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                  BSG Geminon 1.
FSX BSG Geminon 1. (Category: FSX > Misc)
1.44Mb (2048 downloads)
FSX BSG Geminon 1. Maximum Performance - full envelope - capable of FSX Max speed; (2667 kts/ GPS-GS) - Stable and Strong under Extreme G loads and maximum dynamic pressures - Ultra efficient , High Thrust , Vectored Thrust - SuperSpoilers - Deflection flaps for hovering flight. Model/Texture conversions for MS-FSX By Fitzgerald. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  Tengah AFB, Singapore scenery v.1
FS2004 Tengah AFB, Singapore scenery v.1 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
3.03Mb (2048 downloads)
FS2004 Tengah AFB, Singapore scenery v.1, - WSAT Tengah Airforce Base is a small military airbase located on the western side of the tiny island of Singapore. It is the main base for the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) F16 Falcons, E2 Hawkeyes, and the A4 Skyhawks. This is a fictional depiction of an actual airbase in Singapore. WSAT is unuseable and dormant in the default FS2K2 scenery. So this scenery, created using FSSC, makes WSAT functional and active with ILS enabled. The whole scenery is framerate friendly and looks great at night with pulsating approach lights. There's also an additional makeshift runway made out of a public road, (ie. Lim Chu Kang Road) for touch and gos like in real-life, and with night lighting too! PLUS- AFCAD files provided for WSAP, WSAT, WMKB, WMKD and WMSA. Up and coming: other sceneries of airbases in southeast asia. Sharizal "Wirana" Zahrin. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  WestLand Lysander Desert Aluminum Dope
9.09Mb (2048 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 WestLand Lysander Desert Aluminum Dope FSDSv2.x Model, air file, Aircaft.config, Panel, Textures., Scenedb and Object_dp, by Jim Jacobson. 9.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                    (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-14A
IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-14A (Category: FS2002 > Military)
4.36Mb (2048 downloads)
IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-14A for fs2000 or 2002,the F-14 has fs2002 version but I can not make desert texture with the 2002 version, It contained all player needed, But it have no cockpit because the canopy is opaque,the original model is not opaque but when I testing new texture the canopy became opaque, I can not solve this problem . Original by DINO CATTANEO. 4.4MB UPDATE : Fix - fixes transparent window. 96K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Valkyrie for FS2002 v1.75
VF-1J Valkyrie for FS2002 v1.75 (Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.73Mb (2048 downloads)
VF-1J Valkyrie for FS2002 v1.75. VF-1 is the transformationable fighter in the Japanese anime Macross. Made by SOUEA. Panel modified by Rolf Fleckenstein. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
Air Belgium A340-300 Package
Air Belgium A340-300 Package
Air Belgium A340-300 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.19Mb (2047 downloads)
Airbus A340-300 Air Belgium. Air Belgium is a Belgian scheduled and charter airline headquartered in Mont-Saint-Guibert and based at Brussels South Charleroi Airport. Includes default A321 VC. Model by Thomas Ruth. Textures by Fougasses Design
Posted Mar 12, 2017 12:34 by Fougasses Design
CN235 Royal Malaysian Air Force
CN235 Royal Malaysian Air Force
CN235 Royal Malaysian Air Force (Category: FSX > Military)
5.71Mb (2047 downloads)
CASA CN235 Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). Original aircraft design by J.E.Narcizo & RanchoJEN Adaptation for FSX, panel and VC by Philippe Wallaert.
Posted Dec 30, 2014 06:16 by Abd Mu'iz
Boeing 787-8 Royal Air Maroc
Boeing 787-8 Royal Air Maroc (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.12Mb (2047 downloads)
FSX Royal Air Maroc Boeing 787-8 V3, This CamSim Version 3 feature an improve aircraft's wing root design including Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). 2d panel. No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jan 1, 2012 10:46 by Camil Valiquette
PFD for FIP (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.25Mb (2047 downloads)
For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel. This is a full functional Primary Flight Display (PFD) Glass type gauge. 1. Artificial horizon with sliding bug (yellow). 2. Moving tapes for:Air speed, Altitude, Heading. 3. Detail window for altitude. 4. Needle for vertical speed. 5. Glide slope and Localizer bars, they appear when in range of ILS only. 6. Digital values for: Total Air Temperature (TAT), QNH, Mach number, VOR 1 selected course, VOR 1 bearing, DME 1 range, Radio height altitude up to 2000 feet, above a bar go through the window. Vertical speed, a minus sign appears when vertical speed is negative. 7. Autopilot bugs for: Selected altitude, Selected speed, Selected heading. Rmk: Bugs appear only when autopilot ALT, SPD or HDG functions are selected. 8. Display Autopilot functions with Text acronysm in yellow: AP, Autopilot Master On, THR, auto throttle mode engaged, SPD, air speed mode selected, HDG, heading mode selected, NAV, navigation mode selected (VOR 1), APR, approach mode selected, BC, back course mode selected. 9. Knobs functions: Right, allows to change QNH value. Left, allows to move VOR 1 course.
Posted May 23, 2011 14:17 by philippe verhaege
Ha1112 Buchon
Ha1112 Buchon
Ha1112 Buchon (Category: FSX > Vintage)
6.08Mb (2047 downloads)
FS2004-FSX Hispano HA-1112-M1L Buchon The history of the Spanish built Me-109s and the Hispano Aviacion HA-112-MIL “Buchon”, began in 1936 when the aircraft came into use in the Spanish Civil War. In 1953 there appeared a RR Merlin engined variant. This version, designated HA-1109-M1L, was named Buchon. The HA1112-M1L saw most of its “combat” in the 1970 film, The Battle of Britain that recreated the fierce air battles of 30 years before. After the filming, many Buchon were restored by warbird enthousiast and repainted in the markings of WW2 BF109s. By A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 10, 2010 04:23 by A.F.Scrub