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                  Heat Shimmer Effects Updated.
FS2004 Heat Shimmer Effects Updated. (Category: FS2004 > Misc)
0.37Mb (9216 downloads)
FS2004 Heat Shimmer Effects Updated. . This will enhance take off's, taxing and landings witha heat shimmer and exhaust fumes. Very Very easy to install. Just 3 clicks. If you have Ultimate Traffic it alsoincludes effects for AI. V1.13 Look out for V 1.50 and updates. D Young. 383K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  RNZN Kaman SH-2G Seasprite Package v1.1
FS2004 RNZN Kaman SH-2G Seasprite Package v1.1 (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
13.35Mb (9212 downloads)
FS2004 RNZN Kaman SH-2G Seasprite Package v1.1 The first flight of the SH-2G(NZ) was made on the 2nd of August 2000. Five are in service and used for a number of roles. Employed for the decks of New Zealands navy frigates the Seasprite 'G' has completed over 4000 hours since inception. Features 2D & VC panels, Sounds, Effects, animations, lighting etc. Model, panel, & effects by Nigel Booth. Excellent sound package by Adrian Brausch. Dedicated to Dave Morgan (RNZN). 13.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
FSX/FS2004 Yak52TW
FSX/FS2004 Yak52TW
FSX/FS2004 Yak52TW (Category: FSX > Props)
4.52Mb (9212 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Yakovlev 52 TW The Yakovlev Yak-52TW aerobatic aircraft is a two-seat all-metal low-wing monoplane with cleaner retractable main wheels and exposed tail wheel.The Yak-52 had exceptionally fine handling characteristics enhanced by a relatively high power to weight ratio. It was used as a military trainer by several countries in many different versions. Production has been restarted in Rumania with this modernized, tailwheel version. Source included. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 27, 2009 14:17 by A.F.Scrub
 XB-70 Updated
 XB-70 Updated
XB-70 Updated (Category: FS2004 > Military)
6.41Mb (9211 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of Massimo Altieri's XB-70. I have updated the flight dynamics, changed or added gauges to the 2D and VC panels, changed the smoke effects and the afterburner effects. The aircraft will now stay stopped on the runway with 0 throttle and less than 10% fuel. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Apr 20, 2011 13:17 by Bob Chicilo
Airbus A321 US Airways
Airbus A321 US Airways (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.07Mb (9209 downloads)
A321-231 US Airways New Colors N507AY. Model created by iFDG. Textures by Joe Shimmel
Posted Dec 12, 2008 05:10 by Joe Shimmel
                  Douglas DC-4 and C-54 Package V2.1
35.63Mb (9207 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Douglas DC-4 and C-54 Package V2.1 This base package includes 14 colour schemes covering the period 1942-2006, including Pan American, USAAF, SAS, Loftleidir, Buffalo Airways and many others. Version 2.1 model for FSX (including SP2) and FS2004, with improved flight dynamics, more accurate panel and virtual cockpit. Model by Jens B. Kristensen, Flight Dynamics by FSAviator. 36.5MB Filename:
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
FSX                   France 38 m Terrain Mesh Version 3.
FSX France 38 m Terrain Mesh Version 3. (Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
49.68Mb (9205 downloads)
FSX France 38 m Terrain Mesh Version 3. Terrain mesh covering France - at 38 m resolution. Designed with the FS X Sdk - This version replace previous released version 1 2 and fix -By Raimondo Taburet working with Emile De Mesmaeker. 51MB
Posted Jun 26, 2009 07:08 by archive
FS2004/FSX                  Zlin Z-43 Package.
FS2004/FSX                  Zlin Z-43 Package.
FS2004/FSX Zlin Z-43 Package. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
14.79Mb (9205 downloads)
FS2004 (FSX) Zlin Z-43 Package. The Z-43 is another member of Z-40 family produced by Moravan Otrokovice. It was designed as a modern substitute for L-40 Metasokol in the second half of the 1960s. It's construction is based on it's predecessor, the Z-42. The "Four-three", as it is dubbed in many Czech aeroclubs, is used for basic training including radionavigation, sightseeing flights and sport flying. Z-43s are also used for precision flying and flying rally. The model of Zlin Z-43 made with FSDS 2.24 and contained 17.949 poligons. Extremely modeled exterior and engine section! All available parts are animated such as ailerons, elevators, rudder, nose gear and his suspension, passenger and baggage doors, engine covers, pilot, arms and pedals. Custom 2D panel and gauges, fully animated and working virtual cockpit. Ten paint scheme and three visual model available including official Pannon Wings Design Team livery. Repaint kit included too. Designed by PWDT & CVA Design - Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai, Jiri Brozek, Jiri Masnik, Istvan Jankovics. 15.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Rosenbauer panther 8x8 "Bomberos Aeronauticos de Venezuela"
Rosenbauer panther 8x8 "Bomberos Aeronauticos de Venezuela"
3.18Mb (9204 downloads)
The Rosenbauer panther of Bomberos Aeronauticos from Venezuela, Original model by Mitsuya Hamaguchi,texture by Gustavo La Cruz
Posted Feb 10, 2010 08:48 by Gustavo La Cruz
                  Boeing757-200 Winglets V1 Continental Airlines.
9.40Mb (9202 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing757-200 Winglets V1 Continental Airlines. Project Opensky Boeing 757-200 with Aviation Partners winlets. the 757-200 winglet model is not in anyway a update for our earlyer released B757-200 V1 both the models (757-200 and 757-200W "W" as in Winglet) are exactly the same accept for that one has winglets and the other does not! This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model Designers : Lee Rosario, Albert Bouwman, C. Vincent Cho, Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics Designer : Warren C. Daniel FDE Advisor's : Nick Peterson, Simon Ng Hin Tat Tested : Project-Opensky Members Master textures : Jaco du Preez & Ben Hewitt Painted : Tom Harlaar. 9.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive