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                  Heavylift IL-76 Version 2.
FS2004 Heavylift IL-76 Version 2. (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
5.02Mb (10029 downloads)
FS2004 Heavylift IL-76 Version 2. An Ilyushin Il-76TD in Heavylift Cargo livery, registration RA-76401. Second version using the latest 'model' by S.Varnavsky This aircraft features many moving parts and animations, as well as a virtual cockpit. This file contains both the 'model.fp' and the 'Heavylift' textures. Aircraft model and master textures by Sergey Varnavskiy, repaint by Dave Evans. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
FSX NeoQB Fokker Dr1  Aircraft And Scenery Package
FSX NeoQB Fokker Dr1  Aircraft And Scenery Package
127.23Mb (10027 downloads)
FSX NeoQB Fokker Dr1. Beautiful rendition of the Fokker Dr. 1 by the neoqb development team. Includes an add-on scenery, LFTC Korney Tchukovsky Memorial AF, France
Posted May 21, 2011 12:24 by neoqb
                  IL-62M Aeroflot 1980’s
FSX IL-62M Aeroflot 1980’s (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.72Mb (10022 downloads)
FSX IL-62M Aeroflot 1980’s. Re-paint of the of Project Tupolev IL-62M by George Perez. No VC. 10.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
DAMBUSTER 65th ANNIVERSARY 2008: (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
5.86Mb (10021 downloads)
DAMBUSTER 65th ANNIVERSARY 2008: To celebrate the 65th Anniversary (17 May 2008) of the Dambuster raid on the Rhur dams in 1943 and my visit to the Eder Dam in September 2007 together with actually sitting in the cockpit of the "Just Jane" Mk VII Lancaster at East Kirkby (UK) in October 2007 I have consolidated the previous Release 3 update from FS2002 to FS2004 into Release 4 for FS2004 with revised panels and new flights. The aircraft are again based on the original FS98/CFS1 aircraft of January 2000 by Keith Clifford ( but with simulated Merlin 28 engines. Aircraft AJG & AJN are not completely compatible with FS2004, but you can safely instal them with their non compliant components NOT switched off. The panel update uses Roger Lowery's RAF662 B1 Lancaster panel bitmap with center post and adopts horizontal RPM gauges rather than the CFS1 "cluster" and widescreen view of previous issues. The original Lancaster files are included for designer acknowlegement. Gauges are as previously uploaded with Release 3. Flights from Scampton EGXP use John Young's Scampton scenery and end at Paderborn EDLP just north of the Eder Dam. Consolidated version packaged by Ross McLennan. FILE NAME: SIZE: 5.9 Megs Name: Ross McLennan, Adelaide, South Australia
Posted May 27, 2008 08:57 by archive
                  American Muscle Package: the 1978 Chevy Corvette.
                  American Muscle Package: the 1978 Chevy Corvette.
12.00Mb (10018 downloads)
FS2004 American Muscle Package: the 1978 Chevy Corvette. Included texture sets are the Indy 500 Pace Car Edition, Silver Edition, SimViation Edition, #42 Race car, Red, Blue, and Vanilla-Brown. This addon is in response to all the new sceneries that now incorporate high-detail objects that can best be viewed on the ground. I know several sceneries that can fit well with this car. Guam, Acapulca International, Free Flow Ultimate Florida, Princes Int'l, etc. Since this car is made for drag racing, try competing against your friends online. Note: Don't compete against a jet with this car, or you'll lose. Use the included Timer to see how well you do in circuit races as well. And finally, source textures [bmp format] are included for all you repainters out there. Full-Model Dynamic Virtual Cockpit, Full animation, Alpha Channels. "My-First" Dynamics, Panel, Textures, Visual model, and animations made by Jessy Corrales. Car gauges borrowed from the Ferrari [they look better on a Chevy]. SuperTimer gauge included and made by Glenn Copeland. Sound files made by Richie. ***Read the Credit file for information regarding the authors and new distribution limits imposed on this package*** Other than that, have fun and um... oh yes, don't scratch the finish. ;) By Jessy Corrales (Katahu). 12.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Xtra Water version 1 Replacement Water Textures.
5.17Mb (10017 downloads)
FS2004 Xtra Water version 1 Replacement Water Textures. The author has spent years, mostly from 2003 reaserching and editing these textures. Only now has he thought they are good enough to be released to the public. so respect someones hard work. Full Throttle Simulations~Hector Davila. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Boeing 727-200-NorthWest Airlines (Fixed)
FSX Boeing 727-200-NorthWest Airlines (Fixed) (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.57Mb (10017 downloads)
FSX Boeing 727-200-NorthWest Airlines (Fixed). Model by Erick Cantu, NWA textures by Steve Drabek Additional textures by: Daniel Halpern: Window and metal textures Jim Campisi: Night textures Modified to work in FSX by Davis Snedeker. No VC. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
Virtavia EH101 Merlin Package
Virtavia EH101 Merlin Package
Virtavia EH101 Merlin Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
203.20Mb (10015 downloads)
Virtavia's FSX freeware EH101 Merlin reworked for FSX and Prepar3D with new VC only panel, new lights, new paint, new FSX/P3D gauges, new sounds and new effects
Posted Jun 26, 2015 23:42 by David Robles
BAe 146-100 Package
BAe 146-100 Package
BAe 146-100 Package (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
8.39Mb (10015 downloads)
The BAe 146 is a medium sized commercial aircraft, powered by four turbofan jet engines, which was manufactured in the United Kingdom by British Aerospace. Production ran from 1983 until 2002. In August 2008, a total of 140 BAE 146 aircraft (all variants) remained in airline service worldwide. The 146 has very quiet operation, it sees wide usage at small city-based airports. In its primary role it serves as a regional jet, short-haul airliner or regional airliner. Full package for FS2004 with custom panels and VC, full moving parts and air stairs. Realistic and pleasant flight dynamics. The package includes British Airways livery and the RAF CC2 variant with VIP interior. More liveries and paint kit available on the PAD web site. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Oct 5, 2010 09:44 by
Jazz Complete Fleet
Jazz Complete Fleet
Jazz Complete Fleet (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
79.16Mb (10013 downloads)
Air Canada Jazz complete fleet for FSX only! CRJ-200, CRJ-700, Q400, Dash-8-300, Dash-8-100, all in the Jazz old and new liveries! enjoy! V1.00
Posted Jun 22, 2013 14:19 by Etienne Durocher