All Time Popular > Page 386

Bombardier CRJ-701ER UAX
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
23.53Mb (7530 downloads)
Bombardier CRJ-701ER UAX. United Express (SkyWest Airlines) CRJ-701ER new colour. Uses the default CRJ VC. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Jul 25, 2010 06:57 by Upoader

Beechcraft Starship Package
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
69.46Mb (7529 downloads)
Fs2004 Beechcraft Starship 2000, with fully functional virtual cockpit and backlit gauges. Will also work in FSX with some limitations.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 15:56 by Matt Stanova

JDT MiniMax Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
16.56Mb (7528 downloads)
MiniMax for FSX. JDT MiniMax. This fabulous little Sport Pilot Airplane was designed by Wayne Ison. It is a wood framed Airplane that is covered with cloth and painted.I built this model when I was learning Gmax. I always liked the MiniMax design, and it seemed like a simple enough model on which to try out newly learned Gmax skills. Lots of people patiently answered questions from me as things went along, and giving this model to the community is just a small way to say thanks.
By Flight Replicas.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 06:03 by Flight Replicas
FX: Nick's Prop Dust v2.0 with Nick's All Wet for Watercraft!
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
2.88Mb (7526 downloads)
FX: Nick's Prop Dust v2.0 with Nick's All Wet for Watercraft!
package is an all new release of my original prop dust FX. This
gauge/effects package automatically senses the terrain the aircraft
is in contact with or flying over and changes the prop dust
and water FX for the aircrafts prop/rotor wash based on dirt,
dry mud or clay, snow, rain, water, ice, sand, gravel and short
grass. In addition the real time surface conditions are also
sensed. In example: a dry asphalt or concrete runway will produce
no prop dust/wash; however, the same runway with snow/rain conditions
present will automatically produce a throttle controlled snow/rain
blowing effect. FX files and gauges are included for large and
small, single engine, multi-engine, amphibians, helicopters,
seaplanes and massive scale military and commercial land/water
transports. This package requires manually editing/adding lines
in the aircraft.cfg and panel.cfg files. The README files include
very complete and comprehensive instructions with a quick and
easy copy/paste file for all the Microsoft prop aircraft and
13 other popular aircraft. I have also provided a QUICK REFERENCE
file for current Nicks Prop Dust users for the new seaplane
gauge and new FX location formulas. Nick's ALL WET is wild splashing
and spraying bow/skid water FX designed for amphibians, seaplanes
and boats which includes water droplets on the 2D and VC windshield
as the plane barrels through the water on takeoff and landing.
There is an option to install Nick's ALL WET without the main
dust FX package. ENJOY! By Nick Needham. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
For All Systems!
(Category: CFS3 > Misc)
0.70Mb (7525 downloads)
For All Systems!
Hints & Tips of how to get CFS3 to run smoothly & effectively
on your PC system! By RAAF453_Shep CO. 719K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

Singapore Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.46Mb (7521 downloads)
FSX Singapore Airlines Airbus A350-900 XWB V2. Versions 2 is an all new version of the A350-900 seen at the Paris Air Show 2009, with a new nose, new cockpit windows,new wings and winglets. No VC.
This CamSim Version 2 is also including an updated new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS).
Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Sep 12, 2009 04:35 by Camil Valiquette

Bell Helicopters 205A-1 Floats - Evergreen Helicopters
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
5.67Mb (7520 downloads)
Bell Helicopters 205A-1 Floats - Evergreen Helicopters .
This Version of the Bell 205-A-1 includes a new design and paint
for Evergreen Helicopters with floats, the panel which I have
included is also my own. This helicopter is fully animated and
upgraded with the "Huey" sound package. Design and Paint by:
Lynn Rogers Instrument Panel by: Lynn Rogers. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

Boeing 747-400 Qantas New Colours 2008
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.81Mb (7519 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Qantas New Colours 2008
Model and Aircraft by Project Open Sky.
Posted Oct 15, 2008 07:24 by Ryan C
Royce Merlin sounds
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
1.40Mb (7514 downloads)
Royce Merlin sounds. This fabulous engine
powered both the Spitfire & the Mustang in WW2.
Spit99sndpk. FOR fs98 & CFS. sound Pack for spitfire/p51.Completely
new internal and external wavs. Actual internal sounds
taken from a spitfire on the ground and in flight.
Powerful Merlin engine recommended.
Author.Mike Hambly M Hambly. File size 1472876
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

FSX Lockheed U2S with updated panels
(Category: FSX > Military)
16.87Mb (7512 downloads)
The Lockheed U-2, nicknamed "Dragon Lady", is a single-engine, ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) and previously flown by the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It provides day and night, very high-altitude (70,000 feet / 21,000 m), all-weather intelligence gathering. The U-2 has also been used for electronic sensor
research, satellite calibration, and communications purposes.
This is the Alphasim Lockheed U2 with updated and enhanced panels and FSX compatible PFD and Eicas. Other missing gauges have also been added. The panels are,
for the most part, authentic to the real U2 panel. The package also features new smoke effect. Original model by Alphasim, new configuration and re-modelling of the VC by
Michael Pook.
Posted Feb 5, 2015 05:37 by Michael Pook