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Boeing 787-9 V2 British Airways
Boeing 787-9 V2 British Airways (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.13Mb (9612 downloads)
CamSim Boeing 787-9V2 in British Airways livery, with white engines. I am told all 787's will need to have white engines due to a special paint thats being used. No VC. Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Jul 24, 2010 06:36 by Stephen Browning
Saab J-21 Package
Saab J-21 Package
Saab J-21 Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
20.07Mb (9612 downloads)
FSX Saab J-21 Package Swedish Fighter and ground attack aircraft. This release comes with 4 paint schemes, VC, metric gauges and all the usual stuff. Tested in FSX, SP-2 and Acceleration.
Posted Aug 8, 2009 11:00 by John Paul
Boeing 737-800 - American Airlines Textures
Boeing 737-800 - American Airlines Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
9.35Mb (9609 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800 in American Airlines livery. Slight discrepancies between real-world painting and simulator painting, (i.e.: tail logo higher than it should be, but only by a little.) Created by Jason A. Lee
Posted Jul 23, 2009 02:05 by Jason A. Lee
                  Lockheed C-141B Starlifter in Multiple USAF and US Army Paintschemes
7.51Mb (9608 downloads)
FSX Lockheed C-141B Starlifter in Multiple USAF and US Army Paintschemes. Adapted from Mike Stone's original Starlifter. No VC. 7.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
FSX Mil MI-24 Hind A Updated Package
FSX Mil MI-24 Hind A Updated Package
FSX Mil MI-24 Hind A Updated Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
15.88Mb (9608 downloads)
I updated Tim Conrad's Mil Mi-24 Hind A package for FSX. I replaced the guages with FSX guages VC and 2D Panels and added texture thumbnails. Works in FSX SP2/ACC Pack
Posted Mar 31, 2010 22:02 by Michael E. Roberts
                  DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Amphibian Ontario Ministry
                  of Natural Resources
                  DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Amphibian Ontario Ministry
                  of Natural Resources
12.87Mb (9607 downloads)
FSX DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Amphibian Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Reg_ID: C-FOPA. Designed in FSDS2 & FSDS3 with full animation, wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, Water Rudders, includes a pair of 2D Panels and a dynamic VC with a complete cabin, with opening crew doors, Passenger doors, Cargo door with steps, custom sound, Check & Ref HTML files and more. Panel help can be found in the Panel_Docs folder and during flight in the Ref List of the Kneepad. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design. 13.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Courseplanner 3.D.3, stand alone flight planner.
26.35Mb (9607 downloads)
FS2004/FSCOF/FS2002/FS2000 Courseplanner 3.D.3, stand alone flight planner. Complete flight management on a realistic world map. Over +30000 SID/STAR as well as +60000 waypoints. Use YOUR own scenery, (airports, Navaids, etc), and all the planes in your hangar. Monitor your progress, all the AI traffics, (and multiplayer), real time on the internet and intranet, this includes altitude, speed and more. Great to use when flying with VATSIM or IVAO. Use Courseplanner over the network, (CP on one machine and FS on another), or both on the same machine. Runs independently to FS, (you do not even need to have FS running). Import/Export FS flight plans and/or adventures. Create printable maps, (en route, departure, airport, ILS etc), as well as the briefing files. Courseplanner will fly the aircraft for you and even 'pause' the flight near the airport, or any point for that matter. by 27MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Announcement Panel v1.0
FS2002/FS2004 Announcement Panel v1.0 (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
2.70Mb (9607 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Announcement Panel v1.0 This panel uses gauges extracted and recompiled from the Boeing 737-400 Panel by Bruce Benaway. The panel is designed to make Crew announcements while in flight and on the ground. By Gene 'Harrier' Churumov. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FSX                  Hawker Hurricane IId "The Tin Opener" Package
FSX                  Hawker Hurricane IId "The Tin Opener" Package
17.63Mb (9603 downloads)
FSX Hawker Hurricane IId "The Tin Opener" Package. Features a complex model with fully animated parts, detailed and animated pilot figure, removable cowlings and panels, Merlin XX engine and interior fuselage details, visual effects that include crash landings, complex virtual cockpit with clickable controls, custom gauges, and engine damage modeling. The model has accurate flight dynamics, with realistic stalls, and spins with autorotation. By Touch the Sky Simulations. Aircraft works fine in FSX. All gauges in VC seem fully FSX compatible. Glass OK. This aircraft is modified in any way. Full credit to the great talents of the creator of this wonderful aircraft. FSX Compatible & tested. Thumbnail added by Danny Garnier. 18MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
Grob 120 AF Package
Grob 120 AF Package
Grob 120 AF Package (Category: FSX > Props)
29.91Mb (9602 downloads)
Grob 120 AF for fsx Fully animated exterior model with virtual cockpit. Most controls are functional. See docs for full credits. Author: Patrick Le Luyer
Posted Mar 29, 2013 02:25 by Patrick LE LUYER