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                  Eagle Air Charter Queen Air A65
FS2002 Eagle Air Charter Queen Air A65 (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.71Mb (2579 downloads)
FS2002 Eagle Air Charter Queen Air A65. The Beech Queen Air A65 in the colors of Eagle Air Charter's training center. Original aircraft and FDE by Mike Stone. By Rick Wooton. 730K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package
52.45Mb (2578 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package. G-CIVY was one of the 2 final Boeing 747-400 in the British Airways fleet, along with G-CIVB, that departed from Heathrow Airport for retirement in October 2020. Assembled for FSX with the enhanced VC from FSND. Project Opensky FSX Native Boeing 747-400 model with the upgraded Boeing 747 internal cockpit (VC) from MS/ Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures. Textured and assembled for PD3 v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and previous P3D editions.
Posted Oct 11, 2020 07:38 by chris evans
FSX/P3D FSX native Boeing 777-9 Emirates  P3D4 compatible
FSX/P3D FSX native Boeing 777-9 Emirates  P3D4 compatible
54.61Mb (2578 downloads)
FSX/P3D FSX native Boeing 777-9 Emirates P3D4 compatible. Based in Dubai, Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East and as of May 2018, has 115 Boeing 777-9 on order. This is the FSX native Skyspirit Boeing 777-9 with the FSX native internal B777 model/VC. Compatible with 64bit P3D4 versions. Correct jetways and wingview added. (From wiki: The Boeing 777X is the latest series of the long-range, wide-body, twin-engine Boeing 777 family from Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The 777X will feature new GE9X engines, new composite wings with folding wingtips, greater cabin width and seating capacity, and technologies from the Boeing 787) Thank you to Zachary777 for the native conversion of the brilliant Jacob Kubique VC. Gauges added by Chris Evans. Textures by Aziz Polash. Tested in P3Dv4.2 and should also work in other P3D up to v4.* & FSX. Edited and packaged by Chris Evans.
Posted May 18, 2019 07:48 by chris evans
                  Saba Island High Resolution Mesh
FS2002 Saba Island High Resolution Mesh (Category: FS2002 > Scenery)
0.04Mb (2578 downloads)
FS2002 Saba Island High Resolution Mesh This Terrain Mesh scenery cover Saba Island in the Caribbean Sea. This scenery is a strong mesh with lots of details. Author: Raimondo Taburet. 39K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  Stratofortress For FS2000
B-52H Stratofortress For FS2000 (Category: FS2000 > Military)
14.19Mb (2578 downloads)
B-52H Stratofortress For FS2000, Only B 52H Stratofortress built using FSDS and animated using a combination of Aircraft Animator and SDL edit. Features realistically moving parts, Realistic Lighting, Deployable Drag Chute, Working Spoilerons, Bomb Bay, Multi-LOD Model. This model is at least 90% authentic to the real B52 H. Tested by real Pilots and Crew Chiefs. Features 6 different paint schemes and features 4 different models each with a different static loadout. By Kotaro Akikawa. 14.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Airbus A350-1000 XWB Qantas
FS2004 Airbus A350-1000 XWB Qantas (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
5.63Mb (2578 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A350-1000 XWB Qantas , including 4 aircrafts with different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 5.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER America West Express colors.
9.97Mb (2578 downloads)
FS2004 Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER America West Express colors. From Premier Aircraft Design, The Original Designers of the CRJ700 going all the way back to FS95. Premier Aircraft Design Presents the FS2004 Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER. A 70 seat, Twin Turbo Fan Regional Airliner in America West Express colors - Reg_ID: N511MJ, Operated by The Mesa Group. An FSDS 2.24 Design with 2D Panel, Dynamic VC and Night Effects. Includes Full Animation Featuring Operating Airstair, Thrust Reverser, Leading Edge Slats, steerable Nose Wheel, HTML Check & Reference Lists, Custom Sound, a Panel_Docs_Help folder and more. View the readme_first.txt in the zip file for complete install instructions. Special Thanks to Nick Linehan, Mesa Group CRJ700 / 900 Pilot for his assistance in this project. Enjoy flying the 4th version of this great aircraft. More authentic liveries will follow. A CRJ900 is coming soon. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. 10MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  / 2002 Boeing 727-200 Pan Am Clipper Competitor
2.63Mb (2578 downloads)
FS2004 / 2002 Boeing 727-200 Pan Am Clipper Competitor. All textures are competely redone from scratch with much better textures and details. Original model: Kevin Trinkle,Gary Carlson. Modifications and GMax design: Erick Cantu, Jonathan Stewart, FDE by Mike Baumann. Repainted by Henry William. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
Aeroworks L29 Delfin - Panaromic Photopanel
Aeroworks L29 Delfin - Panaromic Photopanel
14.92Mb (2578 downloads)
This is a freeware 2d- high visibility Panaromic panel made from an actual photo of the Delfin with near actual gauges (gauges included) as close to real thing as possible. The height of the eyeview is same as would be seen by a 5ft7in pilot in a delfin cockpit. A hud has been included (not on actual aircraft) to make flying easier. Col Sanjay Bajpai
Posted Sep 12, 2008 22:19 by Col Sanjay Bajpai
X-Plane 9.50 C-17A Globemaster 3
X-Plane 9.50 C-17A Globemaster 3
X-Plane 9.50 C-17A Globemaster 3 (Category: X Plane > Military)
11.84Mb (2577 downloads)
X-Plane 9.50 C-17A Globemaster 3 (2011) v3. The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a large military transport aircraft. It was developed for the United States Air Force (USAF) from the 1980s to the early 1990s by McDonnell Douglas. By David Austin.
Posted Nov 21, 2013 08:50 by uploader