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                  CRJ 200 UK World Tour Paint
FS2004 CRJ 200 UK World Tour Paint (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.42Mb (3014 downloads)
FS2004 CRJ 200 UK World Tour Paint. A fictional repaint of the POSKY CRJ-200. I made this priliminery for me to fly around the world in but put alot of effort into the paint so decided I would release it! This paint is based around a Union Flag. The model includes steering nosewheel, dynamic shine, opening doors, rotationg turbine blades and more. I hope you enjoy it. Model by Project Open Sky, Paint by John Bentley. 7.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
Boeing 747-8 part 4
Boeing 747-8 part 4
Boeing 747-8 part 4 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
190.97Mb (3013 downloads)
This package contains 4 parts with HiRes Retro liveries for most of the airplanes. Model by Skyspirit. The main files (model, panel, sound) and base textures for all airplanes are included in part 1, they are necessary for all other liveries. Part 2 contains AAF and AUA, part 3 Aeroflot, KLM, Lufthansa, SAL (SAA) and SAS, part 4 comes with AAL, PanAm, United and USAF. Finally all textures are fictional, AAF, AAL, Aeroflot, KLM, SAL, SAS, United and USAF have no 747-8, Lufthansa has no 747-8 with Retro livery and PanAm don't exist anymore. Anyways, most of the liveries exist or existed on real airplanes, are well researched and represent how a 747-8 could look like this. The textures are completely overworked and have 4096px² now, corrected doors, new windows, new joints, new lines, more details, new fans, new wheels, new pilots, new lights, new shading, new ground handling ..... The "aircraft.cfg" is overworked too, I corrected small things and the contact points, the airplane (even the freighter) touches the ground now. I don't like the annoying PW, PR or GE sounds, therefore there's no sound included, I use the default B737_800 sound, it's simply relaxing. The panel is modified as well, the pesky GPWS is removed, but it's done for flying with outside view. If you prefer flying with inside views, you don't need this package anyways. Additional I did Screenshots (JPG) and wallpapers (PNG) of each livery with 10800x6075px and smaller ones for single (2560x1440px) and dual monitors (5120x1440). Happy flying and enjoy, greetz, Dag@bert.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2017 05:51 by Dagobert
FSX/FS2004 Amphibious Floatplane Bartini Beriev VVA-14
FSX/FS2004 Amphibious Floatplane Bartini Beriev VVA-14
29.60Mb (3013 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 Amphibious Floatplane Bartini Beriev VVA-14 in two versions. This strange looking aircraft was a soviet prototype for an amphibious concept, planned for a VTOL version with 14 engines; therefore the name VVA-14. The first version was a konventional one with gear but no floats and made its first flight in September 1972. Later inflatable rubber floats were installed but the aircraft was not able to go airborne. Finally the inflatable floats were replaced with solid floats, the bow was streched and got two additional jet engines. The design gives you no answer if this monster is an aircraft, a hydroplane, a flying catamaran boat or an alien spaceship from starwars. The wreck can be visited at the Molino museum near Moscow. The second prototype went lost in a fire and the VTOL version, planned for anti submarine warfare, was never built. As FS-model you can fly both version of the first prototype with great handling on ground, in air and on water: One with animated inflatable rubber floats and the other with solid floats. The model has a VC with animated stick- and throttle arms. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker, panel configuration by Michael Pook and russian gauges by different authors. Special thanks to them!
Posted Feb 6, 2017 04:21 by Erwin Welker
FSX Airbus A400M German Air Force Textures
FSX Airbus A400M German Air Force Textures
FSX Airbus A400M German Air Force Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
4.54Mb (3013 downloads)
FSX texture repaint in the grey colors of the German Forces "Luftwaffe" for the military transporter Airbus A400M. Requires the original model from Patrick Le Luyer updated by Chris Evans. The new Airbus will be the replacement for the much smaller C-160 Transall. Delivery of the first A400M to German Forces was in Dezember 2014. Required file: Repaint by Randolph Windler
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required file
Posted Dec 28, 2014 10:03 by Randolph Windler
FS2004                       Library Object Manager/Scenery Maker.
FS2004 Library Object Manager/Scenery Maker. (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design)
5.96Mb (3013 downloads)
FS2004 Library Object Manager/Scenery Maker. Library Object Manager is a utility to manage your collection of library objects. It can import information from a number of sources including library files, SBuilder, Rwy12 and EZ-Scenery. It can export information about objects to SBuilder, EZ-Scenery, Rwy12 and other scenery design programs. You can catalog objects by libary, user defined category and author. If you have a lot of objects then LOM makes using them in your scenery much easier. Scenery Maker is part of LOM and tightly integrated with it. Scenery Maker is a placement program and uses your flightsim aircraft position to place objects. The placement tools are very accurate and include helpers which let you move your aircraft to an object position or place your aircraft over an object and find it in your scenery file. There are also tools to 'nudge' objects in all three dimensions by as little as 1 inch. It can place library objects, rotating beacons, windsocks which react to wind speed and direction, effects, and triggers for fuel and weather. In addition to these simple objects Scenery Maker has powerful tools to create compound objects which would be difficult to create by hand. Works only with FS2004 objects and Simulator. Requires Microsoft dotNET Framework Version 2 and bglxml (above). By Jon Masterson. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
Military Sceneries Package v1
Military Sceneries Package v1
Military Sceneries Package v1 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
9.13Mb (3013 downloads)
Military Sceneries Package v1 product features the following: New autogen forest textures, New autogen water mirror textures for FSX, Autogen water textures, New beach,streets and river, All textures have 3 different altitude - sharpness - raster, All textures are adjusted air photos, - The Airport Rostock – Laage ( ETNL ) product features the following: New static display of F-4F Phantom and AIRBUS A350, New opjects and new forest, Static display of Eurofighter, Eurocopter Tiger, Accurate simulation of Fliegerhorst German Bundeswehr: “ Jagdgeschwader 73 Steinhof ”, 200 authentic objects, With shelter for the Eurofighters, forest, streets, hangars for civils and military air traffic, New airport terminal and many more - Autogen textures, 3D buildings and textures by - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Oct 8, 2009 13:56 by Andreas Meyer
FSX F-16 BlackOps Textures
FSX F-16 BlackOps Textures
FSX F-16 BlackOps Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
6.53Mb (3013 downloads)
This is a repaint of Kirk Olsen's F-16 in Black Ops. It Features the Lawrence Cav. (fictional) Patch on the pilot's left shoulder. Also features repainted Aim 9M missiles. It is Off-black so that I was able to make it not look flat and thus has the markings of the non-repainted ones.
Posted Sep 1, 2009 13:40 by Jonathan Lawrence
Boeing 777-200ER Privilege Style package
Boeing 777-200ER Privilege Style package
Boeing 777-200ER Privilege Style package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
64.96Mb (3012 downloads)
Boeing 777-200ER Privilege Style package with virtual cockpit and working FMC/FMS for FSX. Privilege Style is a VIP charter airline based in Madrid, Spain. It operates passenger charter services throughout Europe and is based at Madrid, Barajas Airport. Includes revised VC and FMC (via Views-Instrument panel). Model features are Opening doors & Cargo doors, detailed textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects, animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, ground service vehicles when cargo door open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Util), detailed virtual cockpit with updates by me (Chris Evans) and Hanzalah Ravat, and more. Added jetway (Ctrl J), fixed views and custom sounds. I have used the great textures by Xudeva Irribarra. FMS by JB panels - See FMC docs. Access FMC under Views - Instrument panel. FSX. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 29, 2016 11:49 by chris evans
Views for the Iris Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor
Views for the Iris Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor
0.12Mb (3012 downloads)
This package contains 2 sets of camera views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for the beautiful Iris Simulations ex-payware Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor ( Lightning II ). Beware : this package is meant to be used with the "FSX F-22A Raptor Package". A F-22A model by Virtavia is also available but I did not test my views with that one. Version 1.0 cameras are located at about the same level of the aircraft. Version 2.0 is based on version 1.0 but some of the cameras are placed at a higher level. 10 cameras pointing at the aircraft - including a new "Top-down" zoomable view. Total of 6 VC cams including 2 new "Over the shoulder" views. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Camera definitions sets are included in 2 separate text files. And finally two more files - Available.pdf and Top 20.pdf for informations about my "camera definitions" packages.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 29, 2012 16:08 by Marc Renaud
                  Snowed Inn Bed and Breakfast Scenery
FS2004 Snowed Inn Bed and Breakfast Scenery (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
14.29Mb (3012 downloads)
FS2004 Snowed Inn Bed and Breakfast Scenery. This scenery was designed using multiple variations of Christmas concepts. There hasn't been a Christmas scenery put out in such a long time that I decided to give you all a place to visit for the Holiday. This scenery was named Snowed Inn Bed & Breakfast with the hosting lodge called Agate Inn, after a real life Alaskan Bed & Breakfast, only this one was geared more toward the great add-on Tinsel Toms. With the recent release of Misty Fjords mesh, Tinsel Toms was marked one of the incompatible sceneries. So I decided to try and render the ideas from that scenery into a twist of my own, although it is aways from Thorne Bay, AK. Complete with Lago add-ons like Christmas music and other enhancements. Merry Christmas to all of you: Airport ID: SIBB. 14.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive