All Time Popular > Page 297

FSX Cirrus SR20
(Category: FSX > Props)
7.51Mb (8916 downloads)
FSX Cirrus SR20 Classical Panel. Model with full moving parts and fully instrumented virtual cockpit and opening doors. This model has a classical panel and is equipped with an ARNAV GPS. Model by Wolfram Beckert, Guenter Kraemer, Thomas Roehl. Small panel updates from the original update by Danny Garnier for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 1, 2013 08:48 by Chris Evans

NAV LOG Sheet.
(Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.12Mb (8916 downloads)
NAV LOG Sheet.
This printable WORD document simulate a NAV LOG Sheet used by
all Airline Company in the world. You can write all important
information from your flight, like: Aircraft Type, Loading,
Passager number, Flight Crew, Météo, Clearance und much more
!! Very interasant for pilot who want to do realistic commercial
flight... By Hauger Fredo. 119K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

Ilyushin IL-96 Multiple Livery Package with VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
92.26Mb (8915 downloads)
Ilyushin IL-96 Multiple livery package with VC. Original FS9 aircraft by Kirill Konovalov with panel updates by Ismail Zayan Shakeeb and fixed for FSX by Chris Evans (fixed non showing gauges). Multiple liveries: Ilyushin House, Aeroflot, British Airways, Air France, American and Lufthansa. Extra textures by Ricardo Tv.
Posted Mar 7, 2012 07:17 by ricardo_tv

DHC6-300, DHC6-400 Twin Otter Revised Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
33.66Mb (8914 downloads)
FSX Premier Aircraft Design DHC6-300, DHC6-400 Amphibian Twin Otter Revised Package. Includes VC, cabin.
Nice aircraft, DHC6-300, DHC6-400 Amphibian Twin Otters.
Floats (Amphibian)and gear models included .
Posted Nov 2, 2010 23:33 by T.Marson

Airbus A320-200 Thomas Cook Airlines K3
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
44.10Mb (8913 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 of Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium, with K3 on the fuselage. High quality textures by Mathieu Vos. Real A320 sounds by Abid Mounir. Modified for FSX by Chris Evans and included the default A321 VC.
Posted Jan 18, 2012 07:21 by Chris Evans
NOVA v1.6
(Category: CFS2 > Utilities)
5.71Mb (8906 downloads)
NOVA v1.6 is an utility program to design 3D objects for scenery
design for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000, 2002 and Combat Flight
Simulator 2. Build your custom hangars, control towers, buildings,
bridges, terminals, gates, houses, file libraries, lamps and more
in an easy way. This version includes two add-on program files to
make special and powerful macros with dynamic effects, as dynamic
windsocks, flags, sliding hangar doors controlled by distance or frequencies,
buildings with helipads, clocks showing the real time in FS2K, special
controllers and effects files, and much more. A grand total of 42
different tools to make a large variaty of shapes and special dynamics
effects. Shareware by Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 5.6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

FS2002 BR - Boeing 747-400
(Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
4.26Mb (8905 downloads)
FS2002 BR - Boeing 747-400 FS2004/Fs2002 Repaint of MelJet's
Boeing 747-400 showing the Microsoft Airline livery of 'BR'
as seen on the default Boeing 747-400. The Package includes
instructions, 3D model and repaint. Credits: Model and Paint
kit by Melvin Rafi (Meljet) Repaint by Alex Mendes. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

FS2004 RNLAF KDC-10s T-235 & T
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.61Mb (8904 downloads)
FS2004 RNLAF KDC-10s T-235 & T-264
Texture of the RNLAF's KDC-10s for the freeware Mike Stone KC-10 Extender. Repainted by Mike Durao of UKMIL.
The original model is made by Mike Stone
Repaint textures by Mike Durao of UKMIL
Posted May 21, 2008 08:43 by archive
German AirForce Tornado Package
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
31.98Mb (8898 downloads)
German AirForce Tornado Package This
package includes 26 liveries of German AirForce Tornados. Most
of the paintings are Tigermeet- or special liveries. Ag51 43+46
Tigermeet, AG51 43+96 Tigermeet, AG51 43+96 Tigermeet04, AG51
44+65, AG51 44+65 Tigermeet, AG51 45+93 Tigermeet, GAF 44+38
Holloman, JaboG31 43+92 "1.000.000 Flying Hours", JaboG31 44+21
"BlackThunder", JaboG31 44+31 "BlueLightning", JaboG31 45+79
"MilkyWay", JaboG32 46+31 Flyingmonsters, JaboG32 46+42 Flyingmonsters,
JaboG32 46+44 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+45 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+48
321Tigers, JaboG32 46+54 321Tigers, JaboG32 46+46 "30 Years
Tornado", JaboG33 43+70 special colors, JaboG34 44+56, JaboG38
44+08 special colors, JaboG38 44+37 special colors, MFG1 43+61,
MFG2 45+30 special colors, MFG2 46+20 special colors. I packed
all my previous repaints together with alot of new paints. Original
by DSB-Design, repaints by Sebastian Hecker. 32.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive

VLCC Tanker
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
4.53Mb (8898 downloads)
This ship is a fictional VLCC Tanker with texture sets for Shell and Turnbull Scott Shipping Co. There is a VC Bridge with animated female Captain and a VC Control Room with animated female Chief Engineer Officer. There is also an animated male Third Engineer Officer on watch in the Control Room. The tanker is in a ballasted state and hence rides high out of the water. Most Gauges used are default FS2004 gauges. The Model uses 'nn-gauges' Smoke control gauge by Nick Needham for the smoke and spray effects and with his permission is included in this package. Please read the 'readme' for further info and the easy installation instructions.
Posted Jan 16, 2010 12:38 by Andrew Randall