounds, Animated parts, textures, and more. By Kirk Long United Flight Software. 6.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
FS2004 AVTEK 400
FS2004 AVTEK 400 (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.79Mb (3066 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 AVTEK 400. The Avtek Type400 was a prototype turboprop-powered business aircraft developed in the United States in the early 1980s. It was of ususual and distinctive configuration - a low-wing monoplane with two pusher engines mounted above the wings, and a large canard mounted atop the forward fuselage. The aircraft's sleek, futuristic design earned it a guest appearance on the Airwolf TV series and movie "AVIATOR". The structure made extensive use of advanced composite materials throughout. by Kazunori Ito.
Posted May 1, 2010 07:44 by Kazunori Ito
EC-505 TIGER UHT (Category: FSX > Payware)
3.79Mb (3066 downloads)
The UHT (from Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger; Ger. supporting helicopter Tiger) is a medium-weight multi-role fire support helicopter built for the Bundeswehr (German Army).The Tiger UHT is a multi-role fire support helicopter. The Trigat Fire and Forget missiles and/or the Hot missiles it carries offer anti-tank capability, while 68-mm rockets ensure air-to-ground fire support. A 12.7 mm air-to-air gun pod and air-to-air Stinger missiles can also be installed. The helicopter also features a mast-mounted sight with a second-generation IRCCD infrared channel and a TV channel, as well as a nose-mounted IRCCD control FLIR for the pilot. Countermeasures include radar/laser/missiles launch/missile approach warning receivers and decoy launchers.
Posted Nov 1, 2008 19:25 by Andreas Meyer
FS2004 Volkel Air Base (EHVK), Netherlands. (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.02Mb (3066 downloads)
FS2004 Volkel Air Base (EHVK), Netherlands. AFCAD for FS2004/FS9 by Focus AI
Posted Jun 9, 2008 06:57 by John Paul