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                  User Friendly Scenery Design Package;
FS2004 User Friendly Scenery Design Package; (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
5.20Mb (9637 downloads)
FS2004 User Friendly Scenery Design Package; 04ScenPk.Zip A fully self-contained package for placing FS2004 default library objects in the sim scenery using the Scenery SDK released by Microsoft in December 2003. The package is aimed at those with little or no scenery design know-how or experience and contains a detailed tutorial and instructions. Roger Mole. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
FSX Beech C-45H Expeditor Cargo Plane
FSX Beech C-45H Expeditor Cargo Plane
FSX Beech C-45H Expeditor Cargo Plane (Category: FSX > Props)
25.65Mb (9635 downloads)
This is a FSX adaptation of the FS9 D18S cargo plane by Milton Shupe, presented as a former Beech C-45H Expeditor in the livery of a "freighter dog" plane (registration # N6648R), used by the Blue Skys Inc, Gillette, WY. The package includes a new VC panel, generally authentic to former Expeditors, which still fly today. FSX adaptation -by Vladimir Gonchar (crazy Twin Beech addict)(see fix below)
Posted Mar 19, 2010 22:14 by Vladimir Gonchar
                  Enhanced 747-400 Panel part 1
FS2004 Enhanced 747-400 Panel part 1 (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
7.45Mb (9632 downloads)
FS2004 Enhanced 747-400 Panel part 1. Includes Captains's Seat With lighting effects that look as good during the day as at night. Has many extra gauges. Works well with the default 747-400 and should be OK with any 4 engine Jet. by Chris Hutchings. 7.6 MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
Airbus A319-112 CFM -  Formel 1 - Jaguar
Airbus A319-112 CFM - Formel 1 - Jaguar (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.63Mb (9631 downloads)
Project Airbus A319. Visual model by Andy Warden and Derek Mayer. Base textures by Demetris Themistocleous and Alessandro Savarese.Flight model & Sounds by Peter Binamira. Repaint by André Schäfers.
Posted Nov 12, 2008 04:07 by André Schäfers
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo
United Nations DHC-5 Buffalo (Category: FS2004 > Props)
22.02Mb (9630 downloads)
FS2004 De Havilland CC-115 (DHC-5) Buffalo, Canadian Forces. This model depicts CC-115 s/n 115461 in United Nations peacekeeping livery. On August 9th 1974 this aircraft was shot down by Syrian SAM missiles whilst flying from Beirut to Damascus on U.N. peacekeeping duties. The aircraft was completely destroyed and the crew of 9 were all lost. As a tribute to the crew, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (CWH), Hamilton, Ontario has restored a derelict Buffalo to static display condition and painted it to replicate 115461 in it's U.N. livery. This restored aircraft is now on public display and CWH are also using MSFS, with this PAD model loaded, to give visitors a feel of how 461 looked when operational. Full package for FS2004, panel, VC and custom sounds. Full model animations including animated flight crew. Flying tips and html check/ref lists included. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Apr 14, 2009 15:52 by
Nord 2501 Noratlas Package
Nord 2501 Noratlas Package
Nord 2501 Noratlas Package (Category: FSX > Props)
86.10Mb (9628 downloads)
FSX Nord 2501 Noratlas. French military transport aircraft. This version of the Noratlas was completely recreated for FSX. Two versions and three repaints are available : nb27 of the CIET, nb 18 of the Ecole de l'air de Salon de Provence and nb105 currently operated by the association "Le Noratlas de Provence" All Instruments in 3D. Audio warnings and checklists. By Jean-Francois Martin and Gilbert Millas
Posted Jan 31, 2013 16:38 by uploader
U.S.Airways Express & United Express Beechcraft B1900D
18.52Mb (9623 downloads)
FSX Beechcraft B1900D Regional Airliner 19 seat regional airliners of U.S. Airways Express & United Express With full animation, dynamic shine & reflective textures. Includes a 2D Panel and VC with a complete passenger cabin, opening passenger door with airstair, cargo doors and custom sound. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2 By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Danny Crance and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jul 6, 2008 11:13 by archive
How                             to Paint/Repaint Aircraft
How to Paint/Repaint Aircraft (Category: FS Design > Design Tutorials)
0.16Mb (9617 downloads)
How to Paint/Repaint Aircraft Tutorial. You will need to have an acrobat reader in order to read this file. All work is the property of Jim Oates. 170K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                  Airbus A350-1000 XWB Thai Airways International
5.68Mb (9615 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A350-1000 XWB Thai Airways International (Extra Wide Body).features a 6 wheels landing gear a la 777, including 4 aircrafts with different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FSX                    Canadair CL 215 Package
FSX                    Canadair CL 215 Package
FSX Canadair CL 215 Package (Category: FSX > Props)
27.92Mb (9614 downloads)
FSX Canadair CL 215 Package. A Gmax model of the Canadair CL215 with simple virtual cockpit, 2D panel, functional water system and a collection of textures. By Gmax Academy - J.P. Langer, Benoit Dube, J.P. Bourgeois and Pierre Marchadier. I found this great bird in my FS2004 collection & as it works fine in my FSX SP2 I have prepared thumbnails to make it easier for FSX users. 'Allow' Gauge. Thumbnails & testing for FSX by Danny Garnier. 28.6MB FSX Canadair CL 215 Propfix. This fixes the CL-215 prop textures that show up solid in some systems . By Alrot. 123K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive