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ASTER GDEMv2 30m mesh for Iran & West Caspian Sea states Pt1a
78.81Mb (412 downloads)
There are Fourteen (14) parts of this mesh to download as separate files. ASTER GDEM Version 2 is a 30 metre definition DEM, its better than the version 1 data that ERSDAC, of Japan and NASA originally released, but it does have its limitations. GDEM has been obtained from a satellite that uses stereoscopic infrared scanning cameras, this brings with it problems in the resultant data.....where it sees the tops of trees, buildings etc, as the ground terrain. If you look at the jpg image with the terrain type errors shown as a graph, you will see that the only 'safe' terrain to use this data with - in FSX - is scrubland, or desert terrain. Its hopeless in defining the terrain in places like Europe - with all the artificial structures, (buildings) and different types of woodland, so any mesh I create from this data won't include areas like will be more desert type terrain, and scrubland. I won't be doing Greenland because something about the ice around Greenland, (or any other land mass with ice) it creates false data. It does give enough fine data to reveal railway lines, and some roads though. This mesh has been made for FSX only. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Mar 10, 2012 04:20 by Wayne Evans
FSX DHC-1  Chipmunk FDE (Flight Dynamics)
0.01Mb (2707 downloads)
FSX FDE For Rick Pipers DHC-1 Chipmunk. Based on the input and very thorough testing by a real world Chippie pilot here is a much improved new Flight Dynamics Engine. Fully aerobatic, capable of different spins, performs and handles really close to its real world counterpart
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Posted Mar 10, 2012 02:43 by Bernt Stolle
Icon A5 Widescreen 2D Panel V.3
Icon A5 Widescreen 2D Panel V.3
Icon A5 Widescreen 2D Panel V.3 (Category: FSX > Props)
7.62Mb (3892 downloads)
A widescreen version of Darrel Woodhouse excellent 2D panel for Andeas Koerner remarkable rendition of that great LSA amphibian and corrected registration number.
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Posted Mar 9, 2012 18:35 by Jean-Luc Peters
 Aviation Traders CarvairBAF
 Aviation Traders CarvairBAF
Aviation Traders CarvairBAF (Category: FSX > Props)
18.86Mb (3292 downloads)
ATL-98 Carvair in British Air Ferries livery. I have added lots more detail and some photoreal parts to try and make it look more realistic.I use to watch DC-4's being converted to Carvairs in the mid sixty's at Southend Airport, UK (EGMC)during there annual airshow. 2d panel but no VC! Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Mar 9, 2012 16:29 by Stephen Browning
FSX Boeing 737-800 American Airlines Astrojet Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 American Airlines Astrojet Textures
3.46Mb (901 downloads)
FSX American Airlines Astrojet Boeing 737-800. This is repaint for the default B737-800 in Astrojet Livery registration ( N951AA ) colors in 32 bit textures. By Tomi Koivunen.
Posted Mar 9, 2012 16:22 by Tomi Koivunen
Ultimate Carendo C185 FDE Pack (2010) (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.04Mb (439 downloads)
These Flight Dynamics Engines have been made with the great support of 4 RW 185 pilots, so they are pretty close to RW 185s concerning performance and handling.
Posted Mar 9, 2012 03:10 by Bernt Stolle
FS2004 Prototype XF-104 Starfighter Textures Update
FS2004 Prototype XF-104 Starfighter Textures Update
1.74Mb (2344 downloads)
Repaint of Kazunori Ito's F-104J single seat version. This update replaces my previous texture for the Lockheed prototype of the F-104 Starfighter. The repaint uses Eric Cantu's aluminum texture utility to give the F-104 a more realistic appearance. Requires the original model by Kazunori Ito but is usable with many of the model updates made by others here. Although it is a FS2002/FS2004 model I have been able to use it in FSX as well. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
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Posted Mar 9, 2012 01:11 by R.E. Wyman
TPI Gazelle French ALAT Texture Pack
TPI Gazelle French ALAT Texture Pack
TPI Gazelle French ALAT Texture Pack (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
166.80Mb (4903 downloads)
A texture pack only for the freeware TPI Gazelle by Tolga Pilskin. this pack is the same (but adapted to the TPI gazelle) than the one offered a few weeks ago for the Cyril Pioffet Gazelle for FSX. thoses textures are DDS converted, with Bump and specular added. under some minors modifications (files names) you can used this pack for the Abacus payware too. see the read me file for instructions. four different textures, external and internal, modified pilots for the Wrap around european camo one (pilots like now in Astan ). a new sound pack is also included with real gazelle sounds.
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required file
Posted Mar 8, 2012 19:50 by David "Rsoftokz"
FS2002/2004 Beoing 747-400 Sunchaser Textures
FS2002/2004 Beoing 747-400 Sunchaser Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
0.80Mb (368 downloads)
As an experimental foray into the Pacific Islands market, Sunchaser Airways recently started limited flights between Los Angeles, Tahiti, and Hawaii. These textures for use with the default Boeing 747-400 Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Rob Smith.
Posted Mar 8, 2012 16:33 by Don Brynelsen
FSX/P3D UKMIL Gazelle AH1 Package
FSX/P3D UKMIL Gazelle AH1 Package
FSX/P3D UKMIL Gazelle AH1 Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
54.61Mb (17932 downloads)
AH1 Gazelle package for FSX and P3D up to v4.*. The Gazelle is a French five-seat helicopter, commonly used for light military transport. The Westland AH1 version was a model built for the British Army. Comprehensive package including internal VC model. By UKMil.
Posted Mar 8, 2012 12:13 by UKMIL