All Files > Page 1672

Boeing 737-800 Winglets Trans Quebec
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
18.54Mb (1666 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Winglets Trans Quebec with Alrot's advanced Boeing 737-800 VC. Model by Project Opensky/Skyspirit. Includes the default B737 VC and 2d panel. Reflective textures. Use Ctrl E F2 to enable stairs. Ctrl E to open door. Ctrl E F3 to open baggage door. Thank you to Alrot for his great modified VC. Adapted for FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 26, 2012 06:20 by Chris Evans

Hainan Group A320-200 3 Airlines Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
32.42Mb (3525 downloads)
Project Airbus A320-232 Hainan Group package for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of Capital Airlines, Tianjin Airlines and West Air are included, along with panel, sound and Virtual Cockpit from the Default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, texture by He Lingyuan, China. This package still uses A320 V2 model as it is the only FSX based version offered, however the texture is created on A320 V2.1 paintkit and works fine. FS2004 users please search for the V2.1 package.
Posted Mar 26, 2012 02:13 by He Lingyuan

Hainan Group A320-200 Package
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
22.44Mb (1623 downloads)
Project Airbus A320-232 Hainan Group package for Flight Simulator 2004. Aircraft model and texture of Capital Airlines,Tianjin Airlines and West Air are included, along with Panel and Sound from the Default B737. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, texture by He Lingyuan,China. FSX users please search for the V2 package.
Posted Mar 26, 2012 01:32 by He Lingyuan

FS2004/FSX Icaro BK-117 DRF Texture Pack
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
102.26Mb (1682 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Textures for the Icaro BK117. DRF -Christoph 42, 47, 51, 54, Dortmund, Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt, Weser, Europa 5. Requires the wonderful freeware Icaro BK-117
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 25, 2012 20:18 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich

FSX Newfoundland Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.04Mb (176 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for Newfoundland. Canada
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file
Other locator files to follow
by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 25, 2012 15:19 by carl vokes

FSX New Brunswick Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.05Mb (139 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for New Brunswick. Canada.
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file
Other locator files to follow
by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 25, 2012 12:06 by carl vokes

TAP Portugal Airbus Multi Fleet 2012 Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
170.52Mb (14489 downloads)
Airbus A319, A320, A321, A330 and A340 ( all with VC ) Transportes Aereos Portugueses, SGPS, S.A., known to the public as TAP Portugal and commonly known as TAP, is the national airline of Portugal. TAP Portugal is 100 % state owned and has its head office in Building 25 on the grounds of Portela Airport in Santa Maria dos Olivais, Lisbon,[2][3] and has been a member of the Star Alliance since 14 March 2005, the same day on which the company celebrated its 60th anniversary. Model's & VC by Thomas Ruth and Project Airbus. Packaged by ricardo_tv
Posted Mar 25, 2012 08:06 by ricardo_tv

FSX/FS2004 Ford Crown Bahamas Police
(Category: FSX > Misc)
5.83Mb (7932 downloads)
This is a a fully working Ford Crown Victoria police car in Bahamas Police colors. 2 versions are included - the old and the updated. Model by Dirk Stuck. Textures by BahamasFlyers.
Posted Mar 25, 2012 02:01 by BahamasFlyers NoSmilez

MI-12 Homer and Fairey Rotodyne Twin Updated Package
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
30.79Mb (11686 downloads)
2 different aircraft included. I updated Kazunori Ito's MI-12 Homer and Rotodyne (both use the old "jet flaps" flight method) by replacing the Panel gauges and adding texture thumbnails. The Homer has a working but basic VC, the Rotodyne has a non-working VC. Both have fully working 2D panels.
Posted Mar 25, 2012 00:50 by Michael E. Roberts

Lion Air Boeing 737-900ER
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.24Mb (3130 downloads)
Lion Air Boeing 737-900ER. Model by Andy Roesch
Posted Mar 24, 2012 22:17 by Cpt.pilot adianugrah