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Savoia Marchetti SM89
Savoia Marchetti SM89 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
8.31Mb (895 downloads)
FS2004-Savoia Marchetti SM89 First flight in 1941,in use in March 1943, for anti-tank & other roles. Forward fuselage housed only one pilot and in tandem radio operator and gunner. Nose section rounded, short and much inclined, to have the best visibility in attack. 2 cannons anti-aircraft & 3 machine guns in nose, 1 in dorsal turret & in remote-controlled ventral turret. Model texture, panel F.Giuli.Gauges other authors
Posted Dec 11, 2011 11:12 by FRANCESCO GIULI
VOYK-Yelahanka Indian AFB (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (240 downloads)
VOYK is an Indian Air Force base with some improvements from the default. Created by Chris Duncan.
Posted Dec 11, 2011 10:16 by Chris Duncan
Maddog MD-80 Aserca Textures
Maddog MD-80 Aserca Textures
Maddog MD-80 Aserca Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
10.40Mb (475 downloads)
Maddog MD-80 Aserca Textures
Posted Dec 11, 2011 02:54 by Trino Rojas
Boeing 737-200 Estelar Textures
Boeing 737-200 Estelar Textures
Boeing 737-200 Estelar Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.71Mb (355 downloads)
Estelar Latinoamerica YV-2722 textures only for the TinmouseII For fs9/fsx
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 10, 2011 19:02 by Trino Rojas
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 1st Package
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 1st Package
Hagochu's Japanese Fighters 1st Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
46.49Mb (4612 downloads)
1st package of Hagochu’s great CFS2 Japanese aircraft now FSX-flyable with working VC’s. Aichi D3A1 “Val”, Aichi E13A1 “Jake”, Kawasaki Ki45 “Nick”, Kawasaki Ki61 “Tony” and Kawasaki Ki78 “Kensan” prototype. Necessary effects and gauges included. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 10, 2011 18:30 by Erik Hertzberger
Boeing 747-400 TAP Textures
Boeing 747-400 TAP Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.20Mb (2246 downloads)
Here comes a TAP (Transportes Aéreos Portugueses) texture for the default 747-400. TAP texture by
Posted Dec 10, 2011 16:11 by ricardo_tv
Boeing-ish Airspeed gauge for Saitek FIP
Boeing-ish Airspeed gauge for Saitek FIP (Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.03Mb (1203 downloads)
Replica of a 747 Airspeed gauge, mainly a new background and re-calibrated .xml. Read attached text file please.
Posted Dec 10, 2011 13:59 by Tony Lammi
DC8-62 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.86Mb (5820 downloads)
The aicraft reproduced in this package is a real DC8-62 flown by the author (logging some 8000 hours, including 3 years as flight instructor on the type) in the good old times and it features reflective metallic skin plus full animations. The livery is that of ALITALIA, Italian Air Lines , used In the late 60's. The panel background was created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found on the net and some material from the original Alitalia Flight Manual. The gauges layout of the panel is the one used by Alitalia, with some little changes due to sim restrictions. The Autopilot panel does not reproduce exactly the real one, but it is a modified B737 autopilot, to avoid boring pop-up windows. Most of the gauges are in .xml format while a few are in .gau format, expressely created by the author. Included in this model there is also a Virtual Cockpit, with working essential flight instruments and animated flight controls , plus camera views. Capt. I. D'Attomo
Posted Dec 10, 2011 13:05 by D'Attomo
Boeing YC14 Military Transport Aircraft
Boeing YC14 Military Transport Aircraft
Boeing YC14 Military Transport Aircraft (Category: FSX > Military)
4.13Mb (8461 downloads)
This STOL transport aircraft was designed by Boeing as an alternative to the Lockheed C130 in the seventies. Two prototypes were constructed and tested in competition with the YC15 from Mc Donnell Douglas (first flight in 1976). In despite of excellent performances, the project was cancelled and later on Boeing developped the C17 Globemaster. Original model by JR Lucariny, 2D panel wide and standard screen by Philippe Wallaert. Credits: JR Lucariny for his excellent work. Enjoy!
Posted Dec 10, 2011 12:44 by Philippe Wallaert
Presidential Helicopter of the Argentina UH60 Textures
0.77Mb (516 downloads)
Texture for ALPHA SIM UH 60 Bkackhawk helicopter in Argentina Presidential theme.
Posted Dec 10, 2011 12:38 by Claudio Tripe