Mar 01, 2025 |
All Time Popular > Page 1370
                  Boeing 777-200 American Airlines Real Chrome livery Version
2.97Mb (2588 downloads)
FS2002 Boeing 777-200 American Airlines Real Chrome livery Version 3. With realistic interior and metal textures. Repaint of the MelJet Boeing 777-200ER for FS2002 made by Melvin Rafi. Repaint by Rodrigo Rios. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Boeing 787-800 Lufthansa Textures only
FS2004 Boeing 787-800 Lufthansa Textures only (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.43Mb (2588 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 787-800 Lufthansa Textures only. Textures for CamSim Boeing 787-8 Base Pack by: Camil Valiquette (Required here) Paint: Dirk Kiefer. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
Bryson Air Piper Seminole
Bryson Air Piper Seminole
Bryson Air Piper Seminole (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.92Mb (2588 downloads)
Chuck Dome's FS2002 Piper repainted in the livery of a Chicagoland charter operation. Lotsw of moving parts including cowl flaps. Repaint by Don Brynelsn
Posted Aug 28, 2010 12:28 by Don Brynelsen
Aryus Citation Sovereign PH-RID Textures
Aryus Citation Sovereign PH-RID Textures
Aryus Citation Sovereign PH-RID Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.39Mb (2588 downloads)
32bit textures for Aryus Works Citation Sovereign in PH-RID real aircraft textures. Tested in FS2004 and FSX. Textures only, requires original model: Good Fly!
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 27, 2009 14:14 by Alex Guedes/ Aryus Works
AltraMax Version 2 Repaints
AltraMax Version 2 Repaints
AltraMax Version 2 Repaints (Category: FSX > Gliders and Ultralites)
33.00Mb (2587 downloads)
Some minor adjustments to the AltraMax Version 2 textures to color the aircraft like the original version. Simply extract to your Altra MAX main folder and overwrite the existing textures with these. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2015 16:10 by Thomas Vaillencourt
Demoiselle No. 22
Demoiselle No. 22
Demoiselle No. 22 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
15.75Mb (2587 downloads)
Final and updated version of Marcel & Marco Di Foggi's Demoiselle. After years inactive, we decided to update our model of this wonderful aircraft to a more detailed and historical version. Ideal for those who want to enjoy a calm and panoramical flight in mankind's first ultralight, from a highly detailed and immersive virtual cockpit. If anyone wants to add/modify flight parameters to fit a specific purpose, please, feedback the results to us, we aprecciate suggestions and improvements. Demoiselle No 22 - Santos Dummont Recreated in FSDS v3 for FS2004 and possibly (not tested) FSX - by Marcel & Marco Di Foggi.
Posted Aug 31, 2012 05:11 by Marcel Di Foggi
                  Update 3 of David Roush's M1A1 Tank for FS2002
FS2002 Update 3 of David Roush's M1A1 Tank for FS2002. New paint, panel and new sounds. Plus panel with real time firing weapons/gauges/sounds. Project by Roger "Maddog" Gaylor. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Michigan Military Project v4.0
FS2004 Michigan Military Project v4.0 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
9.04Mb (2587 downloads)
FS2004 Michigan Military Project v4.0 This is an on-going project that includes detailed scenery, AFCAD2 files, flightplans, and most of the required repaints to activate military-use airports in Michigan. Scenery includes: Selfridge ANGB (KMTC), Battle Creek ANGB (KBTL), Alpena CRTC (KAPN), Grayling AAF(including bombing range- KGOV), and Grand Ledge AAF (4D0). Flightplans are for the following flying units: 107th FS, 171st AS, 63rd ARS, 172nd FS, CGAS Detroit, CGAS Traverse City, and Michigan Civil Air Patrol. Requires original aircraft models and Nova Gold Textures 1 (here).By Matt Magner. 9.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Canadair/Bombardier RJ200-ER Atlantic Southeast Airlines
0.32Mb (2587 downloads)
FS2002 Canadair/Bombardier RJ200-ER Atlantic Southeast Airlines Reg ID: N867AS A Delta Connection operator in the ASA"Wavy Gravy" Livery New ver6 with Max Moving Parts and night lighting effects. Design: Barry Blaisdell ASA Paint: Bob May Premier Aircraft Design. 328K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
Flight Planner Spreadsheet. (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.00Mb (2586 downloads)
Flight Planner Spreadsheet. Microsoft Works Speadsheet to creat this Flight Planner for the Microsoft Flight Simulator series. Therfore you must have Microsoft Works to use this flight planner. Michael Giuliano. 6K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive