All Time Popular > Page 354
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Japan Airlines Package:
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
4.24Mb (8006 downloads)
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Japan Airlines Package:
Fly one of the most reliable and best aircrafts you'll find
in the future! This package includes the model, a high-detailed
design and a full-functual realistic panel with autopilot and
so on. Original model by Robert Versluys. Panel by Ken Mitchell.
Repaint by x-aircraftsdesign. 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

Piper PA-23 Apache Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
47.97Mb (8005 downloads)
FSX Lynn and Bill Lyons' PA23 Piper Apache updated and adapted for FSX. Includes four liveries with companion, color-coded panel sets.
Each panel set is distinctively gauged with complementary 2D and VC views. Special thanks to Milton Shupe and Scott Thomas
for Scott's period gauges and to Aaron R. Swindle for his "Big Twin" sound package.
This is KENWIGAIR KUSTOMS' RESTO-MOD #1. By Ken Wigginton.
Posted Mar 7, 2014 02:25 by uploader

PC-7 Swiss Formation Team Package V.2.1
(Category: FSX > Military)
62.58Mb (8005 downloads)
This is the wonderful Tim Conrad Pilatus PC-7 v.2 package tweaked for realistic Flight Dynamics, Sound, Skins and helpful gauge Updates. You will enjoy choosing from 20 different numbered Skins to make it as realistic as possible in a picture or video. Credits in the Pack! Previous version had 6363 downloads!
Posted Mar 10, 2012 04:20 by Karl Meindl

Spitfire Mk XIVe
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
7.73Mb (8004 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Spitfire FR XIVE
The Mk XIV was the most important of the Griffon powered Spitfires, and the only one to see significant wartime service. It used the two-speed two-stage supercharged Griffon 61 or 65, giving 2,050 hp and a significantly improved performance at higher altitudes when compared to the earlier Merlin engined versions.
After WW2, Mk XIV were flown by many countries into the early fifties. This model depicts a Spit FR XIVE at the fighter school Coxyde BAF. GMAX model by A.F Scrub. Models FSX.Sp1 and FS9 tested under XP and Vista. Spit21 Vista upgraded mdl file included.
Posted May 4, 2009 05:21 by A.F.Scrub

Grumman C1A Trader Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
78.80Mb (7999 downloads)
Functional VC model included; Package includes one aircraft with three beautifully crafted exterior liveries, a great flight model, authentic custom radial sounds, and custom panels with aircraft specific gauges, and easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits. FSX native upgrade by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. This aircraft release is one of 7 aircraft in a series that will be released. FSX/P3D. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jan 26, 2016 02:43 by George A.Arana
FS2004 Scenery Design – Rwy12 Object Placer V1.2 - Library Collection #1
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
14.08Mb (7997 downloads)
Scenery Design – Rwy12 Object Placer V1.2 - Library Collection
This new version of Rwy12 includes 39 object libraries,
with over 1,000 static objects, to be placed with a mouse
click anywhere in FS2004 world. Because of size the whole
Library package is split into 3 zip files (plus a fourth
zip file for the program itself). You must download and
install all four zip files. This is Collection #1. Tens
of designers contributed their work to this version. Credits
and thanks to all of them, and details about their work,
are in the installation file of each download. By Israel
Roth and Seev Kahn. 14.4MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

FSX Lockhed Vega
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
24.76Mb (7996 downloads)
This file contains the Default Fs9 Lockheed Vega that has been coverted to FSX.
It is no longer supported by FS9 in it's coverted state. I have given the Converted Lockheed_Vega alot of new updates. If you have the Shockwave 3D Lights installed then
you will have them here also. Along with better flight dynamics and Nav lights and beacons have also been up-
Posted Jan 8, 2008 03:27 by David Grindele
FSX F-15C Update
(Category: FSX > Military)
1.42Mb (7993 downloads)
F-15C Update.
This is an update for FSX of the F-15C 125FW by Kimitaka Nishida
and repainted by Bud Engel. I have updated the flight dynamics
a bit and changed the F-15 panel I updated for FSX. I changed
the autopilot, primary flight display, and the light switches.
You will need the original aircraft (here).
I have added instructions on how to have an extra paint of
the 333FW for each of the models by using the files that come
with the aircraft. Requires the concorde Gauge (here
if required) The new paint works in FS9 as well as in FSX.
Bob Chicilo. 1.4MB
F-15C Update2.
This is an update for my update of the F-15C by Kimitaka Nishida
and repainted by Bud Engel. This is so you can have a separate
picture for each aircraft without having to make a texture
folder for each one. Copy the pictures in this update to the
main aircraft folder, where the aircraft.cfg file is. Then
delete the thumbnails in the texture folders. By naming the
picture whatever comes after the title= line in the aircraft.cfg
file and puting it in the same place as the aircraft.cfg file,
the picture will show up in the right place on the choose
the aircraft page. This idea comes Originally from Bill Leaming,
and was sent to me by Joey Bamburg. 57K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive

FS2004 Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Vietnam and Indian Air Force Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.35Mb (7991 downloads)
FS2004 Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Vietnam and Indian Air Force Textures only. Requires vai Gmax1.2 Su-27B by Bill Wolfgen (here). 1.5MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 1, 2008 16:17 by archive
De Havilland DHC-3 Otter PZL with radial engine
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
12.37Mb (7990 downloads)
De Havilland DHC-3 Otter PZL with radial engine
This Otter is the 1000hp conversion from Airtech Canada (R).
With 400 more horsepower than the original P&W R1340, the 1000
hp PZL engine offers significant performance gains. FS2004,
dynamic virtual cockpit, 5 liveries, reflective textures, opening
door, full moving parts, panel with custom gauges and custom
sound by Eugene Heyart. Read the 'Very Important' message
in this file! 12.6MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive