All Time Popular > Page 278

Texture Max Load Editor v1.2.197
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
2.57Mb (9302 downloads)
TMLE was designed to make the use of High Definition and Super High Definition textures easier. By default, FSX's maximum texture resolution is set to the 1024x1024 scale. TMLE can modify this to 2048x2048, and even 4096x4096, allowing you to take full advantage of HD textures.
TMLE is not available in very many places these days, as the original Frosty Software website is no loner active. One day, a friend asked me if I had the original installer exe. Fortunately, after some searching on my hard drive, I was able to locate it. The idea came to us that it would be cool to make TMLE available to the public again, but not before contacting the original author. I contacted Steve Frost and he was kind enough to grant me permission to upload it. A huge thanks goes out to him for the permission and for developing such a simple, yet useful tool!
Posted Dec 29, 2011 02:35 by Steve Frost, Brandon Filer

Pitts S2A Updated
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
1.30Mb (9301 downloads)
Pitts S2A Updated.
Modelled from scratch using FS Design Studio V2 With animations,
reflective textures. By Markus Mayer. 1.3MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004 KLM Convair CV340/440
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
7.82Mb (9300 downloads)
KLM Convair CV340
Repaint by Jaap de Baare. Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson delivered
a great Paint Kit of the Convair 340/440. It was used to make
a "double" repaint of KLM's- and KLM's West Indies Division
CV-340. Well...not realy double, because there was no difference
in livery, only in registration and in the aircraft's name.
But KLM coloured Convairs did fly both in the Caribbean and
in Europe. Zip-file contains the total package with sound and
panel. 8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:43 by archive

Cellular Madness
(Category: FSX > Missions)
15.57Mb (9293 downloads)
You have been hired by CelCab, Panamanian cellular provider to take some badly needed parts to their four antenna locations in Chiriqui Province in the north of Panama. It is the rainy season so expect rain all the way. The mission is for "intermediate pilots" so if you follow instructions you will be OK... It would be a good idea to wear yellow socks for good luck. Good luck piloto! By Gera Godoy Canova. 16 mb
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:43 by Blackhawk

Pilotable IKE Nimitz Package Ver 2
(Category: FSX > Misc)
67.88Mb (9292 downloads)
This is Javier Fernandez Updated IKE Nimitz Ver 2 as a pilotable craft. 11 shiops in total. Many thanks to Javier for this wonderful product.
Posted Jul 3, 2010 05:48 by Hotzoner

Handley-Page Halifax.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
13.76Mb (9286 downloads)
Handley-Page Halifax for FS2004. Handley-Page Halifax was the second entry into the mighty triumvirate of four-engined bombers employed by the RAF to carry out its offensive bombing campaign against Germany. A highly capable aircraft, it was overshadowed as a bomber by the outstanding Lancaster, even though it had none of the shortcomings of the Short Stirling. Unlike the Lancaster, the Halifax was as at home in the roles of air ambulance, freighter, glider tug, personnel transport, and maritime reconnaissance as it was in its primary role as a heavy night bomber. Powered by the potent Hercules XVI, the Halifax owns a distinguished place in the history of the four-engined bomber. Model by Alphasim
Posted Jun 26, 2008 15:49 by archive

BAe Harrier GR.7 Update for FSX
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.35Mb (9286 downloads)
This is an update for FS X acceleration of the
BAe Harrier GR.7 by Kazunori Ito. I have
updated the flight dynamics, added the other
wheels, fixed the scrape points and modified
the F-16 panel that no longer works in Kirk
Olsson's F-16 so it has a panel. No virtual
cockpit. You need the original aircraft for
this update to work.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 25, 2008 04:41 by Bob Chicilo
2-Seater Gmax F-16 Viper IAF
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
7.25Mb (9283 downloads)
2-Seater Gmax F-16 Viper IAF - 'Big Spine' 2-Seat Viper.
It has full animation, dynamic shine, and a realistic VR cockpit
and 2 loadouts (bombs and empty). Default sounds are used to
decrease download size. As with my single seat Viper Eric Marciano's
F-16 panel is required. It can be found here.
7.4mb Author: Kirk Olsson.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive

FSX/FS2004 ESWAT T Supra US Coast Guard Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.92Mb (9282 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 ESWAT T Supra US Coast Guard Textures only. this a repaint depicting the Unites States Coast Guard for the aircraft based on japenese animation movie "apple see" It is a vtol aircraft to transport the e.s.w.a.t. member. you will have to download the original found here. by Kazunori Ito. By Mark Misek. 8 MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 5, 2008 17:38 by archive

FSX 737-900ER XL Airways
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
76.47Mb (9279 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-900 ER tested with FSX sp2. Uses default 737-800 virtual cockpit with custom sounds. Flight dynamics updated for a 737-900ER/w instead of the 737-900 with one more exit. Textures are from XL airways. The 737-900ER is an update of the 737-900, with another exit to meet the requirements to compete with the a321 and the 757-200.
Posted Apr 9, 2011 21:56 by SkyRyder642