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Boeing 737-700 Southwest Airlines Liveries Package v2.2 Final
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
13.52Mb (7511 downloads)
Boeing 737-700 Southwest Airlines Liveries Package v2.2 Final
Package Additional changes since its introduction include
a new interior and performance enhancing winglets which reduce
fuel consumption and improve take-off and climb performance.
All textures have been modified in DXT-3 format for crisp visuals
without comprimising frame rates. Includes the default FS-X
Boeing 737 panel. Sounds have been defaulted to the FS-X 737-800.
Additionally, this aircraft series has no Virtual Cockpit (VC),
therefore you must fly them using the 2-D default panel
view only! This package includes Southwest Airlines
liveries (Canyon Blue, Maryland One, Nevada One, Old Color &
Shamu). Aircraft by Project Opensky. Brian C. Selb. 13.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive

Boeing 787-8 FlyDubai Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
110.75Mb (7510 downloads)
FSX Boeing 787-8 Fly Dubai Package with VC for FSX.
Includes Buses, fuel truck, stairs, cargo and more. Go to VIEWS - INSTRUMENT PANEL - UTIL.
The wonderful new Boeing 787-8 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. So now the 787-8 has the nearest VC I can find -- the 737-800. The layout fof the 787 cockpit is not a million miles away from the advanced 737-800.
The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I have included the high quality textures by Stefan Bree.
Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views, jetways, etc.
TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 787-8 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC.
Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans. Zip preview for bigger images.
Posted Mar 15, 2015 07:57 by chris evans

DeHavilland DHC-3 Turbo Otter Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
32.28Mb (7510 downloads)
This aircraft, originally built in 1954 and now converted to turbine power with a Garrett TPE 331-10 engine, currently operates on wheel/skis with Talkeetna Air Taxi in Alaska. It is mainly used to fly tourists over the Denali National Park and the trips often include a ski landing on one of the glaciers on the lower slopes of Mount McKinley. Full package for FSX/SP2. Custom panel and VC. Model and paint by Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Dec 2, 2011 08:40 by Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design

Concorde Supersonic Sound Package
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
214.13Mb (7509 downloads)
SkyHigh Audio Simulations is proud to present our new FSX Concorde Sound Package! This add-on will hopefully bring Concorde back to life since the real thing no longer flies and I do not think an Olympus 593 turbojet engine has run since 2003. So to achieve this goal, I have worked to the bone to fine tune this sound and add as many features as possible. The main new feature of this sound is XML Gauge Sound technology, never seen before in a SkyHigh sound release, or on any sound package release for the matter. The XML gauge sounds include a brake sound, sonic boom sound effect, as well as a switch panel that plays various cabin annoucements. 3D Sound Cone Technology has of course, been extensively used in this release, as with our other FSX sound releases. You can even hear the ground trembling from the noise when Concorde flies by. I could go for days explaining the features of these sounds but I'd like for you to hear them for yourself. So please give this download a go if you want to bring Concorde back to life with a very realistic sounding Concorde sound package for FSX! Please visit our website at: for more info and sound packs!
Posted Nov 27, 2013 09:42 by Adam Murphy

FS2004 LAN Airlines Boeing 787-8
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
5.11Mb (7509 downloads)
FS2004 LAN Airlines Boeing 787-8 All included, (no Base Pack needed) 3 aircrafts with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) . Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette
Posted Jun 14, 2008 04:13 by archive

Boeing 747-8 Cargolux Freighter Delux Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
69.91Mb (7507 downloads)
FSX SkySpirit2012 Boeing 747-8 Freighter Delux Package,
in Cargolux Livery, registration LX-VCA
Assembled and edited for FSX with the developed B747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda. This is the Skyspirit FSX Boeing 747-8F cargo model updated November 2012, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), jetway (Ctrl J), opening nose section and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Upgraded using the vastly improved Boeing 747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND (See panel docs for details). VC includes FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches.
Thank you to Skyspirit for their outstanding donations to the worldwide community of flight simulation. Beautiful Cargolux textures by Carlos Eduardo Salas. Enhanced shine to give a freshly cleaned look.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Zip preview for larger pictures.
See panel docs and images for VC details and controls
Posted Dec 12, 2012 08:49 by Chris Evans

Boeing 777-200ER Continental Airlines Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
35.85Mb (7506 downloads)
Boeing Continental Airlines package. Modified for FSX using Danny Garnier's modification of the Posky 777-200ER VC model. Original FS2004 model by Project Opensky. Assembled by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 22, 2011 14:02 by Chris Evans
Seruphum Delta Wing 4 Engined Concept Jet.
(Category: FS Concept Aircraft > FS Concept Aircraft)
7.85Mb (7505 downloads)
Seruphum Delta Wing 4 Engined Concept Jet. Four engined
version of the Seruphum delta wing concept jet, number 3 in
the series of platforms. This is a very radical design that
features a blended lifing body with delta wings for low speed
approaches. The interior has been revamped to the Ultra Luxury
package sporting details like a sofa, tables, back room, laptops,
coffee mugs, etc. The turbines have been upgraded and tuned
to military specifications giving this jet speeds of 1.4 Mach
plus at high altitude. This model features retracting landing
gear, steering nose gear, dynamic/reflective shine, working
elevons, spoilerons and airbrakes, retracting skystair, retracting
rear ramp, working suspension, a custom panel and a virtual
cockpit. The panel features a window in the lower front nose
area for high angle STOL approaches. This thing is wild....
Modeled in Gmax and features 7 textures including red, blue,
and camouflage. By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:41 by archive
GARversion 737-200 panel version 2
(Category: FS2004 > Panels)
13.05Mb (7504 downloads)
GARversion 737-200 panel version 2.
If you had problems with the 737-200adv panel v.1, now it
is time to try out v.2! GARversion 737-200adv panel v.2 is
a dual panel with a full overhead and realistic procedures.
It is perfect for any virtual airine that has a 737-200adv
in their fleet. This panel fits well with any 737-200 with
or without wingviews. Enjoy flying in the 737-200adv with
this fully realistic panel. Gauges by Tinmouse Panel by Gareth
Scott Not FSX compatible Panel based from the 737-205adv Cayman
Airways. 13.3MB
& revision in addition to the above panel. 6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
Atlas Cheetah C Package
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
9.36Mb (7504 downloads)
Atlas Cheetah C Package
No 341 is depicted in the colours of the South African Airforce.
The package consist of the model, panel, sound, Virtual Cockpit
and is fully animated. It features the following effects: Droptanks,
Brake Chute, Afterburner, engine glow and contrail effects.
All the gauges are designed in xml format, and are described
in a document. A number of new gauges are included. Please read
the instructions to operate the panel and aircraft optimally.
If you do not fly this aircraft based on the correct procedures,
your aircraft will flameout and you will get engine fire and
failure. Enjoy! Thinus Pretorius. 9.6MB Filename:
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive