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                  P51 Mustang DT "Little One III"
FSX P51 Mustang DT "Little One III" (Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.34Mb (1722 downloads)
FSX P51 Mustang DT "Little One III". his is a Repaint of Roger Dial's P51 Mustang D For Flight Simulator X .. This is a Historically Accurate Repaint of the Aircraft Flown By Lt Col. Donald S. Bryan 324th FS of the 352th FG, " Little One III" Was destroyed on the ground on New Years Day, 1945 (the only casualty of the day). It had been flown by some one else and not parked in the correct place. One cannon round through the engine caused a fire. LT/COL Donald S. Bryan (Ret) was one of the four aces in a day from the 352th and had a total of 13.75 in flight kills which included a damage and a kill on an AR-234. This is a complete Aircraft Modified and Repainted For FSX By Mark " Fireball" Rooks of RSDG. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
Indian Arm Day Park and Float Plane Base, Vancouver
1.26Mb (1722 downloads)
Indian Arm Day Park and Float Plane Base, Vancouver, BC. Canada This scenery was designed with a clean install of FSX and no addons such as Ultimate Terrain, so if you have such addons objects may appear where they were not intended to be. This is a fictitous scenery of a Day Park and float plane base located at the mouth of Indian Arm (river) just north-east of downtown Vancouver. there is a water runway (viewable on GPS) and NDB (ADF) w/frequency of 225.0 and a range of 60 nautical miles. Complete with boat ramp, float plane and boat dock, cabins, a nice resturaunt, swimming area with diving dock, a private resdence on a nearby island and lot's of activites including a 4 wheel drive challenge area where 4 wheelers test their off-road skills.
Posted Jul 31, 2010 14:36 by Uploader
FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando China PLAAF Package
FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando China PLAAF Package
32.37Mb (1721 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando CHINA PLAAF package. Original model with VC by Libardo Guzman. Textures by Liao Yitong
Posted Dec 10, 2016 05:09 by Liao Yitong
PM2 Concorde British Airways Textures
PM2 Concorde British Airways Textures
PM2 Concorde British Airways Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.99Mb (1721 downloads)
Textures for the PM2 Concorde for fsx/fs2004. Features cockpit textures and HD external textures. Created by kelvin Keeble
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 10, 2016 10:04 by Kelvin keeble
FSX Pilotable High Sea Salvage Tugboat
FSX Pilotable High Sea Salvage Tugboat
5.34Mb (1721 downloads)
FSX pilotable high sea salvage tugboat "Abeille Bourbon". The real ship is stationed at the entrance to the fjord of Brest at the Northwest coast of the Bretagne/France. The FS-ship comes with navigation bridge, sounds and special effects. The "Abeille Bourbon" is equipped with two of three working high power fire pumps and they are not useless because fire-effects are included. Nine cameras allows you to explore the ship. The Ai-ship model with the textures is made by Jean-Pierre Fillion. Features for the pilotable versions with all the configuration for the panel, cameras and effects by Erwin Welker.
Posted Mar 7, 2013 06:27 by Erwin Welker
Default Cessna 208 new FDE
Default Cessna 208 new FDE (Category: FSX > Props)
0.01Mb (1721 downloads)
This new FDE (Flight dynamics) includes an improved flight model plus a much improved PT6 simulation.
Posted Feb 24, 2012 03:14 by Bernt Stolle
            Mission "FVB2_Historical_Series_1"
CFS2 Mission "FVB2_Historical_Series_1" (Category: CFS2 > Missions & Campaigns)
0.04Mb (1721 downloads)
CFS2 Mission "FVB2_Historical_Series_1" Historical mission flown by 2nd Lt. Don McGee USAAF on May 1, 1942. Uses quite a few triggers. Best when played at 95-100% settings with labels, cone, and tac turned off. Should be playable on most all systems. Freeware by Michael Brookshire a.k.a Franz_von_Baron. 39K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
                  Fuerstenfeldbruck AB, ETSF, Germany
FS2004 Fuerstenfeldbruck AB, ETSF, Germany (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.13Mb (1721 downloads)
FS2004 Fuerstenfeldbruck AB, ETSF, Germany .This airfield is located in the west close to Munich (Bavaria, South Germany). Some small changes have been implemented to support some further AI Traffic with the well known AFCAD 2.21 tool. Created by Klaus Jone. 129K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Pacific Coastal Shorts 360
FS2004 Pacific Coastal Shorts 360 (Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.61Mb (1721 downloads)
FS2004 Pacific Coastal Shorts 360 GMAX aircraft Shorts 360 in Pacific Coastal livery. Textures re-painted by: Claudio A. Dobre. Original aircraft: Mike Stone. 1.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive
                  Boeing 757-200 T-01 Republica Argentina
FS2002 Boeing 757-200 T-01 Republica Argentina (Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
3.93Mb (1721 downloads)
FS2002 Boeing 757-200 T-01 Republica Argentina. Original by Project Opensky. Paint by Facundo Sachi. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive