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                  Grumman OV-1C Mohawk U.S. Customs Drug Interdiction Aircraft.
4.94Mb (2557 downloads)
FS2004 Grumman OV-1C Mohawk U.S. Customs Drug Interdiction Aircraft. One of four OV-1C's used by the US Customs Service in the '70's to mid '80's to intercept drug smuggling aircraft. The OV-1C's were modified ex-US Army machines with military equipment removed and an IR sensor turret mounted in an elongated nose. All were eventually painted in a smart looking bue and white paint scheme. The four OV's were later replaced by another Grumman product, the E-2C Hawkeye. This Stand-Alone FS2004 model had full ani's, VC with custom XML gauges and lighting. Tim Piglet Conrad. 5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  2004/2002 ATR 42-300 Denmark Package
FS 2004/2002 ATR 42-300 Denmark Package (Category: FS2004 > Props)
47.76Mb (2557 downloads)
FS 2004/2002 ATR 42-300 Denmark Package. Thank you for downloading the ATR 42-300 Denmark Package! This package features a complete model by Sánchez-Castañer, with everything what's needed to fly this aircraft in flightsimulator. Aircraft features four liveries by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg ( OY-CIO Team Lufthansa, OY-CIM Cimber Air in old paint & Danish Air Transport in two different paints ), made from body textures by Edward Cox. ATR photoreal panel and flight deck by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg, with working yokes in main panel and flightdeck, panel VC and autopilot, pilots in cockpit, working radar showing AI traffic, Night Light on main panel, all controlled by switches. The Cockpit also contains new cycle views, as well as brand new cabin views with passengers and flight-crew, and wing-views from inside the cabin. Other features accurate light placement, full animations, accurately shaped wings, flaps, and fuselage, and opening passenger door, cargo door. The package also contains realistic ATR Turboprop sound from France Aviation Virtuelle. Model and flight dynamics F.Sánchez-Castañer. Panel & texture, modifications and pack by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg. 49MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
NL2000 Volkel, Netherlands
NL2000 Volkel, Netherlands (Category: FSX > Scenery)
62.62Mb (2556 downloads)
EHVK Volkel Air Force Base (Dutch: Vliegbasis Volkel) is a military airfield used by the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNAF). One of the three F-16 bases of the country, Volkel houses four squadrons: 306sq, 311sq, 312sq and 313sq. Mmade by NL2000 but the installer seemed to be a big problem. that's why I made this ZIP. Put the EHVK folder in your addon scenery folder. THAT'S IT!
Posted Sep 16, 2010 13:28 by capt.Topgun
                  CRJ-200 Panel
FS2002 CRJ-200 Panel (Category: FS2002 > Panels)
1.86Mb (2556 downloads)
FS2002 CRJ-200 Panel (Optimized for POSKY's CRJ) This panel was created to compliment and maintain compatibility with the new POSKY CRJ VC. Included are Eric Marciano's radar gauge, Jorge Salas' switches and toggles, a few files from the FPDA folks and Christian Koegler, Bill Morad's ATC panel, and an assembly of HUD gauges from Paul Golding. This panel also uses FS2002 default gauges. By: Leon Seale. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
                  7e7 - Gulf Air "Gold"
Boeing 7e7 - Gulf Air "Gold" (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.22Mb (2556 downloads)
Boeing 7e7 - Gulf Air "Gold". The Boeing 7e7-800 is intended to replace the 757 and 767 and to compete with the Airbus A330. The 7e7-800 is the long range version of the 7e7, which can carry about 220 passengers over a distance of 8500nm, with a cruise speeds up to mach .85. The 7e7 is to have it's first flight in 2007. Model, Textures and dynamics by Robert Versluys. Repaint by Dirk Kiefer . 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
Zlin-Z50L GA-ZELAZNY (Category: FSX > Props)
13.24Mb (2556 downloads)
This package contains 4 Zlin Z50L airplanes in liveries of the Polish Aerobatic Team ZELAZNY, designed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X with ServicePack 2 or AccelerationPack. However, it is not said that it won't work without these addons, but you might experience some unexpected issues. The package also contains a new smoke system, dedicated for these Zlins, made in our hands ;) Textures: PSA460 Special Effects: Lesniak17 Copyrights by Piglet's Peculiar Planes & W.G.A.
Posted Jun 19, 2010 15:06 by PSA460 & lesniak17
Pulkovo, Russia, Scenery and Traffic
Pulkovo, Russia, Scenery and Traffic
Pulkovo, Russia, Scenery and Traffic (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
83.36Mb (2556 downloads)
Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Russia (ULLI) scenery and traffic. this will replace the default scenery and as a special bonus, pulkovo AI traffic. The following are the ai planes, Il86, tu134, tu154, il114, and boeing 737. All of them come with a panel and sound, but the boeing is not flyable, only the ilyushins and tupolevs are flyable, AFCAD included.
Posted Apr 17, 2010 16:39 by Alex Huff
Delta DC-7 Textures
Delta DC-7 Textures
Delta DC-7 Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
3.35Mb (2556 downloads)
FS9/FSX Delta Airlines textures for Greg Pepper/Tom Gibson DC-7. These textures depict Delta's early 1960s scheme which was never painted on the DC-7. Requires available at California Classics.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 9, 2009 17:39 by Gary Harper
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base Package
11.84Mb (2556 downloads)
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base Package. Included is Valinhos and Vinhedo citys and Airports: Viracopos and Amarais. Amarais have not radio auxilies, but is used 1170 mhz to ADF that is the Radio Educadora AM. Viracopos is OK with radio auxilies like VOR and ILS. Author: Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Mar 30, 2009 03:06 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
British Airways Landor Super VC10 Textures
British Airways Landor Super VC10 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
0.58Mb (2556 downloads)
Super VC10 in British Airways Landor Textures only. Requires the Super VC10 1151 model by David Maltby.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 20, 2009 20:50 by Yu Yang Dong