All Files > Page 404

Leme Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
40.94Mb (362 downloads)
This is the Leme airport, in the Sao Paulo countryside, Brazil.
Check the blog in the Readme file for more sceneries and updates!
Posted Feb 17, 2020 09:54 by Zed

FS2004/FSX Albatross DVa
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.20Mb (1562 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Albatross D.Va. The Albatross D.V. entered service in May 1917 and structural failures of the lower wing immediately occurred. The D.V's sesquiplane wing layout was even more vulnerable than that of the D III. The outboard sections of the D.V upper wing also suffered failures, requiring additional wire bracing and the fuselage sometimes cracked during rough landings. Owing to these problems, the D.V offered very little improvement in performance to the Albatross D III. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Feb 17, 2020 04:47 by A.F.Scrub

FSX/P3D AI Airliners Texture Pack V1.0
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
121.72Mb (1265 downloads)
This packages contains updated textures for all the default FSX AI airliners, including: the Dash8, the CRJ700, the MD83, the B737-800, the B747-400 and the Airbus A321. Every AI airlines now has a uniform livery across their fleet. Old FS9 liveries such as "American Pacific" and "SOAR Airlines" have been updated for a more modern look while retaining the classic colour schemes. Re-worked night textures for a softer white window lighting and a crisper tail logo lighting. With this pack your FSX AI airliner's traffic will look much more realistic. These are all the default aircrafts textures only, in DXT5 format, without the VC textures. Framerate should not be affected. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9). Not tested in P3D but should work correctly.
Posted Feb 16, 2020 06:08 by Philippe Marion

FSX/P3D Blackburn Firebran IV FSX Native
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.77Mb (1098 downloads)
Alphasim's Blackburn Firebrand IV in FSX native.
This is a mew set of models derived from Scrubby's FSX O/H, and my attemps at un-snarling the FS9 original. Materials updated, a new VC back to it's original state, 3D prop to bling up that, and custom armament options for 60lb RP3's, MkXVIII torpedo and 20 mm cannon.Armament from saved flight only, flights provided from RNAS Ford.
A period task group is included; CV HMS Indomitable, BB King George V, CC HMS Kenya, DD HMS 'C' class, with revised effects that turn off when stationary. Works in FSX and P3D up to V4.*. Big B-Z to Phil(, Scrubby, Stuart and Colin G.
Posted Feb 16, 2020 01:33 by LLS
FSX/Accel Pilotable German Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper
(Category: FSX > Misc)
24.04Mb (369 downloads)
The heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper was in service from 1939 until 1945. She joined many successful raids, mostly without damages by enemy fire. With a length of 205 m, a max. speed of 33 knots with 8 x 20.3 and 12 x 10.5 cm guns a powerful vessel. This is the pilotable version of Klaus Novak's converted WWII Kriegsmarine fleet from SOH. I added all necessarry files, a 2D nav-bridge, sounds and effects. Now you can explore the decks toggling through 28 camera views, including virtual decks views. Ai-vessel converted from Sketchup to native FSX by Klaus Novak. Repaint of the Prinz Eugen as Admiral Hipper, configurations and files for pilotable vessel by Erwin Welker
Posted Feb 15, 2020 04:23 by Erwin Welker

FSX Virgin Atlantic "Rain Bow" Airbus A350-1000
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.31Mb (524 downloads)
FSX Virgin Atlantic "Rain Bow" Airbus A350-1000 AGS V6.
New Animated Ground Servicing.
New static displays.
New winglets.
New wing root.
New landing / taxi soft light beams.
New 2D panel. (No VC)
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Feb 15, 2020 03:36 by Camil Valiquette

FS2004 Virgin Atlantic "Rain Bow" Airbus A350-1000
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.15Mb (254 downloads)
FS2004 Virgin Atlantic "Rain Bow" Airbus A350-1000 AGS V6.
New Night lights reflection.
New Animated Ground Servicing.
New static displays.
New winglets.
New wing root.
New landing / taxi soft light beams.
New 2D panel.
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Feb 15, 2020 03:33 by Camil Valiquette
YMHB Hobart International Airport, Tasmania
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
167.14Mb (159 downloads)
YMHB Hobart International Airport Hobart Airport is an airport located in Cambridge, 17 km (11 mi) northeast of Hobart. It is the major passenger airport in Tasmania. It is the 9th busiest airport in Australia and is serviced by all four major Australian airlines to most capital cities
Posted Feb 15, 2020 03:22 by uploader

FS2004 Patch For Boeing 314 Clipper With Interior
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
0.13Mb (226 downloads)
Patch for making my Boeing 314 Clipper with Interior flyable in FS2004. Requires the FSX-Addon! By Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 15, 2020 03:11 by Erwin Welker

Update for FSX of the SGA DC-9-10
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
28.42Mb (696 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the SGA DC-9-10.
I found that all the base models had the
positive and negative g-limits at the end of
the [airplane_geometry] section of the
aircraft.cfg file set to 0. This caused the
aircraft to crash on loading as everything in
the sim has at least 1 g of force on it most
of the time. After correcting that, I
corrected the contact points; fixed the
problem with the engines not running or
shutting down when the aircraft loaded; I
always start with them running, because of
doing the updates. For every update, I reload
the aircraft dozens of times. I updated the
flight dynamics; and added some gauges to the
panels. Includes the KLM textures by Ted
Posted Feb 14, 2020 07:56 by Bob Chicilo