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                    Inter Continental Airlines AI Traffic Pack Full Package Part
26.48Mb (9856 downloads)
FS2004 Inter Continental Airlines AI Traffic Pack Full Package Part 2. Might work on FS2002. Flight plans are NOT the original of these Airlines. This AI Package will add more traffic to more airports that didn't have any traffic. Package includes "Airbus A320 United" "ATR42-300 EuroLOT" "ATR72-500 LOT Polish Airlines" "B1900 Air Link" "B1900 Continental Airlines" "B1900 US Airways" "Boeing 727-200 Continental" "Boeing 727-100 Federal Express" "Boeing 727-100 UPS" "Boeing 737-200 Continental" "Boeing 737-300 LOT" "Boeing 737-400 LOT" "Boeing 737-500 LOT" "Boeing 737-700 Airtran" "Boeing 737-700 NG Southwest Airlines" "Boeing 737-700 Alaska" "Boeing 737-700 Continental" "Boeing 737-700 Southwest OC" "Boeing 737-700 Southwest NC" "Boeing 737-800 NG South African Airways" "Boeing 737-800 NG ATA" "Boeing 747-400 United Airlines" "Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic" "Boeing 747-400 Northwest Airlines" "Boeing 757-300 Continental" "Boeing 767-300 Air Canada" "Boeing 767-300 American" "Boeing 767-300GE LOT" "Boeing 767-400 Continental" "Boeing 767-400 Delta" "EMB-120 Delta" "EMB-120 ComAir" "EMB-120 United Express" "EMB-170 LOT Polish Airlines" "EMB-170 LOT Star Alliance" "LOT Embraer 145 W". Assembled by David Hays. 27MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FSX/P3D Lockheed T-33A T-Bird Jet Training Aircraft Package
FSX/P3D Lockheed T-33A T-Bird Jet Training Aircraft Package
91.28Mb (9855 downloads)
FSX/P3D native version Lockheed T-33A T-Bird Jet Training Aircraft. Developed from Lockheed's F-80 Shooting Star jet fighter, the T-33 went on to become one of the most successful jet trainers in history. Over 5000 were built with license production in Canada and Japan adding several hundred more. This FS2002/4 model has multiple paint schemes, full ani's, full VC, and custom gauges. Master repaint textures coming soon. By Tim (Piglet) Conrad. -Addition of revised VC canopy -EW-133 aircraft -specular mapping -Additional textures by Radioman123
Posted Jul 1, 2011 05:15 by Radioman123
                  Myasishchev 3M-T 'Atlant' (atlas)
FS2004 Myasishchev 3M-T 'Atlant' (atlas) (Category: FS2004 > Military)
15.06Mb (9849 downloads)
FS2004 Myasishchev 3M-T 'Atlant' (atlas) (corrected to include Gauge files) In the mid 1970's the USA began the development of a re-usable space transport system that soon became universally known as the Space Shuttle. The Soviet Union responded by launching the development of a similar system, known to generally as the 'BURAN' (SnowStorm). Aircraft model by Brett Hoskins. Textures with many thanks by Mike Mahat - 3M 'Bison-B' Panel with many thanks by Jan Moravec. 15.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
Airbus A380-800 Arrow Air Cargo with VC
Airbus A380-800 Arrow Air Cargo with VC
Airbus A380-800 Arrow Air Cargo with VC (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
61.82Mb (9845 downloads)
Project Airbus Airbus A380-800 Arrow Air Cargo. Model by Project Airbus. Coupled to the Thomas Ruth A340 vc. Textures by Mathieu Vos. Assembled by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 4, 2012 18:28 by Chris Evans
                  Boeing 757-200 Photoreal Panel
FS2004 Boeing 757-200 Photoreal Panel (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
5.73Mb (9845 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 757-200 Photoreal Panel with wingviews and TCAS made for Project Opensky Boeing 757-200 model. Horst Paetzold. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
Lockheed C-141 Starlifter
Lockheed C-141 Starlifter (Category: FSX > Military)
Lockheed C-141 Starlifter. Updated Mike Stone C141. No VC. Uses the default 747 panel. This aircraft can be flown by almost anyone, but experienced simmers will realize that the climb rate on take-off should not exceed 1,000 f/m at 150 KIAS or less. If autopilot take-off is used, climb rate will be 2,000 f/m, and will drag the tail. Set your take-off climb rate to 1,000 f/m, then increase to 2,000 f/m at about 2,000 ft AGL. Otherwise, all ILS controls work, and long distance cruise should be at FL400W or FL410E at mach .74 - .80. All flight dynamics have been reworked based on real-world data. Please let me know if anything does not work right in the dynamics. Do not report to me problems that are not flight dynamic related! Douglas E. Trapp FS Flight Dynamics Engineer
Posted Oct 9, 2009 04:52 by Douglas E. Trapp
FS2004                     Updated Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.
26.41Mb (9842 downloads)
FS2004 Updated Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2. The Republic P-47M-1 was the fastest of the production Thunderbolts built by Republic based on a design from Major Alexander de Seversky. - from - "In April of 1939, the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt had the distinction of being the heaviest single engine fighter to see service in World War Two. Parked alongside any of its wartime contemporaries, the Thunderbolt dwarfs them with its remarkable bulk. Despite its size, the P-47 proved to be one of the best performing fighters to see combat. Produced in greater numbers than any other U.S. made fighter, the story of how it came to exist is at least as interesting as its many accomplishments. Visual model by Tom Kohler based on Microsofts CFS3 SDK sample - huge credits included! Accurate, 'hand flyer' aerodynamic Model by Tom Kohler, built using Flight Model Workbook version 2.84.50 from and based on the 1% P-47M-1 flight model from Gregory Pierson from An Installation 'Wizard' will help you install the Multi-resolution GMAX model, including clickable virtual cockpit, fully animated, reflective textures with dynamic shine, gauges from Microsoft CFS2, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML Checklists and Documentation (enhanced with various pages from original Pilot Operating and Training Manuals) as well as droppable tanks. Texture mapping is very close to the original CFS3 version by Microsoft so that repainting can be done easily with the existing templates. Existing repaints should match and should produce best results if an alpha channel would be added. Sound package included in this Thunderbolt release by Peter J. Dowling. Flight envelope modeling by Tom Kohler, Gregory Pierson & Jerry Beckwith; custom effects by Hermann 'Krazy' Boltz, and last but in no way least; Milton Shupe (tutoring and custom radial engine startup effects as well as fixing the undercarriage behaviour and heading the beta testing etc.). The present archive contains two (2) different 3D models and two different 3D and 2D panels and includes a 'bare' aluminium base texture set. DXT3 as well as high resolution 888-type 16-bit textures are included. Addon Texture sets will have to be activated for full usage by hand (instructions included). By Tom Kohler. 27MB FS2004 Republic P-47M-1 base package - PATCH #88 contains the fixed model.cfg in distribution '' to cure the not showing modern panel version. Ever decreasing time to market phenomen. I have to apologize for any inconvenience! By Tom Kohler. 10K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Star Wars A-wing
FSX Star Wars A-wing (Category: FSX > Misc)
1.88Mb (9839 downloads)
FSX Star Wars A-wing - Maximum Performance - full envelope - capable of FSX Max speed; (2667 kts/ GPS-GS) - Stable and Strong under Extreme G loads and maximum dynamic pressures - Ultra efficient , High Thrust ,SuperSpoilers - Deflection flaps for hovering flight * for FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald . 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  Aero Commander 520: Package
                  Aero Commander 520: Package
FS2004 Aero Commander 520: Package (Category: FS2004 > Props)
10.60Mb (9838 downloads)
FS2004 Aero Commander 520: Package incl Gmax frame-rate friendly aircraft, custom era correct panel with gauge backlighting, hi-res virtual cockpit, beautiful interior textures, and 2 paint schemes. Filename. ac520v31. By Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, André Folkers and Urs Burkhardt.10.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FSX Lufthansa Boeing 737 MAX8 Package
FSX Lufthansa Boeing 737 MAX8 Package
FSX Lufthansa Boeing 737 MAX8 Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
21.34Mb (9837 downloads)
FSX Lufthansa Boeing 737 MAX8 Package with Enhanced VC FSX 737 Max 8 model by TDS with advanced 737-800 VC added. The wonderful Boeing 737 Max8 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. Use - Instrument panel - Util for ground vehicles, doors stairs, fuel truck, buses. New Utility allows Bus, fuel, doors and more. (Go to Views - Instrument panel - Utility) Model is not modified in any way. Just the VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. Edited and assembled for the many who cannot do this themselves. Credits go to TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing Max8 model. Jacques Louw for the beautiful textures. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 29, 2015 10:53 by Jacques Louw