All Files > Page 2983

Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section HH
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
62.32Mb (1153 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery
This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, HH, features the South East corner of the scenery. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouFX0R and LouFX1R.
By Jim Jones.
Posted Feb 12, 2009 07:19 by Jim Jones

Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section II
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
91.34Mb (779 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery
This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, II, features the South edge of the scenery. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouFX0R and LouFX1R.
By Jim Jones.
Posted Feb 12, 2009 07:03 by Jim Jones

Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section GG
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
77.54Mb (782 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery
This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, GG, features Long Run Park. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouFX0R and LouFX1R.
By Jim Jones.
Posted Feb 12, 2009 06:22 by Jim Jones

Boeing 737-800 Ryanair EI-DAP textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.04Mb (9889 downloads)
Ryanair EI-DAP textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800.
Jose Serro
Posted Feb 12, 2009 05:38 by Jose Serro

ALPHASIM F-84F Thunderstreak textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.37Mb (1064 downloads)
These are textures only for the ALPHASIM FREEWARE F-84F Thunderstreak package.
This repaint represents Republic F-84F Thunderstreak S/N 51-1659 as it flew in the markings of the 389th Fighter Bomber Squadron (part of the 366th Fighter Bomber Wing at Alexandria AFB, Louisiana) in 1955.
The original plane is now beautifully restored in these striking squadron colors and resides at the Combat Air Museum, Topeka - Kansas. / Jaap de Baare
Posted Feb 11, 2009 17:42 by Jaap de Baare

F-86D FSX Update
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.42Mb (1812 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
F-86D by David Wooster. I have updated the
flight dynamics and given it a different
panel if you wish to use it. I also added
afterburner effects, yes the D model had an
afterburner. You need the original aircraft
for this update to work. No virtual cockpit.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 11, 2009 13:48 by Bob Chicilo

Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section EE
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
73.05Mb (925 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery
This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, EE, features LaGrange KY and the WAVE TV tower. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouFX0R and LouFX1R.
By Jim Jones.
Posted Feb 11, 2009 04:47 by Jim Jones

FSX Acceleration F/A-18 HUD Mods
(Category: FSX > Panels)
0.85Mb (7632 downloads)
This package contains three different HUD glasses mods. It is intended for the Microsoft
Acceleration F/A-18 Hornet ONLY.
The purpose of this package is to give your F/A-18 a more realistic look by replacing its
HUD texture.
Very easy to install with my easy and detailed guide on how to do it
Posted Feb 11, 2009 04:06 by Enrico B

Boeing 747-400 Garuda Indonesia
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
14.07Mb (2765 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Garuda Indonesia. Uses the Boeing 747-400 V4 model by Project Opensky
Posted Feb 11, 2009 03:52 by Ryan C

Qantas Boeing 747-400
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.51Mb (8759 downloads)
Qantas Boeing 747-400. Uses the V4 Project Opensky model.
Posted Feb 11, 2009 03:49 by Ryan C