Mar 01, 2025 |
All Time Popular > Page 245
                    - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71:
                    - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71:
3.23Mb (10044 downloads)
FS2000/CFS2 - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71: Features all the usual animation plus: Working 8-STAGE afterburners, braking parachute, and for the first time - contrails are produced at the tips of the wings in HIGH-G pull-up and roll-departures. Real MACH 3.2 stability at 80,000ft. Model, textures by RICHARD BARKER. 3.3MB Recommended Panel below::::
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Antonov An-124 Ruslan in Antonov Airlines Colors
17.31Mb (10044 downloads)
FS2004 Antonov An-124 Ruslan in Antonov Airlines Colors The Anotonov-124 "Ruslan" has become one of the most famous cargo transporter worldwide for military and comercial transports (like parts of the european Ariane rocket). This paint scheme shows the Antonov Airlines Colors. Also includes an awesome An-124 sound system. Model and Textures by Tom Ruth. Ray Brower. 7.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
              - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71:
              - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71:
FS2000/CFS2 - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71: (Category: CFS2 > Post WW2 Aircraft)
3.23Mb (10042 downloads)
FS2000/CFS2 - Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71: Features all the usual animation plus: Working 8-STAGE afterburners, braking parachute, and for the first time - contrails are produced at the tips of the wings in HIGH-G pull-up and roll-departures. Real MACH 3.2 stability at 80,000ft. Model, textures by RICHARD BARKER. 3.3MB Recommended Panel below::::
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
                  Piper PA23 Apache Package.
                  Piper PA23 Apache Package.
FS2004 Piper PA23 Apache Package. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.43Mb (10041 downloads)
FS2004 Piper PA23 Apache Package. The origins of the PA-23 Apache 150 (one of the first widely available GA twins and Piper's first "Indian") lie in the early postwar Twin Stinson design. This rugged easy to fly twin survives today and has been used over the years to train many pilots in multi engined aircraft. To honor the tradition of small farm strips scattered throughout our country we present your own dairy farm set in 1950s Minnesota! There is a sloping dirt strip complete with mud puddle so you can splash water on your take offs, if like most of us you're still a kid at heart.;o) The winters in Minnesota are not for the feint of heart and the included flights will give you a chance to experience them first hand! The scenery setting is close to Lake Superior where your float version of the Apache is based. You can brave the cold November winds to rescue a stranded ferry or take a leisurely flight around the lake to see the Fall colors! By Lynn and Bill Lyons. 4.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  ALPHA BLEU CIEL Grumman F8F Bearcat Package
                  ALPHA BLEU CIEL Grumman F8F Bearcat Package
9.55Mb (10039 downloads)
FS2004 ALPHA BLEU CIEL Grumman F8F Bearcat Package. Model, virtual cockpit : Michel Migaud/Oldliner52 Panel, subpanels & gauges : Jean-Pierre Langer Flight dynamic : Jean-Pierre Bourgeois Benoit M. Dube. .Texture by Lucian Lie. 9.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                    New Grass Textures
FS2004/FSX New Grass Textures (Category: FSX > Scenery)
11.28Mb (10038 downloads)
FS2004/FSX New Grass Textures. After the success of TreeX, it was logical to improve the ground of Flight Simulator. This is why PicNic was carried out. But PicNic is much more than grass! It makes it possible to improve the ground in general, giving to basic textures an aspect more contrasted and also while bringing more relief. PicNic functions on the photo-realistic scenes bringing an additional dimension to them! It also makes it possible to better appreciate its speed, making the flights at very low altitude more alive. The pilots of helicopter will appreciate the precision which PicNic during the operations of landing and drives brings indeed of ground. Author: Aimé Leclercq. 11.5MB Update/Fix: Fixes a reported problem with the PicNic Interface. 346K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9
FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.70Mb (10037 downloads)
FSX Qantas (new colors) Boeing 787-9. Including a different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) . Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:46 by archive
FSX/FS2004 767 GE CF6-80C Sounpackage
FSX/FS2004 767 GE CF6-80C Sounpackage
FSX/FS2004 767 GE CF6-80C Sounpackage (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
45.47Mb (10034 downloads)
This took ages to do, but im happy with the results now and im sure you will be too! This was made by gathering downloads and using files to create this SUPER REALISTIC 767 GE Soundset. This can be used for A300's and DC-10's as well. I do not take full credit for this.
Posted May 25, 2009 14:31 by Sanjay Blair
FS9/FSX Concorde 2011 Version Multi  Textures Package
FS9/FSX Concorde 2011 Version Multi  Textures Package
13.53Mb (10030 downloads)
FS9/FSX Concorde 2011 Version Multi Textures Package. 17 real world textures, including the original ones. Requires the 2011 Concorde package. By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 24, 2011 05:33 by libardo guzman
Airbus A300B4-600R for FSX
Airbus A300B4-600R for FSX (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.42Mb (10030 downloads)
This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600R for FSX. This package contains 1 model and 3 Texture Sets. Created and with textures by Tom Ruth and Jon Reeves, panel by Dave Hazelgrove and sounds by Emil Serafino Jr. No VC.
Posted Jul 13, 2009 18:35 by Jon Reeves