Mar 01, 2025 |
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                  205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Floats)
4.96Mb (1849 downloads)
BELL 205A-1 UH-1H Huey Evergreen Helicopters (Floats). Thanks to Jordan Moore for the excellent design work, Original version "" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false">. This Version of the Bell 205-A-1 (UH-1H Huey) includes a paint theme of Evergreen Helicopters (Floats), the panel which I have included is my own. This helicopter is fully animated and upgraded with the "Huey" sound package. I have upgraded the Nav. Lights in the correct position and added those that were missing and one rotating beacon on the bottom, the horizontal stabilizer, cyclic and rudder pedals, and landing light are animated, the tail rotor assy. has been moved to the pilots side. The lights are independantly operated from the switch's inside the cockpit on the collective and the landing light can also be operated by a switch or from "ctrl L". The helicopter has had a major overhaul so that additional parts (ie: ext speaker, cargo hook, steps, antenaes, pilot & co-pilot doors open) and various textures could be individually added and painted. The pilot and co-pilot doors open when the aircraft is shut down, then close when rotor rpm increases. The cargo doors open and close with the landing light switch or "ctrl L". Modifications and Repaint by: Lynn Rogers Instrument Panel by: Lynn Rogers. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  "Freedom of Thunder" F-16 Thunderbirds Texture 2
3.69Mb (1849 downloads)
FS2004 "Freedom of Thunder" F-16 Thunderbirds Texture 2 By Robert Hawk. Requires Basepack ( above. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
Tasmania Hobart International Airport (YMHB)
Tasmania Hobart International Airport (YMHB)
16.23Mb (1849 downloads)
Featuring custom GMAX models, landclass changes, satelite imagery, and AFCAD airport update, Hobart International Airport (YMHB), Tasmania, is the result of several years development. The model itself has been designed with first hand knowledge and is highly accurate to the real airport. The textures of the airport are also based on real-life photographs. This download includes the nearby Mt. Wellington observatory and signal tower. It is recommended to be flown with FTX landclass installed. A free no restrictions demo of Tasmanian landclass is available from FTX at Authors: Sean and Matthew Devenish.
Posted Mar 11, 2010 19:10 by Matthew Devenish
Tatra in Detail: Giewont Cross, Poland
Tatra in Detail: Giewont Cross, Poland (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.57Mb (1849 downloads)
This addon gives you the famous cross on the top of Giewont mountain in Polish Tatra. The object was made in high detail, but does not drain FPS at all. There are 2 versions included: for default mesh or Global2008/Tatra Photo Scenery users. Enjoy the beauty of Tatra!
Posted Sep 5, 2009 16:39 by Dawid Andraszewski
BAe Bulldog T1
BAe Bulldog T1
BAe Bulldog T1 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
10.07Mb (1848 downloads)
Bulldog T1 Pup trainers. Model and textures by J R Lucariny
Posted Dec 14, 2012 08:38 by JRLucarinyFS2004Models
FSX Northrop T-38A Engine Smoke
FSX Northrop T-38A Engine Smoke (Category: FSX > Military)
0.04Mb (1848 downloads)
FSX Northrop T-38A engine smoke for the old FSD T-38A converted to FSX by Danny Garnier. Requires previous installation in FSX of the T-38A, such as the Turkish Air Force version (includes NASA and USAF) uploaded to Simviation by "SERDARD" on 8-14-11. Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 15, 2011 11:50 by Tom Tiedman
                  Replacement Bomb Models
CFS3 Replacement Bomb Models (Category: CFS3 > Misc)
0.10Mb (1848 downloads)
CFS3 Replacement Bomb Models. By Mark Rude. 105K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Myanmar Air Force Fokker F27-200 New Colors 0002
0.42Mb (1848 downloads)
FS2004 Myanmar Air Force Fokker F27-200 New Colors 0002. Fps friendly full animated model in the Myanmar Air-Force new colors (Burma). With much love to the details has arisen this new repaint. With reflective texture. Please turn on reflections. Complete model with default fs-panel and -sound. Installation in Deutsch and English. Model by Mike Stone. Repaint by Pyi Soe, HOUSE-RP. 427K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300, A330-200 Air China Twin Pack
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-300, A330-200 Air China Twin Pack
135.07Mb (1847 downloads)
FSX/P3D (incl. v4) Airbus A330-300 & A330-200 Air China Twin Pack. Air China is China's flag carrier airline and based at Beijing Capital Airport. As of September 2018, Air China operate 30 A330-200 and 29 A330-300 with a further 6 on order, flying to destinations all over the world. Model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth modified VC with latest updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. I added the great textures by He Lingyuan. Fixed contact points. Added wing views and better VC. Includes built in FMC by Garret Smith. FMC will display in VC. Includes A330 manual. Custom A330 sounds included. FSX : requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Assembled and tested in P3Dv4 by Chris Evans Should also be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Posted Sep 17, 2018 06:48 by chris evans
FS9 ACOF. Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L
FS9 ACOF. Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L
FS9 ACOF. Sequoia Aircraft Falco F8L (Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.66Mb (1847 downloads)
This is version 1.2 of the model which corrects some errors or problems, present in the former version.This versione fully replace the version 1.1. The aircraft was designed by the renowned Italian designer Stelio Frati in 1955, and originally built in Italy by Aviamilano then Aeromere and later Laverda. The Falco is currently sold in kit or plans form for amateur construction by the Sequoia Aircraft Company of Richmond, Virginia. The aircraft is single-engined, propeller driven and designed for private and general aviation use. Full package for FS2004, model, custom panel and 3D VC, Two liveries. Original source file design by Chris Lampard modified and improved with 2D panel and a working 3d VC By Massimo Taccoli, Flight Dynamics made by Dennis G. Seeley.
Posted Mar 12, 2014 03:25 by Mssimo Taccoli