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FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Package v2.0
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Package v2.0
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Package v2.0 (Category: FSX > Props)
52.91Mb (3025 downloads)
FSX/P3D Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-600 Package v2.0. Includes 3 liveries: Factory colors (F-WWEY), Air Senegal (6V-AMS) and White. Updated VC and 2D panels V2.0, with new XML gauges. This aircraft is based on the ATR 72-500/600 FSX native model by VirtualCol. It features updated exterior and internal Models, a new Air file and improved flight dynamics. All textures are very detailled with new alpha layers, specular lighting and reflections. All textures are DXT5. Improved night lighting, with a new set of effects. The new panels are using the following extra gauges: VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32 and new Cockpit sounds. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Realistic Pratt and Whitney PW127M sound file. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9). Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Sep 22, 2020 12:25 by Philippe Marion
FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf 190D "Dora"
FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf 190D "Dora"
FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf 190D "Dora" (Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.42Mb (3025 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf 190D "Dora" The longnose Dora was built mainly to adapt the proven Fw 190A to combat operations at high altitudes, above 7,000m (20,000ft), where allied bomber formations operated. Conversion to the D version, involved the installation of a new liquid cooled 12 cylinder Jumo 213A, rated at 1,726hp. The front of the aircraft was therefore lengthened , 50 cm extended at the rear of the plane, and some of the interior components were relocated. This was a fighter that could stand up to the best of the Allies. Along with the Ta 152, it represented the epitome of German piston-engined fighter design. Tested in FSXacc,FSX,Fs2004 Windows7 and 8.1. Model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 30, 2014 21:38 by A.F.Scrub
                    Jabiru Mark 2.
FS2004 Jabiru Mark 2. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.81Mb (3025 downloads)
FS2004 Jabiru Mark 2. All flight surfaces function, rolling wheels, turning center wheel. Modifications are: turning pilots head, Fowler flaps and hinges, new generation Jabiru with longer tail, wider wingspan, 6 cyl. engine with higher airspeed, refined airfile, and repair of engine restart anomoly. Model by William Ortis. 2.9MB - see panel update here - Model Update here
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
RaptorVA: CRJ-700
RaptorVA: CRJ-700 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.67Mb (3025 downloads)
This is textures only for the Raptor Virtual Airlines CRJ-700. Website is Paint scheme done by husky paints at Adem Hull
Posted Jul 13, 2008 02:41 by archive
Boeing 727-256 Iberia old livery package
Boeing 727-256 Iberia old livery package
Boeing 727-256 Iberia old livery package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
36.03Mb (3024 downloads)
Iberia aircraft acquired by the US, was discharged in Spain May 11, 1973 and baptized "Basque", enrollment in USA was N1787B. Then removed from the Register in April 2001, it is sold in USA and N905RF be re-enrollment. Full aircraft, model by Thomas Ruth, texture by Juan Villamor. Addons, FMC, V-Speeds, GPWS (Callout), Ground-handling.
Posted Dec 14, 2015 12:42 by Juan Villamor
SEAIR Airbus A320-232
SEAIR Airbus A320-232
SEAIR Airbus A320-232 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
57.61Mb (3024 downloads)
South East Asian Airlines (SEAIR) Airbus A320 " More fun in the Philippines " livery A320-232 RP-C6319 South East Asian Airlines now serves domestic flight in Philippines, destinations includes Manila, Clark, Cebu, Puerto Princesa, Iloilo, Kalibo, Bacolod, Tacloban and Davao. South East Asian Airlines also serves 4 international routes, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kota Kinabalu, and Singapore from Clark. Flight operating under Tiger-SEAir partnership (all flights, international and domestic, using jet aircraft(Airbus319/320) from Tiger Airways. Aircraft: Project Airbus A320-232 IAE V2500 series NO VC, realistic FDE & 2D panel. FS Panel Studio panel by Ken Mitchell Repaint by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Jan 28, 2013 06:27 by Gerard G. Olvis
Catalina Island KAVX, California - Photo Realistic Scenery
Catalina Island KAVX, California - Photo Realistic Scenery
17.02Mb (3024 downloads)
Photo Realistic Scenery for Catalina Island and KAVX in California. Includes highly detailed airport and satellite imagery. No autogen anywhere except around the airport - Daylight textures only (sorry)
Posted Apr 15, 2011 17:21 by Cassidy Byars
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter (Category: FSX > Props)
14.18Mb (3024 downloads)
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter. "Schropeshire Air Freight Express, Ltd.", royal warrant holder of the royal charter "By Appointment To Her Majesty", on 24 hour on-call standby to provide rapid delivery of polo equipment and equine veterinary supplies, as well as canine veterinary supplies, to the royal household polo pony stables and Welsh Corgi kennels of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth and her dashing son, Prince Charles. Serving the royal polo grounds and kennels of Schropeshire, Maudlinshire, Hampdenshire, Northampdenshire, Worcestershire, Dinsdaleshire, Crumpetshire and Shire on Glengaryshire-shire, Schropeshire Air Freight Express, Ltd. is the only air freight service fit for a queen! Also includes the Henry Tomkiewicz blank white passenger model, flyable as well. Uses default Baron sound and panel (no VC). Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:03 by Tom Tiedman
                  Schooner "Pride of Baltimore II"
FS2004 Schooner "Pride of Baltimore II" (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
7.74Mb (3024 downloads)
FS2004 Schooner "Pride of Baltimore II" - A replica of a a 1812 maryland built schooner Those schonners were used as corsairs in the second anglo-american war. She has been re-built in 1988 by the city of Baltimore (USA) "La Recouvrance" is a copy of the french aviso "Iris", built in 1812 too, for fighting slaves trade between Africa and America. She has been re-built in 1992 by the city of Brest (France) Both are very similar. Created by Pierre de Rotalier 'Rotule'. 7.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Mig-21_2000 (Biason) Panel
FS2004 Mig-21_2000 (Biason) Panel (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
15.83Mb (3024 downloads)
FS2004 Mig-21_2000 (Biason) Panel. This High visibility 2D panel with full HUD uses similar layout bitmap as the actual 'Biason'. Gauges (all freeware & tailormade included) as used in the actual aircraft. Eye point set as would be same for a pilot 5'8" tall. Col Sanjay Bajpai. File size 17 MB.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive