All Time Popular > Page 285

FSPX Airbus A350-900XWB Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
163.33Mb (9158 downloads)
This is the FSX FSpainter A350-900XWB AI model made flyable with permission of FS Painter. Liveries include Airbus factory and launch customer paints. Cfg edits, added the wonderful Thomas Ruth A330 VC, GPWS Callouts, FMC, sounds and Paintkit. Model and repaints by FS Painter. Adapted to be flown in FSX by Mees Jansen. Have fun!
Posted Dec 26, 2015 17:46 by Mees Jansen

Ready For Pushback Livery Pack 4
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.86Mb (9158 downloads)
FS2004 Ready For Pushback Livery Pack 4. Official liveries for the Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200. This pack includes Corsair, CP Air, Eastern Airlines, Garuda Indonesia.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 11, 2010 09:13 by archive

Ready For Pushback Livery Pack 3
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
17.19Mb (9156 downloads)
FS2004 Ready For Pushback Livery Pack 3. Official liveries for the Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200. This pack includes Cargolux, China Cargo, Condor, Continental
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 11, 2010 09:13 by archive
FS2004 Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.3
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
33.09Mb (9156 downloads)
Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.3.
The Republic P-47M-1 was the fastest of the production Thunderbolt
models built by Republic based on a design from Major Alexander
de Seversky. An installation 'Wizard' will help you install
the multi-resolution P-47 Gmax model, including clickable
virtual cockpit, full animation, reflective textures with
dynamic shine, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML
checklists and documentation (enhanced with pages from original
Pilot Operating and Training Manuals) as well as droppable
tanks. The archive contains two different 3D models - one
classic 3D cockpit based on a D-28 and a modernized one with
mostly Concorde instruments - a 2D panel for those who want
(by hand activation necessary). It includes a 'bare' aluminium
base texture set. Sound package included. DXT3 as well as
high resolution 888-type 32-bit textures are included. Liveries
done for earlier versions up to v2.2 should fit this version.
For more changes vice versa v2.2 see included change log.
Package by Tom Kohler. Filename
Republic P-47M-1 - Additional 3D model option & revised
base pack livery
(high & low resolution) texture sets for P-47M-1-RE -
base pack file ''. Package also contains production
gauges and revised panel.cfg's. By Tom Kohler. 14.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
FS2004 / FSX De Havilland DHC-3 Otter PZL
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
22.64Mb (9155 downloads)
De Havilland DHC-3 Otter PZL with
radial engine Final Version for FS2004 Includes now a wheeled
version This Otter is the 1000hp conversion from Airtech Canada
(R). With 400 more horsepower than the original P&W R1340, the
1000 hp PZL engine offers significant performance gains. FS2004,
dynamic virtual cockpit, 5 liveries, reflective textures, opening
door, full moving parts, panel with custom gauges and custom
sound by Eugene Heyart. 23.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

Boeing 737-219 ADV
(Category: FS2004 > Panels)
12.21Mb (9150 downloads)
Boeing 737-219 ADV
Panel Based in LAN's 737-200 panels high detailed panel whit
Overhead an pedestal includes TCAS and several working sistemsdedicates
to al the 737-200 pilots aroud the world i strongly recomend
the sounds of Daniel Careri and the 737-200 of Lanexpress
of Focus. Juan Eduardo Fürche Rossé. 12.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive

Fs2004 Douglas DC-6B Aeca YV214T
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
19.25Mb (9150 downloads)
This is the DC-6B of CalClassic Group,this paint is the YV214T of Aeca ( Ex-Aero Ejecutivos), Model by CalClassic, panel by Francisco Silva, Texture by Gustavo La Cruz.
Posted Sep 25, 2009 02:24 by Gustavo La Cruz

Zivko Edge 540
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.14Mb (9150 downloads)
The most popular aircraft in the red bull air races, the Zivko Edge. I took Mikko Maliniemi's FS2000 Edge and updated flight dynamics and effects. This FS2000 model is very basic by today's standards. I would like to request that someone makes a completely new, high quality Zivko Edge with more features and textures to post on Original FS2000 model by Mikko Maliniemi.
Posted Oct 21, 2008 18:00 by Bill Samson
Cessna 404 Titan
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.49Mb (9149 downloads)
Cessna 404 Titan
One of Cessna's larger piston engine aircraft, the Titan was
designed for passenger, corporate or light cargo service. By
Mike Stone. 505K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive

FSX Beech D-18 Amphibian Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
40.69Mb (9149 downloads)
FSX Beech D-18 Amphibian Package. Sp2 / Xp Tested Probrably the most realistic anphibian made for flight sim Realistic Vc and model two great textures awesome sound Original authors Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Andre Folkers, and Urs Burkhardt Presented for FSX by the Nor-Cal Prop Club. 41.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive