All Files > Page 407

Brisbane Intl Airport - YBBN - Queensland, Australia
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.56Mb (1320 downloads)
Brisbane Intl Airport - YBBN - Queensland, Australia.
This is a reasonably accurate and up-to-date version of Brisbane Intl airport and made only for FSX users, do not use in P3D: This is for the many that requested this and those that cant wait, now included is the new runway 1L/19R and its associated taxiways, i had to take a guess at the taxi designators as there are no charts available yet, basic ILS approaches are added for it, I will update this airport as and when the charts become available to me, the main runway corrected to 1R/19L and the approaches corrected for it, the International and Domestic terminals rebuilt with something a little better than the stock airport, assigned parking as per their website where possible, including gates for the A380 (Gates 72,73,76) new control tower, runway 14/32 decommissioned, helipad with start location, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt, and many scenery objects and improvements added to further enhance this airport, airport views are from the roof the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. By Ray Smith
Posted Feb 7, 2020 00:26 by uploader
Key West Heliport
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
58.42Mb (285 downloads)
Key West Heliport for FS9
AFCAD files add Heliport QX3L to Key West NAS (KNQX) Airport, and helipad KWH3 to Key West Int'l (KEYW). also adds runways and parking to 6FL5 (Gulf of Mexico) and 61FD (Chalk's Key) seaplane runways.
traffic files add helicopter and fixed wing traffic to both airports.
Posted Feb 6, 2020 16:55 by Donald S McComb

Air Ontario CV580 textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
5.36Mb (238 downloads)
FS9/FSX Air Ontario textures for the Greg Pepper Convair 580.
Air Ontario textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Feb 6, 2020 16:51 by Gary Harper
Meigs Heliport for Fs9
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
45.19Mb (198 downloads)
Meigs Heliport for FS9
AFCAD file adds Heliport X36R to Meigs KCGX Airport.
2 traffic files add helicopter traffic to both airports.
Posted Feb 6, 2020 16:48 by Donald S mCcOMB

FSX/P3D3/FS2004 KLM 803 Viscount 1966 Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
6.40Mb (236 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Viscount 803 in KLM 1966 colors. The freeware Vickers Viscount 800 for FSX by Jens B. Kristensen (JBK) is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit dds for FSX/P3D3 users. FS2004 DXT3 BMP textures are included as well for FS2004 users who have the FS2004 version. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should also work on FSX, and P3Dv1-3. In June 1955, KLM placed an order for nine Vickers V.800 Viscounts, making it the first foreign company to order the type. They were to replace the Convair CV-340s and intended for use on the European network and a number of shorter intercontinental services to the Middle East and northern Africa. The nine Viscounts were delivered between 6 June and 23 December 1957. All aircraft were delivered in the old KLM "The Flying Dutchman" color scheme. From the early 1960s, all aircraft were equipped with the new KLM color scheme with the light and dark blue band across the hull with the slashes in the tail and in addition, red KLM with emblem. From October 1965 to November 1966 the KLM Viscounts gradually disappeared from the fleet. They were all sold to Aer Lingus of Ireland. A new color scheme was introduced in 1966, the blue stripes and white ball as depicted in this repaint. The few Viscounts that were still used by KLM, were repainted in this new color scheme in 1966.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:44 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D3/FS2004 KLM L-188 Electra 1966 Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
7.42Mb (279 downloads)
This is a repaint of the L-188 Electra in KLM 1966 colors. The freeware L-188 Electra by Libardo Guzman is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS for FSX/P3D3 . FS2004 DXT3 BMP textures are included as well. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE. It should work on FSX, FS2004, & P3Dv3. On February 29, 1956, KLM signed a contract with Lockheed for the delivery of 12 Lockheed L-188C Electras. KLM needed a number of aircraft with a larger flight range and greater capacity than its Vickers Viscounts and the carrier was not convinced that the Se-210 Caravelle was profitable, which proved to be false. KLM was thus the only European user of the L-188 as most major European airlines decided to purchase the Caravelles. The twelve L-188C Electras were delivered to KLM between October 10 1959 and December 14 1960. This is a repaint of PH-LLD which was delivered to KLM on 16 December 1959. In February 1969 it was bought by the U.S. carrier Universal Airlines, and converted to a freighter.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:43 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D KLM DC-9-32 1972 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.47Mb (170 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-9-32 in KLM 1972 colors. The freeware DC-9-30 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations (George Arana) native FSX conversion with VC of Erick Cantu's DC-9-30 is needed for this repaint (link provided). The textures are 32bit DDS. It was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FSX & P3Dv3.
KLM received DC-9-32 PH-DNH on 12 December 1967. It was the second DC-9-30 delivered to the airline. Christened "City of Zurich", it flew with KLM for 20 years before being sold to Midway Airlines in May 1987.
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:41 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D KLM DC-9-15 1967 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.72Mb (170 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-9-15 in KLM 1967 colors. The freeware DC-9-10 by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations (George Arana) native FSX conversion with VC of Erick Cantu's DC-9-10 is needed for this repaint (link provided). The textures are 32bit DDS. It was tested on FSX-SE, but should work on FSX & P3Dv3.
KLM is The Netherlands official carrier, and the oldest operating airline in the world. It was formed on 7 October 1919 by Dutch business and banking interests. It began operations 100 years ago this year, on 17 May 1920 with a flight from Amsterdam to London with a deHavilland D.H. 16. I am dedicating these 8 repaints of the KLM stripes and ball 1960s livery to an airline which began in the relatively small nation of Holland and is a giant in world aviation history, which has outlasted the likes of PanAm, TWA, Eastern, National, BOAC, Swissair, Sabena, etc. and is still going strong.
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:39 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D KLM DC-8-63 1970 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
23.97Mb (171 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-8-63 in KLM 1970 colors. The payware DC-8 50-70 pack by JustFlight is needed for this repaint. Textures are DXT5 DDS. This repaint was tested FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3.
The DC-8-63 (and DC-8-61) had a fuselage extension of 200 inches ahead of the wing and a 240-inch extension aft of the wing that increased the passenger capacity to a total of 269 passengers, which was quite a lot in the late 1960s, before the introduction of the 747. KLM operated a total of 11 DC-8 63s. This repaint is of PH-DEF which was delivered to the carrier in June 1969 and it was the last DC-8 in their fleet, before it was withdrawn from use in April 1985.
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:37 by Ted Giana

FSX/P3D KLM DC-8-53 1968 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
26.31Mb (247 downloads)
This is a repaint of the DC-8-53 in KLM 1968 colors. The payware DC-8 50-70 pack by JustFlight is needed for this repaint. Textures are DXT5 DDS. This repaint was tested FSX-SE. It should work on FSX & P3D v1-3.
KLM was a big Douglas/McDonnell Douglas aircraft purchaser. In fact, except for the Douglas DC-1, they are probably the only airline in the world to operate all models made by the Douglas company, from the DC-2 all the way to the DC-10, including the rare DC-5. As far as DC-8s go they operated 37 of them, more than any other jetliner type in their fleet. This repaint is of DC-8-53 PH-DCV which was delivered to KLM on August 19 1966. It was eventually sold to Garuda Indonesia in March 1974.
Posted Feb 5, 2020 03:35 by Ted Giana