All Time Popular > Page 1347
F84G Thunderjet USAF Thunderbirds.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
2.56Mb (2639 downloads)
F84G Thunderjet USAF Thunderbirds.
This is a Repaint of Jens B. Kristensen F-84 G Painted in 1953
U.S. Air force Thunderbirds Paint scheme. This is a historically
accurate aircraft. Includes a brief History. This is a complete
Aircraft Textures By Mark Rooks. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive

FSX Marine Corps Military Base
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.01Mb (2639 downloads)
A Military Base for the FSX Marine Corps... Airport ID is FSMC. There is a Bombing Run as part of a side mission too, id BOMB, in the GPS, it is an Industrial area with a few fires where others have tried to bomb it for practice.A few carriers just off the coast too from the base.
Posted Apr 28, 2010 22:55 by HOTZONER

: Doolittle Raids.
(Category: CFS1 > Missions & Campaigns)
2.43Mb (2638 downloads)
: Doolittle Raids. Missions, aircraft & scenery all
included in this essential section of the Pacific War. File size
2544135. M Leone, K French
fo this file (34020)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Digital Helicopter Panel
(Category: FS2004 > Panels)
2.28Mb (2638 downloads)
Digital Helicopter Panel.
Like a modern day fighter jet panel for a helicopter. Micro
display at top of screen has Hdg, VSI, Alt, Thrust %, and MPH.
The little adf is also mouse as yoke - right clich to use -
right click to disenguage. Micro display great for flying in
external chase view. By Ted Vergith. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
Hunting Percival P.66 Pembroke C.1
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.76Mb (2638 downloads)
Hunting Percival P.66 Pembroke C.1.
This is a Gmax visual model (also suitable for AI) with panel
and sound aliased to default aircraft. Developed from the civil
Prince executive transport, forty-four Pembrokes served in the
RAF as communications aircraft between 1954 and 1990. Pembrokes
were also employed in various roles by the air forces of Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, South Rhodesia, the Sudan, Sweden
and Thailand. The recent release of Special Hobby's 1/72nd "Cold
War" plastic model kit has shed some light on the secret reconnaissance
missions of the Pembrokes serving with 60 Squadron, R.A.F. Germany.
The base texture included depicts one of these aircraft. Some
Pembrokes are still kept in flying condition and occasionally
appear at airshows. By Manfred Jahn. 781K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
Kittyhawk Boeing 737-200 MetroJet.
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.76Mb (2638 downloads)
Kittyhawk Boeing 737-200 MetroJet.
All textures are high quality 32bit and include shading, shadows
and dirt - no mips. Model included in this package as well as
Mike Baumann's updated FDE. Further improved contact points
and now each gear wheel has its own contact point for more realism.
Improved engine smoke effects and automatic wing and flap tip
vortices also included. Please see zip file for more screenshots.
Repainted by Philip Foglar. 4.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

50th Anniversary Red Arrow Hawk package (fixed)
(Category: FSX > Military)
19.49Mb (2637 downloads)
2004 DSB Display Hawk T1 reworked for use in FSX. Working VC, tested in windows 7 SP1-SP2 Repaint by Stephen Browning.
FIXED - missing gauges and opaque window.
Posted Jan 16, 2017 10:29 by Stephen Browning

Airbus A310-200 Air France Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
36.73Mb (2637 downloads)
Airbus A310-200 Air France package for FSX.
Air France operated the A310 between 1984 and 2002.
Includes custom A310 VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the great textures by Michael Pearson. Requires either FSX Acceleration or SP1 and SP2 to be installed.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith, working wipers and more. A330 sounds and manual included. Please read the manual to understand the panel! Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Sep 28, 2015 13:20 by chris evans

Air India Star Alliance Boeing 777-300ER Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
21.07Mb (2637 downloads)
The Air India Star Alliance Boeing 777-300ER with registration "VT-ALJ" (Bihar). Includes Standard 32 BIT HD textures with complete model and virtual cockpit (VC). Model by Project Opensky. Textures and packaged by Shrikar Galgali
Posted Jun 23, 2015 04:24 by Shrikar Galgali
Beriev BE-12 Update.
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.25Mb (2637 downloads)
Beriev BE-12 Update.
This is an update of the Beriev BE-12 by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy
(here). I
have updated the flight dynamics, corrected the contact points
where necessary and added two float points, changed the throttle
quadrant to a toggle window as it was not all visible, and changed
the engines from jets to turbo-props. Bob Chicilo. 261K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive