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FSX-United French Airlines Boeing 737 Textures
FSX-United French Airlines Boeing 737 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.06Mb (1713 downloads)
The United French Airlines VA repaint of the default FSX Boeing 737.
Posted Oct 27, 2008 01:06 by José ( F-LC1 )
Airport Design Editor (ADE) v 1.75
Airport Design Editor (ADE) v 1.75 (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design)
17.21Mb (1712 downloads)
Airport Design Editor (ADE) is a graphical design tool to create and enhance airports for Microsoft Flight Simulators 9 and X. It takes it's inspiration from the excellent AFCAD2 developed for FS9 by Lee Swordy. ADE does for FS9 and FSX what AFCAD does for FS9. It adds support for new FSX features such as fences, jetways and terrain. Users can also remove, move, or edit existing buildings and objects as well as adding new ones In addition to airport elements ADE also has a visual Approach Editor to add and enhance the approaches to your airports ADE is being developed with the help of a small group of dedicated airport designers with a wealth of knowledge and experience. ADE sets out to achieve two things in designing and enhancing airports. First to make the enhanced airport look good, and second to make it work properly. Airport design must address both aspects - the visible and the invisible. The design philosophy goes further in assisting users of all levels to get things right from the start. Error checking and 'common sense' are built in. At the same time it is important to allow users flexibility.
Posted Jun 2, 2018 05:28 by striker
SAAB AJ-37 X Viggen with RB04E ASM's.
SAAB AJ-37 X Viggen with RB04E ASM's.
SAAB AJ-37 X Viggen with RB04E ASM's. (Category: FSX > Military)
5.40Mb (1712 downloads)
Alpha (Henk) SAAB AJ-37_X Viggen with RB04E ASM's. This is an extra model for Henk's FSX Viggen conversion, which you will have to have installed. One of the cool armament options Alpha passed on was the massive RB04E ASM. This is a different cfg-file based missile flight solution that gives very high performance. The minimums for drop are 10KTS/50ft ASL, no upper limits-it will even work in space! Missiles on dropped object visibility condition, from saved flight only. You will have to do some cutting and pasting. See readme file for details.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 1, 2017 13:01 by LLS
Siam Air Boeing 737-800 Package
Siam Air Boeing 737-800 Package
Siam Air Boeing 737-800 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
73.50Mb (1712 downloads)
This package is the Thai airline Siam Air. Operating from Bangkok the carrier takes in such locations as Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau among others. This package is the 3rd in the series using the Posky Boeing 737-800 model which has some great advanced VC animations (thanks to Alejandro Rojas Lucenda) including wipers and rain effect. I have modified the external lighting and included the night time blue led cockpit lighting for better night flying experience. This is a High Definition repaint. To fly in HD follow the simple instructions included in the download.
Posted May 17, 2016 14:05 by Paul Davies
Percival Q6 P16d.
Percival Q6 P16d. (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
5.78Mb (1712 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Percival Q6 P16d. Designed in 1936, this is the optional retractable undercarriage version of the elegant 6/7 seater, of which only four were built. This model has a later refined flight dynamics file giving a better engine power representation. It is shown in its RAF impressed version complete with the instrumentation layout, ADF and comms equipment of the period. Originally uploaded to Britsim in April 2012. By Keith Paine.
Posted Oct 17, 2013 02:25 by uploader
CFS2 MISSION--BOMB RUN ON TSITI TSITI (Category: CFS2 > Missions & Campaigns)
0.38Mb (1712 downloads)
CFS2 MISSION--BOMB RUN ON TSITI TSITI The Americans have captured the airbase, and POW camp at Tsiti Tsiti. We will pay them back for there arrogance. Includes airfile and panel to make the Betty bomber fly. Mission by Marvin Carter. 394K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
FSDS              Bell-407.FSC-File for FS-Design studio
FSDS Bell-407.FSC-File for FS-Design studio (Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.81Mb (1712 downloads)
FSDS Bell-407.FSC-File for FS-Design studio Original-Helicopterdesigned by Emanuel(manni) Dietz. 830K
Posted Jul 14, 2008 07:00 by archive
                  Beech King Air 350 Blank Textures
FSX Beech King Air 350 Blank Textures (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
4.63Mb (1712 downloads)
FSX Beech King Air 350 Blank Textures. This is a Repaint of a Stock Beech King Air 350 For Flight Simulator FSX Created as a Blank texture Project Aircraft . A good starting point for any Beech King Air 350 Project Created with easy to use Bit Map Files and easy to follow instructions on how to convert for FSX.. Textures by Mark Rooks of RSDG. 4.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
FS2004                   Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base Vietnam, Late 60's Scenery
1.72Mb (1712 downloads)
FS2004 Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base Vietnam, Late 60's Scenery. A model of Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base (NKP). Situated in the far northeast corner of Thailand right across the Mekong River from Laos, NKP was the smallest, remotest, and most primitive of the Thai airbases utilized by the US Air Force. Many of the operations that were conducted at NKP were top-secret. NKP was the headquarters of “Task Force Alpha”, the underground command center directing “Arc Light” bombing of the Ho Chi Minh trail. The 56th Air Commando Wing employed a variety of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters for interdiction, close air support, psychological warfare, search and rescue, forward air control, and clandestine insertion and extraction of special operations personnel in Laos and North Vietnam. One of the key covert missions conducted at NKP was “Operation Igloo White”, which involved the planting and monitoring of electronic sensors along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Air America also used NKP as a base to supply the various hill tribes in Laos. Note: This scenery requires the object library by Gerrish Gray (here).. George Knowles. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Vagar Airport (EKVG) is located on the Faroe islands
0.42Mb (1712 downloads)
FS2004 Vagar Airport (EKVG) is located on the Faroe islands, between Scotland and Iceland. Features include parkable hangars, accurate control tower, accurate buildings, many vehicles, car parks, cargo terminal, fire-station, boats, nearby villages and more. Many night textures and custom AFCAD file included. The airport is at N62* 03.8177' and W7* 16.6332'. Tim Clayton. 430K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive