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DC-9-30 Tribute
DC-9-30 Tribute
DC-9-30 Tribute (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
31.67Mb (9332 downloads)
This is my tribute to those lose on Southern Airlines flight 932 that crashed on November, 14 1970 killing the Marshall University football team. I used SGA's DC-9-30 W/ Southern texture. Press CTRL+E to start engines (NO-VC)
Posted Dec 23, 2009 00:34 by Michael Roberts
                  Focke Wulf Fw 200 - 'Condor' Package.
                  Focke Wulf Fw 200 - 'Condor' Package.
FS2004 Focke Wulf Fw 200 - 'Condor' Package. (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
21.19Mb (9330 downloads)
FS2004 Focke Wulf Fw 200 - 'Condor' Package. Fast long range airliner. completely new gmax model, 2 models + AI-model. Including Virtual Cockpit,12 paint-schemes,rain effective windsreen, multires model, multiple animation, special navigation-sheet, new realistic whiskey-compass, groundstuff, checklist, special traffic-file by Hauke Keitel. 21.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
Wizz Air A320-200 Package with VC
Wizz Air A320-200 Package with VC
Wizz Air A320-200 Package with VC (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.71Mb (9321 downloads)
Wizz Air A320-200 package with VC and real sounds. Uses the A321 VC and 2d panel. Model by Project Airbus. Fantasic Wizz Air repaint by Mathieu Vos. Real A320 sounds by Abid Mounir. Assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Sep 17, 2011 12:07 by Chris Evans
Austrian Airlines Boeing 777-2Z9/ER "OP-LPC" Virtual Cockpit and FMC
Austrian Airlines Boeing 777-2Z9/ER "OP-LPC" Virtual Cockpit and FMC
69.36Mb (9320 downloads)
Austrian Airlines Boeing 777-2Z9/ER "OP-LPC" Virtual Cockpit and FMC for FSX. Austrian Airlines Boeing 777-2Z9/ER "OP-LPC" package. Includes revised VC and FMC (via Views-Instrument panel). Model features are Opening doors & Cargo doors, detailed textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects, animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, ground service vehicles when cargo door open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Util), detailed virtual cockpit and more. Added jetway (Ctrl J) and custom B777 sounds. Model, VC model by Project Opensky and I have used the great textures by Abdullah Rahman . Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans. See FMC docs. FMC needs to be set in Flight Planning in FSX. (NOTE: you cannot enter into the FMC direct)
Posted Dec 4, 2013 09:27 by Chris Evans
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package.
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package.
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package. (Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.17Mb (9315 downloads)
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package. Panel modified by George Carty from original by Ken Mitchell and Tom Gibson. Model modified by George Carty from original by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, with Pan Am livery provided. Includes weather radar (FSUIPC required) on navigator's panel.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 13:56 by Tom Gibson
                  Lockheed Martin F16-ITA "Italian Air force".
                  Lockheed Martin F16-ITA "Italian Air force".
2.43Mb (9311 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed Martin F16-ITA "Italian Air force". The model has been created by myself and my collegue Capt. Giovanni Quai with Abacus FSDS_v3: it features highly reflective metallic skin and the usual moving parts, such as all flight controls, spinning wheels and so on. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net and some photos shot by the authors. The most part of the gauges have been created by the author. A bunch of FS98 gauges from unknown authors are also used in this panel (see Credits), plus some default FS gauges. Included in this model there is also a very simple Virtual Cockpit, with working essential gauges and animated flight controls. Capt. I. D'Attomo & Capt. G.Quai. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
Boeing 737-700 AirTran with VC v4.0
Boeing 737-700 AirTran with VC v4.0
Boeing 737-700 AirTran with VC v4.0 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
74.85Mb (9307 downloads)
Original Project Opensky 737NG model. I integrated the Microsoft 737-800 virtual cockpit. Jetways connect to it as well. Fully ready for install. Just expand and drag the expanded folder to aircraft folder and the effects to their folder. VC and Winglets! HID Landing lights and HID Taxi lights. AutoBrake works in this version. Thanks POSKY for Model and thanks Microsoft for VC. Everything else by Donald D. Newport News, VA.
Posted May 24, 2010 20:34 by Donald D.
                  Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Torino I-TORI Package.
FS2004 Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Torino I-TORI Package. (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
34.06Mb (9305 downloads)
FS2004 Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Torino I-TORI Package. Celebrating my third anniversary painting activities, I'm honoured to present you the Eurocopter EC 135 P2. Re-mastered textures from A to Z, including external textures, VC cockpit textures and alpha channel effects. 32 bit textures and as precise as possible. The scheme come from a real corporate helicopter in Australia as I've seen in a book. Two months of work were required for these beautiful results. Model made by Heiko Richter, this EC 135 model feature a VC cockpit, opening doors, animated pilots and light. This file is self sufficient. Sound and panel and gauges included. Model by: Heiko Richter Painter: Samy Fay. 34.9MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
Extra 330 SX D
Extra 330 SX D
Extra 330 SX D (Category: FSX > Props)
186.86Mb (9305 downloads)
Made by Jerry Martin of Martin productions, this is the newest Extra upgrade. This file includes the actual aircraft with an upgraded engine wich provides plenty of lift and is ideal for airshows. This aircraft is used by the formation team "Diamondbacks". This aircraft includes three diffrent smoke colors and includes a modified VC which helps eliminates any lag reported before in the original cockpit.
Posted Jan 2, 2010 10:50 by Robert Lee/ Jerry Martin
QANTAS Boeing 737-200
QANTAS Boeing 737-200 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.92Mb (9304 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-200 repainted in the classic QANTAS livery. original FS9 model by Erick Cantu. Repaint by Peter Podlaha.
Posted Aug 18, 2008 06:53 by Peter Podlaha