Mar 15, 2025 |
All Files > Page 1674
Caproni Ca183 bis
Caproni Ca183 bis
Caproni Ca183 bis (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
12.83Mb (1000 downloads)
FS2004-Caproni Ca183bis-high altitude fighter Aircraft that remained as ptototype for the end of the war. Front engine DB605 driving two three-blade contra-rotating props and a Fiat A.30 radial behind the cockpit driving a Campini compressor expecting to furnish a 60 MPH boost of jet thrust. Two models with textures of two sq. of the A.N.R. Model, texture, vc-cockpit by F.Giuli. 2d panel by Alphasim. Gauges other authors
Posted Mar 24, 2012 07:06 by FRANCESCO GIULI
FSX Buccaneer S2 Package
FSX Buccaneer S2 Package
FSX Buccaneer S2 Package (Category: FSX > Military)
83.39Mb (17938 downloads)
UKMIL FSX Buccaneer S2 Package. Welcome to the UKMIL Buccaneer Package for FSX. The Blackburn Buccaneer was a British low-level subsonic strike aircraft with nuclear weapon delivery capability serving with the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force between 1962 and 1994 including service in the 1991 Gulf War. For online documentation please visit the UKMil website.
Posted Mar 24, 2012 04:10 by UKMIL
3D RAF Ground Crew
3D RAF Ground Crew
3D RAF Ground Crew (Category: FSX > Payware)
3.15Mb (600 downloads)
3D RAF Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:56 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder
FSX 3D German Airforce Ground Crew
FSX 3D German Airforce Ground Crew
FSX 3D German Airforce Ground Crew (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.48Mb (592 downloads)
FSX 3D German Air Force Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:52 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder
3D US Air Force Ground Crew
3D US Air Force Ground Crew
3D US Air Force Ground Crew (Category: FSX > Payware)
3.27Mb (769 downloads)
3D US Air Force Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:18 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder
FS2004 (FSX) Icaro BK-117 ADAC Texture Pack
FS2004 (FSX) Icaro BK-117 ADAC Texture Pack
FS2004 (FSX) Icaro BK-117 ADAC Texture Pack (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
100.41Mb (1719 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Textures for the Icaro BK117. ADAC -Christoph 1, 22, 26, 32, 62, Leipzig, Rheinland, Murnau, Westfahlen
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 24, 2012 00:16 by benimix-Benedikt Fröhlich
Ultimate Jet Sound Pack (Military)
Ultimate Jet Sound Pack (Military) (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
20.40Mb (9597 downloads)
This package is brought to you by an extreme aviation enthusiast. This is a mixture of both the sound pack provided for the F-18 on the FSX "Blue Angels" website and the IRIS F-16 sound package. Simply replace the sound folder of any aircraft with the one provided in this download and enjoy. Spent many hours to perfect this so atleast give it a shot.
Posted Mar 23, 2012 23:06 by Commander_Rylan
FSX British Columbia Airfield Locator
FSX British Columbia Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.08Mb (220 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for British Columbia. Canada There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 23, 2012 18:58 by carl vokes
FSX Alberta Airfield Locator
FSX Alberta Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.09Mb (146 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Alberta. Canada There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 23, 2012 18:56 by carl vokes
Icaro BK-117 Pelikan 1 Texture
Icaro BK-117 Pelikan 1 Texture (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
11.08Mb (745 downloads)
This Texture is for the Icaro BK-117 avalible here. This Model is freeware like the Icaro EC-135
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 23, 2012 16:58 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich