Mar 03, 2025 |
All Time Popular > Page 250
                  DC-10-30 United Airlines & FedEx
FSX DC-10-30 United Airlines & FedEx (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
12.76Mb (9923 downloads)
FSX DC-10-30 United Airlines & FedEx.. Original model by Eric Cantu, SGA: 2d Panel by Ken Mitchell. No VC. Adapted for FSX By: Eric Buchmann. 13MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  A340-300 Air France.
FSX A340-300 Air France. (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
16.34Mb (9921 downloads)
FSX A340-300 Air France. Original model by Project Opensky. Painted By : Jaco du Preez Modified to work in FSX by Brent/Boeingnerd. No VC. 16.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
FSX Default Bombardier CRJ 700 Star Alliance textures only
1.15Mb (9917 downloads)
FSX Default Bombardier CRJ 700 Star Alliance textures only Star Alliance U.S. Airways repaint for the CRJ 700. For the FSX demo and beta. Textures only. By Ed Knapp.
Posted Jun 8, 2008 13:11 by Premium User
B1-A Lancer FSX
B1-A Lancer FSX
B1-A Lancer FSX (Category: FSX > Military)
33.27Mb (9915 downloads)
This is a Alpha Sim's 2004 Freeware version of Rockwell B1-B Lancer modified for FSX. Flight Dynamics are correct with the B1-A and Textures match the Pale White B1-A. The B1-A was designed by Rockwell International, the bomber's development was delayed multiple times over its history, as the theory of strategic balance changed from flexible response to massive retaliation and back again. This change in stance repeatedly demanded then ignored the need for manned bombers. The initial B-1A version was developed in the early 1970s, but its production was canceled, and only four prototypes were built. The need for a new platform once again surfaced in the early 1980s, and the aircraft resurfaced as the B-1B version. Aircraft includes New textures and a 2d and 3d cockpit also includes Pictures and History of actual aircraft Modifications and Textures by Mark Rooks
Posted Feb 3, 2013 18:51 by Mark Fireball Rooks
Nimitz Carrier Pilotable Conversion
Nimitz Carrier Pilotable Conversion
Nimitz Carrier Pilotable Conversion (Category: FSX > Misc)
4.52Mb (9914 downloads)
This update is to Convert Javier Hernandez' FSX Nimitz Carrier to a pilotable craft - his original download is required. Features stable flight dynamics tested in MP at full realism settings. 2D panel with ATC Radar and GPS. NOTE: single player functions of Cat,blast doors and IFLOLS are disabled when converted to an aircraft - the elevator is still fully functional
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 5, 2009 12:16 by Bruce Fitzgerald
FS2004/2002                   Northrop Grumman Ryan RQ-4A Global Hawk UAV.
0.63Mb (9909 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Northrop Grumman Ryan RQ-4A Global Hawk UAV. The RQ-4A Global Hawk is a high-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle (UAV) system designed to provide military field commanders with high resolution, near-real-time imagery of large geographic areas. This model is update for FS2002 or FS2004. by Kazunori Ito. 643K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
FlightPort Zeppelin NT.
FlightPort Zeppelin NT.
FlightPort Zeppelin NT. (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
42.03Mb (9909 downloads)
FS2004 FlightPort Zeppelin NT. The Zeppelin was built with FSDS3.5. Features multi LOD-model with animations for FS2004. Fully operable virtual cockpit, lighting and effects. A repaintset and five repaints are included. By Thomas Roehl, Joerg Hammes and Stefan Medelnik.
Posted Jul 16, 2009 12:02 by Thomas Roehl
Fs2004 Moller M400 Skycar
Fs2004 Moller M400 Skycar (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
2.75Mb (9908 downloads)
Fs2004 Moller M400 Skycar, This is the complete correct skycar(the dynamics and how it handles) this was requested to be made by me and others(maybe others 2) for this complete correct model the other models created by fans are not that realistic to what and how it reacts to when flying includes the .gau file that gives the vtol action(NOT FOR FSX) fsx version will come out on september a said in i will also post on september 2008 for the fsx version, this version cannot run the .gau file, and cannot handle the vtol properly to takeoff. By Rob Barendregt and Stephen Vernava
Posted Aug 3, 2008 04:33 by archive
                  BC Carriers:
FS2004 BC Carriers: (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
2.58Mb (9907 downloads)
FS2004 BC Carriers: Improved / Updated version! Two fictitious Nimitz Class aircraft carriers sailing in British Columbia for Flightsim 2004 / FS9. One on the beautiful Lake Okanagan , and one in the Straits of Georgia near Vancouver. Complete with landable deck / ILS / AI Parking and arrestor cables. Robert Baum. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
Boeing B377 Stratocruiser with Updated VC
Boeing B377 Stratocruiser with Updated VC
Boeing B377 Stratocruiser with Updated VC (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
24.03Mb (9904 downloads)
Boeing B377 with Updated VC. Boeing 377 Modified Virtual Cockpit. FS2004/FS2002 BOEING B377 Stratocruisers British Overseas Airways Corporation. 3 models: Delivery Scheme 1949. 2nd scheme (white Fin) 1951 Final scheme (Blue Fin). American Overseas Airlines One Model. GMAX Version 1 8/2003. Built by Greg Pepper. Painted by Dave McQueen. Minor assistance from Tom Gibson. Technical and testing help from Dave McQueen. Virtual Cockpit modified by Jorge Buiatti. Includes: Primary Flight Display, Nav Flight Display, Pitot & Gps-Nav Switch, panel with Gps and Autopilot Heading Window (default gauges used). Also include DME, Automatic Pilot Stack, Lights Switch, Cowl Flaps Switch, Vor2 (to make more easy to intercept the radials Vor when you are flying through the Sids & Stars airports with IVAO for example), Radio, ATC, MAP and GPS Icons, even one Clock with Wind vector (clicking the clock's centre you will see the direction wind but no the speed of it- this gauge from Tom Gibson's California Classics DC6-B) and some extra gauges like Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature from Tom Gibson's California Classics DC6-B gauges. The Engine Start switch and Fuel Valves gauges are from Daisuke Yamamoto, Kubota Hiroaki, Luis da Costa Pereira & Fabio Bonoldi's Lockheed WP-3D Hurricane Hunter. I know that this is not the real Cockpit but now you can fly from the Virtual Cockpit without make changes to 2D Panel Cockpit. All gauges are included into the Gauge.Zip
Posted Mar 9, 2009 11:10 by Jorge Buiatti