All Files > Page 1758

FSX B29 Scenery Object
(Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
1.66Mb (946 downloads)
This is the B29 FSX Static scenery object for use in scenery design. The plane can be place in any scenery by any object placement tool. It comes in a library and also as a MDL. The B29 comes in one marking:US. The plane was modelled in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Dec 8, 2011 22:12 by Guy Diotte

BSSD Reims F406 Texture
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.18Mb (185 downloads)
Bering Strait School District texture only, for the payware Reims f406. Operated usually in the NW Alaska area. Thousands of hrs. flown carrying students and staff in remote Alaskan communities.
Posted Dec 8, 2011 22:06 by Jerry Giffin

Let C11 / Yak 11
(Category: FSX > Props)
19.94Mb (2172 downloads)
I've used Pavel Karasek's update of the Yak 11 and repainted it using 50% photoreal
textures and added lots more detail.
comes with a great sounds especially with
the sound up high, great VC ,a joy to fly.
repainted by Stephen Browning
Posted Dec 8, 2011 16:19 by Stephen Browning

Level D B767 SBA Texture
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
11.92Mb (616 downloads)
Photorrealistiic High Definition Texture Level-D Santa Barbara Airlines.
Posted Dec 8, 2011 15:38 by Trino Rojas

Level D B767 DHL Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
9.05Mb (745 downloads)
Photorrealistic Hight Definition Texture for Level-D Boeing 767.
Posted Dec 8, 2011 15:28 by Trino Rojas

Tinmouse Boeing 737-200 YV 268T VNE Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.70Mb (451 downloads)
Boeing 737 200 Tinmmouse II YV-268T textures.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 8, 2011 15:21 by Trino Rojas

Maddog MD80 YV-181T VNE Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
11.43Mb (454 downloads)
Maddog MD80 YV-181T VNE textures for the payware Maddog MD80
Posted Dec 8, 2011 15:15 by Trino Rojas

RAS Helicopter Missions Vol.2 - JetRanger - Tromso
(Category: FSX > Missions)
28.60Mb (2698 downloads)
Hi pilots,
Here is a mission for the Bell JetRanger. This missions is extract from the pack "RAS Helicopter Missions Vol.2".
-RAS Helicopter Missions Vol.2 – JetRanger – Tromsø (Norway)
-Estimated time to complete: 4 hours and more
-Aircraft: Bell 206B JetRanger
-Objectives: You are a pilot for the Norwegians coast guard. You will have to make a patrol above the North Sea. (Norway)
You are a pilot for the Norwegians coast guard. The small fishing boats went out today. You have to make a patrol along the Norwegian north coast. Weather conditions are very bad today. Radio communications are not very clear. Think of adjusting your altimeter. You will start at Tromsø airport. In this mission you will have to use your NAV.1. The first two doors are not indicated, it will be necessary to you to find them with your NAV.1.
Have fun.
Posted Dec 8, 2011 09:00 by Mathieu O'HARE

Views for the AlphaSim Sepecat Jaguar
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.05Mb (1693 downloads)
Reworked and additionnal views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for the beautiful Sepecat Jaguar, ex-payware by Alpha Simulations.
9 cameras pointing at the aircraft and a total of 2 views in the 3D cockpit.
See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures.
Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions.
And finally two more files - Available.pdf and Top 20.pdf for informations
about my "camera definitions" packages.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 7, 2011 22:56 by Marc Renaud

Concorde Quantas Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.66Mb (2700 downloads)
Quantas textures only for the "1 concorde final 2011-A" package from Libardo Guzman
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 7, 2011 21:01 by Hakan Saplakoglu