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                  - AI Carrier Scenery.
FSX - AI Carrier Scenery. (Category: FSX > Scenery)
8.22Mb (21229 downloads)
FSX - AI Carrier Scenery. This is just a demo, right, so no complaints if there are any shortcomings. There are a few issues whch I mention below but this scenery is just for fun and to show what can be done with FSX. And this is just scraping the surface! Roger Mole (Rollerball). 8.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
                  F-14B REV D Full Package
                  F-14B REV D Full Package
FS2004 F-14B REV D Full Package (Category: FS2004 > Military)
56.44Mb (21216 downloads)
FS2004 F-14B REV D Full Package. FS2004 F-14D Flight Dynamics & Sound (V 8-13-06), and custom Panel and NEW VC! Aircraft.cfg, Flight Dynamics Engineering by Ivan Kostic. FDE derived from the original FDE by JJ Schumacher, with permission. Aircraft perfectly controllable and maneuverable within the whole original Tomcat's flight envelope. Rework of Scott Printz's HUDHornet by Ivan Kostic for HUD XML development with permission. RCBCO-20 by ROB BARENDREGT, DOUG DAWSON, & NICK NEEDHAM. Original Panel by Ivan Kostic. Panel loaned to me to revise. Panel, VC modifications by Steve Hinson. Textures by many great artists. Custom Texture of "Elijah" by Ardie Tingleman(C). Glenn Copeland gauges(C). Model by Dino Cattaneo & Jeff Dobbing(C). Sound by Ivan Kostic. See inside main F14D Doc jacket for complete credit list. Steve Hinson Ivan Kostic. 57.8MB Filename: f14drev2.zip
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
FSX Native S-55(H-19)Whirlwind Package
FSX Native S-55(H-19)Whirlwind Package
FSX Native S-55(H-19)Whirlwind Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
14.57Mb (21199 downloads)
FSX/P3D S-55(H-19)Whirlwind Package. Another batch of new freeware models by Alphasim. Includes two models and six texture sets. Complete cockpit with 2D panel/gauges and VC.The Sikorsky H-19, (also known as the S-55) was a multi-purpose helicopter used by the United States Army and United States Air Force. It was also license-built by Westland Aircraft as the Westland Whirlwind in the United Kingdom. United States Navy and Coast Guard models were designated HO4S, while those of the U.S. Marine Corps were HRS
Posted Mar 14, 2009 09:40 by Alphasim
X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Package.
9.17Mb (21195 downloads)
FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Package. Model by Colin Thwaites. Airfile by Claudio Mussner. Pt1. 9.4MB Filename: FS9_X35B.zip FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Addon Files. Joint Strike Fighter developed for the US/UK Airforces. Fully animated. Includes custom panel based on current test bed, plus v cockpit with HUD. Supersonic .AIR file. Requires FS9_X35B.zip and X-35Manual.zip Model by Colin Thwaites. Airfile by Claudio Mussner. Pt2 4.1MB FS2004 X-35A & C Lockheed JSF Joint Strike Fighter Manual.
Posted Aug 9, 2009 09:32 by archive
FSX Yakovlev Yak-141.v2 (Category: FSX > Military)
3.14Mb (21184 downloads)
FSX Yakovlev Yak-141.v2 Yakovlev Yak-141, a sovyet supersonic vtol aircraft. but i am affraid it isn't quite so with this model. unless you could do something to make it just like what it's supposed to be. This model comes complete with an uncomplete HUD and other gauges and virtual cockpit. well this is my second Yak-141 for FSX. It has foldable wings and HUD as well as some other changes from the first version. By Hadi Tahir. 3.2MB
Posted May 26, 2008 13:48 by archive
SR-71A Blackbird Rapid Rabbit
SR-71A Blackbird Rapid Rabbit (Category: FS2004 > Military)
9.20Mb (21129 downloads)
SR-71A Blackbird Rapid Rabbit at 80000ft: Not another update I hear you say! Yes, this one is to automatically fly at mach 3.0 and 80000+ft and then manually for cruising speeds up to mach 3.5. It was inspired by an email contact with a real SR-71 pilot who spent 4 years and about 500 hours in the cockpit and knew her well. It became obvious that the normally quoted maximum of mach 3.2 was indeed the normal cruising speed and that the Blackbird was flown safely at faster speeds particularly when out running launched G-A missiles capable of mach 5. In a training mission over Arizona at 81000 feet, a pilot below asked for a GS check, 90 knots came the reply. A navy F-18 joined in, 620 kts on the ground the reply. Too good to miss, the RSO asked for a check from 81000 feet, the startled ATC officer answered Aspinxx I have you at 1982 kts 2282 mph on the ground. It begs simulation, so in the package there are two flights from the 1980's and it is another upgrade of Robert Barker's FS2000 SR71 61-7978 and of Bob Chilico's previous FS2004 update. A new aircraft based on the ALPHASIM textures for 61-7955 using this air file is included. It is a new experience to fly a plan at 80000+ ft and at supersonic speeds. A great challenge to manually tighten a turn at mach 3.5 and to get down again without running out of fuel. All that is missing is an A1 tanker to refuel her at altitude. Packaged by Ross McLennan. File: z_SR71_80.zip
Posted Sep 16, 2009 07:31 by admin
CVN-76 USS Ronald Reagan
CVN-76 USS Ronald Reagan
CVN-76 USS Ronald Reagan (Category: FSX > Misc)
9.00Mb (21123 downloads)
this is the Acceleration AI Carrier made flyable. I got tired of all the bouncy , jumpy MP carriers out there, throwing me off the deck. so i present you this Ultra stable Carrier Op's platform Features: - Rock solid flight deck , No bouncing, tilting ... nuttin' - "pri-fly" view to watch all the action on deck - ATC equiped bridge - 34kts top speed - cables work in MP - CVN-76 details and crisp DXT textures made flyable for FSX Only by Bruce Fitzgerald
Posted Sep 1, 2008 06:53 by Bruce Fitzgerald
FS2004                   2-Seater Gmax F-16 Viper in US colors
FS2004 2-Seater Gmax F-16 Viper in US colors (Category: FS2004 > Military)
8.60Mb (21115 downloads)
FS2004 2-Seater Gmax F-16 Viper in US colors. It has full animation, dynamic shine, and a realistic VR cockpit and 3 loadouts (epmty,JSOW and long range). Default sounds are used to decrease download size. As with my single seat Viper Eric Marciano's F-16 panel is required. It can be found here File size 8.8MB Author: Kirk Olsson. Filename: Viper2us.zip
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Airbus A 340 Panel.
FS2004 Airbus A 340 Panel. (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
16.99Mb (21106 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A 340 Panel. Created entirely from A340 real photos. Full fixed version. Install Instructions included. By Mark Governali. 17.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Boeing 2707-200 SST
FS2002/FS2004 Boeing 2707-200 SST (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.10Mb (21086 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Boeing 2707-200 SST In the USA fears about being left behind in the supersonic airliner race as the Soviet and European SSTs started to take form on paper. The US government asked US companies for SST designs in order to compete with Europe. The Boeing model was the 2707-200. It was a large aircraft at 318 feet from nose to tail and had a complex swing-wing design with a tailplane behind the main swing wing. It would fly at a high mach 2.7 over 3900 miles with a passenger load of at least 300. Two kinds of paint example (Pan American / United Airline) are included. by Kazunori Ito. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive