All Time Popular > Page 392

FS2004 Cessna T-50 Bobcat
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
10.15Mb (7462 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Cessna T-50 Bobcat. To celebrate AlphaSim's 9th birthday they are releasing some of their classic titles for free. Panel and gauges included. Uses default sounds. Wheeled and float plane versions included. Five texture sets. By Alphasim
Posted Jun 19, 2008 11:54 by archive

Whittaker MW6 Microlight
(Category: FSX > Gliders and Ultralites)
12.85Mb (7459 downloads)
Whittaker MW6 microlight with Full animations, 3D gauges and Baked Textures. By Craig Richardson
Posted Oct 11, 2012 10:20 by uploader

B-66 Destroyer Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
7.97Mb (7454 downloads)
B-66 Destroyer package for FSX. Features opening crew entry hatch (shift-e) speed brakes (/-key, opening bomb bay on B-66B model only, (Concorde visor key), toggle pilot on/off - shift-W. Turbine Glow Effect - this is automatic and cuts it at a medium throttle setting Vapour Trails - as well as the usual wingtip vapour trails, this model also has flap vapour trails, these are only visible when airborne and when the flaps are on their first setting. Ex payware from Virtuavia.
Posted Mar 17, 2011 10:01 by virtuavia

Su-17M4 Fitter K
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
2.80Mb (7454 downloads)
This is a Su-17M4 Fitter K for FS9 and FS 2002, but it may work in FSX (I don't know). The Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) was a Soviet attack aircraft developed from the Sukhoi Su-7 fighter-bomber. It enjoyed a long career in Soviet/Russian service and was widely exported to Eastern Bloc and Middle Eastern air forces. This is one fun plane to fly! Original model by by Kazunori Ito
Posted Jul 13, 2008 12:08 by archive

Boeing 747-8F Cathay Hong Kong Trader Cargo Package (fixed)
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
30.87Mb (7451 downloads)
Boeing 747-8F Cathay Pacific Cargo Hong Kong Trader Package. (Fixed to include missing air file which prevented it showing in FSX). Adapted for FSX and coupled to the default B747-400 VC with edits. Dynamic flexing wings based on airspeed, pitch, weight, and other factors. Independent Tire Rotation - wheels stop turning at different times depending on which wheel leaves the ground first. Body gear steering between 1 and 15 kts. Nose gear steering between 1 and 60 kts. Rudder lock under between 1 and 60 kts. Ground spoiler only works on ground. Low speed aileron locks at high speed. Fully animated control surfaces Fully independent suspension. Showing POSKY Utility Panel: Shift+8 Opening Passenger (L1) door: Shift + E ( Opening door ) Opening Cargo Doors: Shift + E then quickly 2 Opening Passenger (L2) door: Shift + E then quickly 3 Opening Bulk Cargo Door: Shift + E then quickly 4. Model by Skyspirit. Repaint by Mathieu Vos. Updated for FSX with default B7474 VC, by Chris Evans. Thank you to Skyspirit for their wonderful models.
Posted Dec 15, 2011 12:00 by admin

Sea Harrier Spanish Navy
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
5.96Mb (7449 downloads)
Sea Harrier Spanish Navy.
Model's by AP Design, Textures by Jorge GM. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
C119 BoxCar Air Color (fictional)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.72Mb (7448 downloads)
C119 BoxCar Air Color (fictional).
Texture by Francis F. Silva. Aircraft model of C119 BoxCar by
Daisuke Yamamoto. 4.8MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
HS Buccaneer S2 Package
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
46.65Mb (7447 downloads)
HS Buccaneer S2 Package.
This is a new GMAX model, created by the team at UKMIL. the
Pack includes the HS Buccaneer S2 version. This is a full aircraft
pack with many models and textures for full instructions, credits
and info, please read the enclosed PDF file. UKMIL. 47.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive

Cr-1 RATA Package
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
105.04Mb (7447 downloads)
Cr-1 RATA Package. This is add-on started out as simTECH Flight Design project of interest back in 2002. Then it went on the shelf until Feb 2009. I since sold SimTECH Flight Design Ltd but retained rights to all older simTECH models as well as models under development. Hence this great little model…Months later here we are with a full release Rata.
The model is a Rhino 3d model which I later exported the model into a custom made compiler so it could be accepted in Fs9. This is a very old model so some of the newer features
That the newer FS9 and FSX flight Sims support are not in this add-on. It took a lot of reverse programming to get this model to the point that is now.
This model is set up specifically for Fs9 and will not work well in fs2002 or FSX. It will work in FSX AND Fs2002 but some additional modifications will have to be made, but it is possible to do so
And I give any crafty designer the permission to do so as long as the Cr-1-Software LTD. trade mark and copy write is left intact. Tom Woods/ SimTech
Posted Jul 21, 2009 09:53 by Tom Woods

Jim LeRoy's Pitts S-2S "Bulldog"
(Category: FSX > Props)
3.37Mb (7445 downloads)
This is Jim Leroy's wonderful Pitts Bulldog. Improved flight dynamics, smoke for improved realism. Original model by M Miemi. Revamp by Virtual Aerobatics Unlimited.
Posted Jun 24, 2012 04:42 by vau