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Martha's Vineyard Airport
Martha's Vineyard Airport
Martha's Vineyard Airport (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.47Mb (1395 downloads)
This airport was created using Airports Design 9x. Martha's Vineyard Airport is a airport located in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. I replaced all of the stock buildings with more accurate ones. I also put cars in the parking lot and static aircraft on the ramp. There are hangers to the west part of the ramp. I moved the control tower to the correct spot. If you choose to start off at a DOCK gate, you will start off inside the aircraft hanger. Choosing a gate number between 1 and 5 will start you off near the main terminal. Your scenery complexity can not be set to very sparse or nothing will show up. Please read the readme for instructions on how to install. This is for Flight Simulator X only.
Posted Dec 11, 2011 19:30 by Tyler Lawrence
Boire Field Airport, NH
Boire Field Airport, NH (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.08Mb (440 downloads)
This airport was made using Airport Design Editor 9x. (ADE9x). Nashua Municipal Airport, or Boire Field is a general aviation airport located in Nashua, New Hamshire. I made it based on Google Earth and Bing maps. I have replaced most of the stock buildings and added more accurate ones. The flight simulator made the taxiways 75 feet wide but they are only supposed to be 50 feet wide. That is something else I fixed. I also added static aircraft on the ramp and cars in the parking lot. The scenery complexity can not be set to to very sparse or nothing will not show up. Please read the readme for instructions on how to install. This file is for Flight Simulator X only. By Tyler Lawrence
Posted Dec 11, 2011 19:11 by Tyler Lawrence
Friday Harbor (KFHR) and Lopez Island (S31), Washington
Friday Harbor (KFHR) and Lopez Island (S31), Washington
0.28Mb (1614 downloads)
This package was made using Airport Design Editor 9x (ADE9x). It has two airports, Fridar Harbor and Lopez island. Both airports are located in the pacific northwest. At Friday Harbor (The default FSX airport) I replaced all the default buildings with more accurate ones. I added static aircraft on the ramp and cars in the parking lot. I also added parking to the northeast. Kenmore air flies to Friday Harbor and so I added gates for it to. For Lopez island, I put hangers and a few aircraft. The airport has some missing taxiways I added. Your scenery complexity can not be set to very sparse or nothing will show up. Please read the read me for instructions on how to install. This download is for Flight Simulator X only. By Tyler Lawrence
Posted Dec 11, 2011 19:02 by Tyler Lawrence
Victoria International Airport (CYYJ), BC
Victoria International Airport (CYYJ), BC
Victoria International Airport (CYYJ), BC (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.51Mb (1098 downloads)
This airport was made using Airport Design Editor. Victoria International Airport is an airport located in Victoria, British Columbia. It has scheduled airline flights for a few airlines. I replaced all the default buildings and put more accurate ones. I also made the main terminal with two jetways. I put the genaral aviation and the terminal in the correct locations. At the genaral aviation, I put static aircraft and aircraft hangers. If you choose to start at the DOCK gate, you will start off in the hanger. To the west, I put helipads that are used for military. I also put the Aviation Museum that is located to the southeast. I used Google Earth and Bing maps for the airport. Please read the readme for instructions on how to install. This download is for Flight Simulator X only. By Tyler Lawrence
Posted Dec 11, 2011 18:50 by Tyler Lawrence
Boeing 757 Ozark Textures
Boeing 757 Ozark Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.02Mb (459 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004/FSX Boeing 757 Ozark U.S. aircraft. Textures only for Mike Stone's FS2002/2004 B757-200.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2011 17:39 by gabriel
Hagochu's 3rd Japanese Fighters (and last) Package
Hagochu's 3rd Japanese Fighters (and last) Package
45.14Mb (4124 downloads)
3rd (& last) Package of Hagochu’s great CFS2 Japanese aircraft, now FSX-flyable with working VC’s. Mitsubishi A6M3-B Zeke, Mitsubishi J2M3-21 Jack, Mitsubishi Ki83 prototype, Nakajima A6M2-N Rufe and Nakajima J1N1 Irving. Necessary effects and gauges included. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 11, 2011 17:30 by Erik Hertzberger
FIX for Varig L-188 Electra PP-VJL v3.0 HD
11.07Mb (1089 downloads)
A little fix for wrong shadows in the engines. You must have the "Varig Lockheed L-188 Electra PP-VJL v3.0 HD" repaint and model from TEAM FS KBT.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2011 16:15 by Fabio Cabral
A Flight to Remember
A Flight to Remember
A Flight to Remember (Category: FSX > Missions)
77.23Mb (2323 downloads)
The sunday afternoon flight from Birmingham, Alabama to New Orleans, Louisiana in 1941......
Posted Dec 11, 2011 15:04 by Gera Godoy Canova
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 2nd Package
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 2nd Package
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 2nd Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
49.02Mb (3296 downloads)
Revised CFS2 Japanese fighters updated for FSX. Include - Kawanishi N1 K2, mitsubishi A6M3, Nakajima C6N1, Nakajima Ki432, Nakajima Ki84
Posted Dec 11, 2011 12:12 by Erik Hertzberger
FSX / FS2004 Virtuavia AS365 Textures Pack for Chinese produced Z-9
FSX / FS2004 Virtuavia AS365 Textures Pack for Chinese produced Z-9
53.12Mb (2715 downloads)
This repaint pack is for Virtuavia / Alphasin AS365 Dauphin , these repaints are Chinese lisence produced Dauphins , include Army Camo , Air force green , Flying Dragon Aviation , Navy , Gong An Chinese police in Chongqing , they are not created my me it is done by a guy from Chinese FS forum . Copy the codes below to aircraft cfg , please modify the[fltsim.XX] numbers by yourself , the files are reuploaded by Jeremy Ng .
Posted Dec 11, 2011 11:12 by Jeremy Ng